View Full Version : BF:2142 interview

May 10th, 2006, 04:19 PM

<p><b>FiringSquad: First, why did the team at DICE decide to make a sci-fi future game for the next Battlefield project?</b>
<p><b>Marcus Nilsson</b>: We started thinking and talking about doing a futuristic version of Battlefield years ago. We knew that would give us some opportunities to make some game play changes and introduce new weapons and vehicles that couldn’t exist in the current setting. When we started the actual development about 18 months ago, we knew we were going to have fun with this. It’s also great to see that a futuristic Battlefield game is something that a lot of people in the community have been waiting for. Initially I totally thought that the great things would be the Battle Walkers and the neat new equipment, but we have also taken the through the gun experience further than ever before. It has never been more rewarding to shoot a gun in an FPS

<p><b>FiringSquad: Some people have commented that Battlefield 2142 looks in the screenshots like a Battlefield 2 total conversion rather than a real evolution in the series. How is the game being designed to be a true successor to Battlefield 2?</b>
<p><b>Marcus Nilsson</b>: There is actually more change between BF2 and BF2142 than between BF1942 and BF2. We deliver a brand new game mode, the most enjoyable to weapons and toys yet, and as I said, it has never been more rewarding to shoot a gun. We introduce the ability to build your own soldiers, more than 1500 combos to equip your soldier. We up persistence to an unprecedented level, offering everything from medals and pins to ribbons and batches. Also, try knifing someone…

<p><b>FiringSquad: How does the future setting affect how the gameplay will be handled in the game?</b>
<p><b>Marcus Nilsson</b>: We’re keeping things grounded in reality, so this isn’t Star Trek with lasers and such. However, we have some very advanced weaponry that will give players a lot of new toys to play with. Obviously the introduction of Battle Walkers will dial up the current rocks paper scissors gameplay that makes our experience so balanced. The addition of the Titans floating over the battlefield is something that has to be experienced firsthand before you can believe how much you will need to switch up your strategy. Teamwork has never been so important. Vehicles will still play as large role as always. We have had vehicles since 1942, we know how to make them add to gameplay and making the balance interesting. This is the 3rd generation BF and the vehicles feel better than ever.

<p><b>FiringSquad: What are some of the team's current favorite weapons and items in the game?</b>
<p><b>Marcus Nilsson</b>: The SD-8 Accipiter gun drone is the best friend of many people on the team. It’s great at watching your back as you assault the enemy, and is very powerful at close range. However, as with everything in the BF universe, the balance comes from the fact that it is terrible at long range, and makes it so you can’t hide anywhere as it is floating above your head. The active camo is another feature that, well executed, will make you feared on the battlefield. The greatest addition though is the ability to customize your soldier making every game different forcing alternate solutions to the action unfolding on the battlefield. This will force you to think carefully about how to approach opponents since you never know how they are equipped. Sides will this way be differentiated in a way you’ve not seen before in the world of Battlefield.

<p><b>FiringSquad: What graphical and physics enhancements will be put into the game?</b>
<p><b>Marcus Nilsson</b>: We have built in new rendering technology, and the mechs will employ new physics – it’s quite a unique view when you are inside the cockpit. We’ll have brand new snow and rain effects making the world very dramatic and dark. The year of 2142 is a dark one, fighting for survival is on the agenda.

<p><b>FiringSquad: Are there plans for any playable demos or beta tests for Battlefield 2142 to be released prior to the game's shipment to stores?</b>
<p><b>Marcus Nilsson</b>: We will be employing multiple Beta tests before ship. We’ll have more details in the future.

<p><b>FiringSquad: After Battlefield 2142 is released, the big question is "Where can the series go from here?"</b>
<p><b>Marcus Nilsson</b>: I’d say pretty much anywhere…. That’s the beauty of this universe, the game play support so many variations. As long as we believe the game will appeal to our core audience or expand it for more people to enjoy we’ll carry on the search for new ideas.

<p><b>FiringSquad: Finally is there anything else you wish to say about Battlefield 2142?</b>
<p><b>Marcus Nilsson</b>: We want the community to know we are committed to delivering the best possible experience, and we’re really looking forward to playing this online with everyone. We introduce a brand new game mode that changes the way you play. We will however still keep Conquest in there, knowing how much everyone likes it. The customization is going to give you a very broad experience, providing a fresh experience every time you play.
