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April 12th, 2006, 11:32 AM
The Truth about seconda hand smoke...


Feel free to use this the next time some cigarette nazis make absurd claims about your health and second hand smoke.

April 12th, 2006, 02:41 PM
Please don't take this personal.

I don't care about possibility of lung cancer. I care about the stench it causes. When I chewed, I would get in fights all the time because of smokers. They blow smoke in my face, I spit on their shoe. Guess what, Spitting on your shoe won't give you any diseases. Doesn't make it right though. Smokers are just passive agressives. They know that smoking near someone is annoying, but they hide behind the "it ain't illegal" line. Doesn't mean it is right though. Drinking is not illegal, but driving at the same time is. Smoking is not illegal, but blowing smoke into the air next to someone who elects not to smoke should be. You can try to beat this subject till you have emphezema, but it won't come up with any other results. Smoking is an intrusive act that cannot be duplicated by any other. Any other act where you can cause damage to someone's property or "invade" their space will get you a ticket. I work at a Veterinarian office. Do you think if I collected some "dish soap" bowel movements, dumped it in a weed sprayer, and puffed mists of the aroma into a crowded area I will not get arrested. Guess what....it won't hurt you or cause lung cancer. Doesn't make it right.

Now someone please come in for the smokers and debate the other side. I just want to know why smoking in public should be allowed, and you cannot say "cause it is legal." Give me the good things that come out of smoking in public. I believe that bars and casinos ahould be allowed. I have the right to not go in the establishment.

April 12th, 2006, 03:14 PM
..since you used to chew I know you used to throw your old chews out any freaking place youre at....How gross is stepping in somebody's old chew? And you complain about the "stench" of cig smoke. WOW! I am a considerate smoker and dont inflict my vises on others. But If Im in public away from the crowd and light up....STAY AWAY FROM ME AND DONT WHINE!!!!!!. Youre slowly killing me driving that gas guzzling, air quality ruining, ozone depleting, suburban... with room for 16 that never has more than 3 people in it!. BLAH BLAH BLAH dont get me started boi :stick....hugs and kisses

April 12th, 2006, 04:10 PM
Are you talking to me?

Are you wasting my time?


As a matter of fact.......NO I did not......It is against the law to do so Bender Boy. I used to chew cope' and ate it like candy. Put one in the morning then keep adding to it throughout the day. Never had to take one out. Even chewed through lunch, dinner, whatever. Quit being such a VICTIM and accept that the general population doesn't like you.:stick XOXOXO

April 12th, 2006, 04:44 PM
Youre slowly killing me driving that gas guzzling, air quality ruining, ozone depleting, suburban... with room for 16 that never has more than 3 people in it!. BLAH BLAH BLAH dont get me started boi :stick....hugs and kisses

lol so very true :D

April 12th, 2006, 05:05 PM
i hate when your walking behind some one and they are smoking andi gotta smell that crap...makes me wanna shoot em

April 12th, 2006, 06:09 PM
Are you talking to me?

Are you wasting my time?


As a matter of fact.......NO I did not......It is against the law to do so Bender Boy. I used to chew cope' and ate it like candy. Put one in the morning then keep adding to it throughout the day. Never had to take one out. Even chewed through lunch, dinner, whatever. Quit being such a VICTIM and accept that the general population doesn't like you.:stick XOXOXO

LIAR!!! I know yer nasty arse did it. Dont act all goody goody I know better. You are 1 of the laziest people I know and I know you wouldnt walk anymore than you had to, to spit that crap out. :supplaya:

April 12th, 2006, 07:32 PM
As a guy who works in the health industry, first I'd like to say thanks to the smokers for all the business you send us.

But this might sound sadistic but I actually like putting in a breathing tube in a smoker because his lungs are crap. I think to myself, "You loved smoking a small cancer stick now you can smoke on this tube for awhile." They only have to keep it for a couple of days or until they die.

April 12th, 2006, 07:35 PM
LIAR!!! I know yer nasty arse did it. Dont act all goody goody I know better. You are 1 of the laziest people I know and I know you wouldnt walk anymore than you had to, to spit that crap out. :supplaya:

First off speedy gonzales, are you trying to say that you are not lazy?

