View Full Version : TgZ/LA Merc Co-op

April 20th, 2006, 11:52 AM
Hey guys,
To refresh your memory, I'm mkramer1121 w/ TgZ. There is a bit of pessimissm about our server shutting down, etc, and what it will take to keep it going. Goose and Andy both mentioned why don't we co-op, since your server seems to be as dead as ours some days. I'm just here to grease the wheels, get this moving, maybe get some phone numbers, etc, so we can get this arranged. I don't know how I became the organizer, but I did, and I just don't want to see our servers die.

April 20th, 2006, 11:59 AM
Hey Mike...this is Mike

Goose and Andy are our reps for this...God help us... j/k
We are very interested in this as well, and it will be done very quickly.
They both have the blessing of the MERC leadership to do the right thing to accomplish our goal of having a nice BF2 server, that everyone can enjoy.

We look forward to joining you guys and developing an even more successful relationship then we already had.

April 20th, 2006, 12:08 PM
Thanks Mike, I appreciate the response. Wetzny made me paranoid I think, but hopefully everything's ok... :D

April 20th, 2006, 12:18 PM
gid er done guys!

April 20th, 2006, 12:51 PM
Ok lets get some facts
Darren, when will our current server subscription be up.
What size is our server and cost

Mike (mkramer1121) if you can get the same info from your group as to when you current server lease is up and what size server you have

we can then decide on which subscriber and size to use for the joint operation. We may even want to up our jont venture to a 64 man, but that's just a suggection. I don't see any complications as our group doesn't actively recruit and we play just for fun as it seems TGZ does too. After we get this settled then we decide admin stuff or anything else. I say we split everything 50/50. Mike can you sne dme the TGZ server graphic and Onji you do the same for us and I'll make a new one with both our logo/server grpahics split at a 45 degree angle 50/50. I think this is going to be great for both of us. Lets keep it going.

April 20th, 2006, 01:12 PM
I asked Ivan a few questions and he responded - here is the PM's

1) What is the price per month for the current server? ($200 and something?)

2) How many slots do you guys prefer? (smaller server with larger maps ... mid-sized (current size) ... large)

3) Naming and admin rights - just a suggestion on my part "Hurricane Alley" and paying people with a good bit of BF2 hours get admin.

I'm sure there will be other questions from both sides so I'm sure we'll keep in touch. IM is probably the easiest way to get in touch with me.


I think a 48 or 50 player server is the way to go. Just my opinion. Between you guys and our guys, that's more than enough to jump start any server. Whenever you guys show up on TgZ, and we're there, it gets full in nanoseconds

The cost of the server right now that I pay through Trinity Games is 200 a month, plus 15 for VoiP. I think ingame voip is good because it allows commanders and squads to speak (otherwise strangers would not be in any vent server).

As for admins, I have no problem giving admin to whomever you (or the head LAMerc guy) think it should be given to. There should only be two head admins (with full access) though. Everyone else can do anything they need to do, they just don't have full access to rcon stuff.

Naming is fine. I honestly don't care what we call it

April 20th, 2006, 01:13 PM
Ok, got some news for ya from Ivan:

"...the server's cost is 200$ a month, plus $15 for the VoiP. I'd go 64 player too, but that's up to the group. I would, however, strongly suggest we stay with Trinity games (where our server is) as I know the guy and he's very very helpful and we get great service."

Also, would you rather, instead of calling it the TgZ/LA Merc Server, what about modifying the name a bit? Ivan said Gulf Coast Warriors (Texas, LA), other suggestions, though on a joking scale, were Cajun Texans, Louisiana Girlz, Texan Mercenaries. Its just an idea, and can be worked out later, but it'd be somethin to think about.

Oh...and LOL Goose, at least we're getting somewhere!

April 20th, 2006, 01:57 PM
how about Texas,LA,Expeditionary,Force TLEF

April 20th, 2006, 01:58 PM

I think keeping the TgZ server address will be a good idea as I'm sure there are a lot of regulars that have it in their favorites list.

Modifying the name to be something neutral & common sounds good - a common graphic would probably be best as well. I would like to suggest that both clans and their web addresses get mentioned in the login message as well as a quick few rules - no asshatting, no base raping, no teamkilling and be nice!

