View Full Version : Meritorious Service Medal

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
April 23rd, 2006, 08:32 PM
This is one most of us have forgotten about but should be fairly easy to get. Most of us have over 250 hours play time in so all you need after that is 1k on Heals, Repairs, and Supply points. Most of us are a good ways off but Heals and Supply points you can drop a bunch of them at a time. Repair points are the tougher ones to get because they take so long and you need to find something broken in order to fix it. Either way this is a medal we should all be shooting for.

I know I've been playing more Medic and Supply lately to help get my round points up, hours up in those kits, and teamscore up. BTW those 2 kits are great for the Pistol/Knife servers as nearly everyone needs healing, reviving, and more ammo. Great way to help you win gold in nearly any round on any server.

April 23rd, 2006, 11:53 PM
Right now X I'm focused on the Distinguished service medal. I need 18+ more command hours. Its a medal none of the BF2 lifers like Brent and BS have. It will be all mine. My precious.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
April 24th, 2006, 04:27 AM
I know you are Andy but since your a fighting commander you can play a kit that allows you to pick up some of those points anyway. I've found people don't pick up the heal bags even if they only have a couple bars of health. In the flip mode everyone and their brother will pick up more ammo. What I do that seems to help me get those points is I try to throw bags directly on the person. Or if I'm just dropping bags and hoping I'll drop them in pinch points like in a stairwell, a doorway, or alleyways and the like. That way I get a point and most of the nubs don't even realize they ran over my bag. This works especailly well on the city maps.

I was gunning for Distinguished Service too, but I don't play for a few hours a day so I'm waaaaay behind.

April 24th, 2006, 07:09 AM
I had a blast on one of those forementioned servers the other day. I was a medic and I threw out a few medic packs but mainly ran around with my shock paddles out - works good for up close kills too - I think my teams score after the first 5 minutes was 40 and by the end of the round I had a team score over 100 - "THIS IS HOW WE DO IT, BABY!"


April 24th, 2006, 07:24 AM
Yeah, I am X. I'm playing the support kit so I'm dropping ammo packs like hot potatoes. I don't get the points during the rounds but I am getting them towards the metorious medal. Hopefully I'll get my 18+ hours of command soon so I can get off the commanding kick for a while. I also can't wait to start really playing the medic kit as I've seen how BS racks up the points doing what you're saying.

April 24th, 2006, 08:40 AM
Man I make a good living as Medic. Especially on the city maps. I think once I get the rest of my time in on Engi and Support, I'm going to go back and stay medic exclusively. I don't even let the bodies hit the ground good before I bring them back to life. Not to mention healing yourself.

April 24th, 2006, 08:58 AM
great job guys. yeah the other day i played on the knife pistol server they finally had 2-3 good rounds no vehicles and no guns, a few arty here and there but that wasnt a big deal the guys with the shock padles where going crazy rezzing an zapping the enemy it was a blast.

finally got my basic and veteran pistol and basic knife i didnt stay long enough for the veteran knife but i almost have enough kills to go for my expert knife.
