View Full Version : HAL is pissed off!

May 16th, 2006, 07:50 AM
Ok, here's the scoop. This week I've been over clocking my computer and tweaking. Its running like a spotted ape. Last night I extremely over clocked to get 6500 3DMark2006 scores. I'm more stable at 9% o'clocked at 5800. So I left it there. Core temps only around 37 degrees C so very nice (but I have a ton of fans in my computer, kinda noisy). As I finish up I shut down the computer happy and content at my technical prowess. I crawl into bed and snuggle up to the woman and let her know once again I'm the man. A good minute goes by and I'm starting to dose off. JUST THEN

VROOM!, the computer starts booting up. I sit up and say WTF!
Candace sits up and says without missing a beat. "I'm Scared Dave" <--very funny and I luagh for a good 30 seconds as it was a perfect 2001 space odesey quote at a great time. She lays back down adn says go make peace with HAL and make him turn off. Problem is I can't. HAL IS PISSED OFF! I appologive for over working him but HE WILL NOT DIE! Sometimes he'd stay shut off for 30 seconds, sometimes 2 minutes or so. But eventually he'd reboot. No errors and I can't figure it out. So after the last shut down I pull the power chord from the wall and yell, "COME BACK NOW MF'er"

I talked to Dirge this morning and he mentioned something about wake on LAN and that my router may be making it come back on so I'll check that in the BIOS when I get home. So from here on out I'm calling my rig, HAL 9000.

May 16th, 2006, 07:56 AM
Get it a red led light bar and call it KITT. lmao

You better make sure you don't piss him off too bad cause then the toaster and the 'nuke box' might start trying to get you too :e2

May 16th, 2006, 07:58 AM
What are you doing Dave?

May 16th, 2006, 08:11 AM
Andy I'm glad you told me that story because the same thing is happening at my house. I chaulked mine up as builder error of some sort. But sometimes in the middle of the night the damn thing will crank up on its own. I take it as a sign its time to play, so I get up and play a few rounds of BF2. After a few rounds I turn it off and it stays off. It only does it every few days and at different times of the day. But it only does it while I'm at home. Any ideas???

May 16th, 2006, 08:15 AM
LOL...oh that story brought a swell in the eyes...:laugh:
the mental images are too good.

May 16th, 2006, 05:44 PM
Yellowdog's brother-in-law had this problem but I cannot remember the fix for it. Maybe he will chime in on this.

May 16th, 2006, 06:00 PM
Solution.... a bucket of water and a box of salt. I put my personal stamp of approval that the beast will not come back on.

May 16th, 2006, 07:13 PM
Yellowdog's brother-in-law had this problem but I cannot remember the fix for it. Maybe he will chime in on this.

Yep, charlie had this problem, its a setting in the BIOS called wake on LAN, or Dial up... I think theres a few variations on the term, but you should see an option in BIOS to turn this off.

Andy while you were messing with the settings, you may have turned it on by accident.

Charlies was turned on by default when we set it up.

May 17th, 2006, 11:32 AM
Yep, charlie had this problem, its a setting in the BIOS called wake on LAN, or Dial up... I think theres a few variations on the term, but you should see an option in BIOS to turn this off.

Andy while you were messing with the settings, you may have turned it on by accident.

Charlies was turned on by default when we set it up.

No thats not it. My computer loves me and wants me to get up and play with him. MY computer thinks I'm cool and better than everyone else. MY computer told me this morning that we will be much happier together if I burn down all the houses in my neighborhood. Only then will we be together in peace.

May 17th, 2006, 11:56 AM
BS, you're scaring me - man am I glad I'm 1500 miles away from you, ya psyico!

May 17th, 2006, 01:21 PM
That's it. Jerry's not riding with me to the LAN.

May 17th, 2006, 08:17 PM
That's it. Jerry's not riding with me to the LAN.

Dont worry Andy, Just watch what you say when his computer is in the truck.