I think 1 or 2 master admins from each side be assigned - I suggest Onji as one, he is da man! (and probably Ivan from TgZ) and 4 or 5 lower level admins to do kicks, map switches, and admin warning messages.

April 20th, 2006, 02:04 PM
I added a poll for the name on the TgZ forums under BF2 (texangirlz.com). This will give us an idea on what we should name it. I included TLEF and Hurricane Alley, any other suggesstions, leave as a reply to the post.

April 20th, 2006, 03:09 PM
Darren and Mike. Send me the server graphics and I'll cover that. I would like to stick to our curretn names as they hold a good status with a large number of players. A simple combined logo/server graphic split 50/50 at a 45 degree angle I think is fine for now.

An intro saying something simple like

LA_MERC & TgZ Proudly present the finest BF2 server in the South at (Insert IP here)

Server Rules below it

Give the TgZ website and the LA_MERC website and say visit both. Simple, Done!

Sounds like we should use the TgZ server provider with Darren and Ivan as the lead all powerful admins and give the rest the simple admin abilities of typing warnings etc (policing rights) to keep our server running like a well oiled machine.

April 20th, 2006, 03:36 PM
Awww....so we don't get to kick those obnoxious TKers?

April 20th, 2006, 03:41 PM
OH HELL YEAH! Their asses are gone quicklike!

April 20th, 2006, 03:42 PM
goose make them sit down

April 20th, 2006, 04:30 PM
LOL @ Gooser! Sounds like you all have something exciting going on here. Keep it up!

April 20th, 2006, 04:37 PM
ok ok....so i was thinking...and usually that means no good...so why dont we have something about katrina and the 9th ward.......i'm thinking:

Welcome to NOLA biocthes, think you got what is takes to make it out alive? FEMA cant help you now sucka!

just a thought...

April 20th, 2006, 05:20 PM
LOL Biggs...I dunno how that'd fly though

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
April 20th, 2006, 05:21 PM
LMAO at Biggs!

Usually we setup 1 or 2 super admins that can do anything and a handful of admins that can kick(not ban), change maps, type messages to the asshats.

April 21st, 2006, 07:24 AM
Darren and Mike. Send me the server graphics and I'll cover that. I would like to stick to our curretn names as they hold a good status with a large number of players. A simple combined logo/server graphic split 50/50 at a 45 degree angle I think is fine for now.

An intro saying something simple like

LA_MERC & TgZ Proudly present the finest BF2 server in the South at (Insert IP here)

Server Rules below it

Give the TgZ website and the LA_MERC website and say visit both. Simple, Done!

Sounds like we should use the TgZ server provider with Darren and Ivan as the lead all powerful admins and give the rest the simple admin abilities of typing warnings etc (policing rights) to keep our server running like a well oiled machine.

that sounds excellent!!!!!

April 21st, 2006, 07:47 AM
Darren. Send me our server graphic and if you can lets group all the BF2 stats together, MERC, TgZ, and the rest like abidabi and johncst. Thanks.

April 21st, 2006, 09:25 AM
I was amazed last night as to how quick the server got going. I was the first one on at 7ish, and we were basically rolling by 730. If this holds true, this is gonna be one heck of a partnership.

April 21st, 2006, 10:59 AM
Darren. Send me our server graphic and if you can lets group all the BF2 stats together, MERC, TgZ, and the rest like abidabi and johncst. Thanks.

here is our logo, one on black one on white, should be easy to cut out:

kramer, can you give us your clan logo? I have the one you use for the server. Can you send us the one you use like on your cafepress stuff? that one would go well. http://www.cafepress.com/texangirls.12248389

Attached is their server graphic. Here is ours if needed: http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/bf2/server/logo.png (these is the dementions you'll use andy)

April 21st, 2006, 11:30 AM
I'll see what I can do....

April 21st, 2006, 11:34 AM
I'm a little late getting to the party as usual. Sorry...

I'm all for changing the server info right away, and issuing admin accounts. Server name, description, tag, whatever...all that makes little difference to me as far as what you guys decide. I'm easy (don't tell my wife).

Let's talk pay. Right now, I pay the whole thing. I assume, and that's dangerous, that in merging armies :) we'll have some sort of spreading out of the cost.

I don't mind continuing to pay for the server, and then having everyone paypal me or whatever. What suggestions do you guys have?

