View Full Version : Update on the M@|aCHi happenings...

May 10th, 2006, 08:38 PM
I am currently sitting on a chair on the balcony of a room on the 18th floor of the Marriott in Orlando Florida. From here I can see quite a bit of Disney World and Epcot Center that is just across I-4 from me and down below are about 20 babes in bikinis at the pool. Too bad I am here for a business convention here for the next 2 days and will not be able to be a tourist for the first time in 15 years. This sucks. However....all the NFL football coaches and certain NFL players are here to for an NFL meeting that is happing right now in the same hotel. I have been trying to scope for a few familiar names and faces, but security is being an arse right now. LOL!

Anyway, this trip was sprung on me at the last minute and I had to go which sucks cuz the wife is home 8 months pregnant and is about to pop.

Next week I will be in Myrtle Beach for yet another business convention...and for all yu's people from SC should know what next week is..hehehehe...Harley week and I have some good friends that I are going to show me what Harley week is really like. Woot!

As I mentioned before, the new role of fatherhood is getting here faster and faster. I am really excited. Too bad the baby is too bashful to show it's "goods". In 3 ultrasounds, we have not been able to tell the sex yet. But hey! that makes this more exciting! Carmen so far has had a wonderful pregnancy with a very active yungin. The only thing that we are concerned with is that the baby is transverse, meaning the baby is facing backings and is on it's side. This is a guaranteed C-section and Carmen wants to have a normal delivery (with the good meds of course!) She has like 7 weeks left, so there is time for the baby to get to its normal position.

Anyway....just giving you all a heads up on what is happening here lately and why I have not been involved as much.

Catch ya later!

May 10th, 2006, 09:03 PM
Sounds like fun mal, pictures of the babes plz!! Thatll get you your tourist tag, walking around with a camera taking pictures like an asian seeing his first american woman....

May 11th, 2006, 12:12 PM
Amen Justinn, get pics Mal. Also, don't rush the baby thing. Believe me you'll know what I mean when it comes. ONly if you have alot of family to help out and even then its a whole new world. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky dads who has the wife that lets the Dad get away with not changing diapers on feeding or cleaning up "stuff". I on the other hand was NOT so lucky. I'm glad my are getting older. The second (last) one is almost toilet trained now. Woohoo!

May 11th, 2006, 03:36 PM
Amen Justinn, get pics Mal. Also, don't rush the baby thing. Believe me you'll know what I mean when it comes. ONly if you have alot of family to help out and even then its a whole new world. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky dads who has the wife that lets the Dad get away with not changing diapers on feeding or cleaning up "stuff". I on the other hand was NOT so lucky. I'm glad my are getting older. The second (last) one is almost toilet trained now. Woohoo!



May 11th, 2006, 05:52 PM
LMAO yella!

May 12th, 2006, 09:01 AM
Lol, yeah, but they sure do listen when Dad pipes up.

May 12th, 2006, 09:06 AM
Twenty bucks says that baby is a girl. Only a girl would be so damn hard to get along with! hehehe

God luck, bro and hollar if ya need anything.

May 13th, 2006, 08:07 AM
Lol, yeah, but they sure do listen when Dad pipes up.

Well I would too, if " in the view of your 2 boys " You were about 18 Feet tall and 700 Lbs.
