View Full Version : Good Bye F14

April 19th, 2006, 08:10 AM
That's right peeps. They have officially retired the F14 Tomcat. I guess this means no sequel for Tom Cruise. I live very close to Pensacola which is a main stay for the Navy's x premier long range interceptor. Upgraded technology has made the Tomcat obsolete. Its a sad day in Navy aviation because the F14 just looks mean. They have one on display at the Pensacola Navy Air Museum, which by the way, rocks. I guess I can hold on to the solice that my favorite jet the A10 warthog still stands strong and has recently ben upgraded with night vision instrumentation. I grew up in central Louisiana near England Air Force base which was home of the Warthog for many years before the air base shut down. The sound of the 30mm front gattlin gun was a sound you couldn't mistake when they did their fire runs and you were in town. I was sad to see that air base shut down. Still, with the sucess rate of the A10 in the gulf its still the premieir attack jet. Enough about the A10. Did I tell you that they retired the F14. man that sucks.

April 19th, 2006, 08:38 AM
yeah that was my favorite gi joe vehicle too...it was so cool
I assume the f-18 super and eventualy the f-35 will replace it?

April 19th, 2006, 11:32 AM
i heard soemthing like the f-22 (but not the 22 of course) will be the navy's workhorse.

the navy dont like the single engine f-35. the f-35 however will be used by the marines.

The a-10 is scheduled to remain in service till at least 2025...which is freaking awesome....20 more years...that jet is already like 40 years old.....i love the a10...ohhhhhhh

i heard all this from my boss who is a navy guy....he also told me that the ballistic missiles subs that were retired are now being retrofitted for use by the Navy seals and army SF......awesome .....those subs will serve as the seals home base with up to like 150 tomahawk missile..holy friggin monkeys....

iran here we come....covertly at least

oh and you guys dont know but i will tell ya.

there is a chance i will join the army, go to officer school, then ranger school, then SF school......freakin want it bad. from what i understand the army sf is in need of officers so if the paperwork is right i can almost be garunteed a slot in school anyway.....this i sall assumeing i gradiate form lsu in 3 weeks....

April 19th, 2006, 01:17 PM
Hey good luck man, no one could/should argue with that decision, good luck in whatever you decide, just make sure it is after the LAN :P

April 19th, 2006, 03:47 PM
A friend of mine is in flight school right now and he said that the F-22 (or whatever) will probably be the next big thing. Then again, with some of the kick @$$ planes that they are retiring, the new planes must be SUPER sweet or something.

April 19th, 2006, 05:16 PM
well the only thing that would stop me from doing it is........i have the chance to work with a big time contractor/developer who is pretty much my idol. if i get the job i will basically be his apprentice and learn the ways to be filthy rich....that is the only thing that will keep me from my dream....army special forces. so i shall see what happens in the upcoming weeks...