Second: If you could read you backwoods, illiterate(<means you cannot read), honky, redneck, binder bender driving, hickboy, you would see that I didn't spit it out. I just continued eating it all day. If you can't handle the juice don't chew the snuice.:stick

Third: What Biggs said:gandalf:

Fourth: You still stink.:eek:

Fifth: You are addicted to sucking nasty gas out of a butt.:mex

Sixth: It is not the cigarette that kills, sickens, makes stink, colors the person yellow, its the smoker.:wav

Seven: James Dean is dead, it is not cool anymore.:e2

April 12th, 2006, 07:44 PM
I, for one, just had nice, first-hand, Romeo y Julietta and am quite happy about it!

April 12th, 2006, 08:54 PM
now, cigars are different...ohhhhh i love cigars...even those little cigarillos.....only on special occasions of course.

special occasions include: birthdays, new years, christmas, all major holidays, tailgating at LSU football games, when drinking 18 year or older glenlivet (french oak included), and if i get the chance to sleep with jessica alba

April 13th, 2006, 06:47 AM

gotta love healthy discussion.

Okay, back to the issue at hand. The reason I posted this is that we are currently under an assault on smoking, citing the dangers of second hand smoke. Well, the fact is the WHO can't find any dangers of it, so why are orginizations ramming lies down your throat? Well, it's not a stretch to assume smoking would only be the first battle in an ever escalating battle over what "may" offend someone.

Also, this is the perfect counter-foil to those who cite second hand smoke as dangerous. Just as there are those :stick who say being "legal" isn't a good enough excuse, well then just being offensive isn't a good enough reason to outlaw. :)

Oh, and I don't even smoke, it's just a matter of personal freedoms. Now if a private restaraunt or bar says no smoking, hey that's their right, but public property should remain free.

And I do like me some cigars.

April 13th, 2006, 07:28 AM
As a non-smoker as well (With the exception of a good cigar or mary jane from time to time) I can say that personal freedoms can only go so far. In the next sentence you could say that is I want to stroll through the park naked I should be allowed too. I'm not hurting anyone (unless they get within a few feet and something swings around and nocks them down), LOL. Their has to be limits and smoking is offensive to people around you. Smoke at home on YOUR property and in Public as long as no one complains. I grew up in a house where EVERYONE but me smoked, Dad, Mom, Brothers, sister, Aunts, Uncles, Grandmother, Grandfather, Basically everyone in my world but me and I'm healthy and happy. I say that smokers should be allowed to smoke in public but should adhere to a proximity law. Maybe we could wear badges that say "Non-smokers, stand back 15 feet", LMFAO. But it will boil down to whether the smoker or non smoker is bigger. I'm 6'4" 240 pounds of twisted steel and pure sex appeal", when I tell the smokers to snuff it out, they usually listen. Reed is the only one that tells me to **** off and lights up. LOL.

April 13th, 2006, 08:06 AM

gotta love healthy discussion.

Okay, back to the issue at hand. The reason I posted this is that we are currently under an assault on smoking, citing the dangers of second hand smoke. Well, the fact is the WHO can't find any dangers of it, so why are orginizations ramming lies down your throat?

kinda like global warming through carbondioxide,ain't it .
or if conquer now saying "ain't proven" take the fact that carbondioxide levels in the atmosphere influence acid levels in the oceans.
you can imagine what that means i guess.still people are being bull****ted about consequences as long as there is a single drop of oil left to burn.

April 13th, 2006, 09:47 AM
Just remember that the most prevalent (and influential) global warming gas is actually water vapor.

There was an interesting article put out recently in the UK that showed actually cooling since 1988.

At any rate, it's hard to say that car emissions lead to global warming when a single volcanic eruption can throw more "greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere than all vehicles in history to date.

The fact of the matter is that the sun is the keeper of our global temperature and yes it fluctuates. Remember the ice age(s). Humans actual influenece on the warmth (or coldness) of the planet is a egotistical overreach. If we had that much power, we should be able to stop hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.