The 48 player server is 215 per month. If you want to increase it to 64, we can, obviously at an increase in cost. I think the added cost will be $50. If I can get some of you to defray the original $215, I might think of taking on the extra $50 a month myself.

Let's discuss.

Oh, incidently, it's difficult to come to this site from work because I get my proxy filter saying "Games" and thereby blocking the site.

April 21st, 2006, 12:09 PM
Oh, incidently, it's difficult to come to this site from work because I get my proxy filter saying "Games" and thereby blocking the site.

There are ways around this problem....:)

I'll let the powers that be, take it from here!

(btw, my work has the same block, and as I type this....I'm at work :) )

April 21st, 2006, 12:48 PM
Oh, incidently, it's difficult to come to this site from work because I get my proxy filter saying "Games" and thereby blocking the site.

Try this link at work Ivan: http://www.zerogrounds.net/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/www.lamerc.com

That goes thru an anon proxy.

April 21st, 2006, 12:48 PM
Well, you could tell me how instead of being cryptic! :)

April 21st, 2006, 01:30 PM
hey how about a link to eachother web page to move back and forth just an idea

April 21st, 2006, 01:35 PM
<a href="http://www.texangirlz.com/forum/index.php?showforum=54" target="_blank">Here is where those TgZ guys are!</a> :D

April 21st, 2006, 02:27 PM
All very good points guys. I really enjoyed the play last night. I do think we need to pay a little better attention to balance and it seemed to get better after Ivan smacked me around for being a boon. No problem. I should have known better than to pound the U.S. Carrier with arty when they didn't have any other spawns. It was just like a T-bone in front of a dog. It was hard to lay off. All in all though we filled the server up quick. As for pay Ivan we have a paypal account set up that we all conrribute to to pay our server. I'm not sure but Darren (Onji) could answer whether or not we could just transfer from our paypal to yous for our portion of the server. If not I don't mind sending the money straight to you Ivan. I see this only getting better.

April 21st, 2006, 03:17 PM
BTW Andy, I was amazed with your "fighting" Commander skills. You UAV'd, arty'd, scanned, and resupplied all while gunning for me in the chopper. Quite a feat.

April 21st, 2006, 05:45 PM
You guys ROCK!!

Oh, and Kramer is a forum spammer....lol

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
April 21st, 2006, 06:15 PM
BTW Andy, I was amazed with your "fighting" Commander skills. You UAV'd, arty'd, scanned, and resupplied all while gunning for me in the chopper. Quite a feat.

Target originated that theory but we have all adopted it. As long as you can communicate with the pilot of the heli/jet you can still do all your commanding fine, just have to get your timing down. Target and Andy are probably the best, the rest of us and still getting better.

April 22nd, 2006, 02:45 PM
I can't stand to sit still and command. At one time, I had everything timed to how long it took to recharge and I dropped crates, uav's and arty all while defending flags, cap flags and driving vehicles.

Sounds like this will be fun. If you guys pay around 200 for the server you have now, what are their prices on a 50 man server?

Do we know how many from each side that will be contributing to this?

I've always enjoy playing with you guys and have even played with you on some of the other servers in my favorites.

April 22nd, 2006, 10:50 PM
I belive Ivan said to make it 64 players it is another $50. I know myself, Ivan, chi_townz, and wetzny, and maybe even nbl are going to donate. Thats at the very least. I'm having a friend draw up a new TgZ logo for the server as I can't for some odd reason track down the cafepress one. I'll shoot it over Monday. This is gonna be fun!

April 23rd, 2006, 10:29 AM
Hey Mike. Thanks for the compliments. It's partially due to good flying too. Without someone piloting well like you were its hard to be an effective gunner. As for commanding while gunning its not too difficult. You just have to make sure you don't drop teh command console at critical times. It also helps that I have a ton of commander hours logged so I know the timing on everyhting like Target mentioned. I hate that the latest patches nefed the commander role to the tune that I can't get points for kills or caps. I still do it as it ultuimately leads to my team winning and me getting the double up score. I'm looking forward to playing agin with you guys. Tons of fun.

April 23rd, 2006, 01:26 PM
We're gonna try to get a game going around 3 or 4 CST today, hope to see you guys there.