April 13th, 2006, 10:19 AM
Just thought you might want to look at this article


The Lancet is one of England oldest and most respected medical journals. So I kinda believe this one. I'm not saying there is a direct link between second hand smoke and cancer. It just raises the chances of someone getting cancer who is already prone to aquiring it because of his genetics/other environmental conditions.

If a person wants to smoke go he or she should be able to. But when the smoke affects others such as in a public restaurant or in our taxes (ie the public having to pay for healthcare for those with cancer from the cigarettes) then there should be limitations on them smoking. In Fl you cannot smoke indoors and I thought that was stupid when they passed that law (they were actually trying to take it a step forward and include households). You get used to not smelling like a cigarette after going to a bar or restaurant and it's quite nice. Bars and restaurants that wanted smoking clients had to build pattios and such.

April 13th, 2006, 10:41 AM
Dirge i wasn't trying to start a global warming discussion i was just trying to make a generall point .

April 13th, 2006, 11:07 AM
heh my bad.

And remember there are no public resturaunts. ;)

April 13th, 2006, 12:11 PM
True Robby, but we do have the ability to drastically change our world. If a nuclear war broke out. All this crap would not matter at ALL and the world would be drastically changed. But you are correct the influence of humans thus far could easily be erased with major natural occurences.

April 14th, 2006, 06:10 PM
I Smoked for 15 years. I quit 3 years ago. Now If I am drinking heavily, then I will smoke while im drinking, but the next morning I pay the price for it. I still dip copenhagen though. The second hand smoke thing doesn't really bother me too bad, but I notice now that I can smell smokers a mile away. For instance, people I worked with for years, I never noticed the smell of ciggarettes on them, until I stopped smoking. Now that I quit smoking, as soon as they walk into the room I smell old ass dingy smoke smell. I look at it like this, second hand smokers need to drop a few dollars into the fund jar if they are going to keep mooching smoke off someone elses cigarrette. Not sure if I agree with banning smoking in resturants and public buildings. If we are going to to do that, lets bann the things that really annoy you while your eating, like:
That guy who screams into the damn cell phone..... *****
Kids who are unsupervised. You know the one I'm talking about, the kid that is standing at your table watching you eat.
Non bathing persons.... nasty ases
The one guy sitting at a 6 chair table as you watch from the waiting area.
The people that think they need to block the door and talk for 10 minutes on their way out.
Old people at the buffet line. This line is for speed and convienance, not slow and undecisive.
Non tippers.

April 15th, 2006, 08:25 AM
I aint EVEN getting involved in this one... :)

April 15th, 2006, 09:18 AM
I aint EVEN getting involved in this one... :)

Me either. LOL! :H :smokin :smokin :peace1:

April 17th, 2006, 08:32 AM
BS lol so true...
BAN em all old farts, little nasty snot balls, tight arses, grungy f*cks, loud cappin, & smelly smokin d:cks.

It will not solve world peace but it is a start :laugh:

April 17th, 2006, 12:00 PM
Well damn, I just knew this would be a fun one for James but he tapped out. *****!

Speak the word brother James!

April 17th, 2006, 12:21 PM
It happened to me again today !!!!!! Some old ass man wouldn't get the hell out of the way so I could get the mashed potatos. OMG, I thought his ass was going to die at the buffet line. Even after he got his damn tators, he just stood there looking around. I should have dropped down in a three point stance and plowed his 80 year old ass.

April 17th, 2006, 12:40 PM
It happened to me again today !!!!!! Some old ass man wouldn't get the hell out of the way so I could get the mashed potatos. OMG, I thought his ass was going to die at the buffet line. Even after he got his damn tators, he just stood there looking around. I should have dropped down in a three point stance and plowed his 80 year old ass.

next time ,just tap on his shoulder and whisper in his ear that there is some kind of free give away around the korner .he'll be gone before u can say "Tators".

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
April 17th, 2006, 03:04 PM
No smoking in restaurants in Delaware, which is freakin great IMO. I hate going to a bar and coming home smelling like someone else's smoke. Maryland doesn't have any laws about this yet.

April 17th, 2006, 03:13 PM
Yeah in due time all the restaurants will be smoke free...w00t
