View Full Version : Baghdad Burning

April 4th, 2006, 04:30 PM
A unique perspective on events. The not so pretty picture of what goes on day to day in Iraq. We were so not prepared for the chaos that would come by destabilizing the country. We own it now. Just hope we can get out at some point.


April 5th, 2006, 03:59 AM
you know what Spark i am starting not to care about the whole Iraq thing anymore .i know that is pretty ignorant ,but i have been pissed about this for so long .
the only thing that really still bugs my mind is that now we wasted all the resources on Iraq which we need much more to to take out the real dangers like Iran .

April 5th, 2006, 07:15 AM
Were to the point of citing blogs? aye carumba!

Spark's a little disgruntled about things. Hey man, just grab your hammer, float some rock and come to the square on Wednesdays!

April 5th, 2006, 10:55 AM
i got a few buddies that serverd or are presently serving in Iraq. they all tell me they really are doing the right thing over ther.....those are the people i listen to about the situation in Iraq.....blogs, tv news, radio news, and print dont mean shi0t to me.

April 5th, 2006, 12:00 PM
I'm with you Biggs. I know quite a few people who just got back and they say we're doing really good things over there, but of course you don't hear about them b/c it's not sensational enought for tv or the newspaper. I don't beleive half what the tv or paper says any more, after working at Charity hospital and finding out what really happens in some of the accidents, murders and such. Totally different story when you speak to the actual people involved.

April 5th, 2006, 02:33 PM
. Totally different story when you speak to the actual people involved.

LMFAO! Well...given the fact that this little lady LIVES there.... you'd think she would be one of the ones most qualified to have an opinion!

Look... I'm not getting my asshat ready for my trip to the National Democratic Convention here. I just thought it was interesting to hear what someone with a little bit of an education an the misfortune of living in that hole has to say about day to day life there right now. I've spoken to people involed..several people i went to college with are serving and keeping everyone posted about the goings on. This is not some random blog from some turd waving the commy flag at a fukin ralley against the war in California..It is from a person that is living in not so free and in control Iraq. Plain and simple. The thing that I find interesting is the fact that this woman was a network admin that worked side by side with men at the same pay rate before being "LIBERATED", and now she cant work because they cant gaurantee her safety. There IS a power vacum in Iraq. Religious fundamentalist are crawlin out of the woodworks vying for power, and imposing their forms of islamic law on the poplulas. NONE of the claims in this blog are so outrageous that they are obviously trash. I take EVERY thing with a grian of salt people. You get little pieces of this picture when you gather information from an asortment of places. Yes news is 90% crap these days, but you don't hear or see the news printing the type of stuff you see in this womans journal. If you think Iraq is all roses you are smokin. It IS bad. We had no plan for the type of resistance we would see after we thouht it would be over. And it's stupid of our leaders to think it would turn out any different..... WE traind most of these people to fight the way they do. I mean what the hell did they think would happen when we lifted the boot off of all these different religious zealots? LAMO! what? they were all just gonna slap down some rugs and have a prey fest???? dummies..This isn't a war bashing post per say... or a Bush bashing post. It IS an opportunity to try a see exactly what IS going on. Just a peak from another veiw point. Is it credable? Choose for yourself, but only after you investigate. Don't just dismiss it as garbage from the get go. You can't gather information from one data point and call it truth! And you certainly can't rely on what your buddies that were there know about how much BETTER it is there.... they have no idea what it WAS like. All I know is we are there, and in Afganistan and it aint such a pretty picture. And if you believe for one second that America is any safer now then is was before we stormed in and claimed victory in Iraq you are just plain silly. All the bull**** TSA and Homeland security grabage is useless when confronting sigle man or small group with a purpose. The best thing we've done to hault these kinds of attaks was to go after the money and the actual problem. Afganistan was the right move. Iraq.... well wasn't necessary, and we will be paying for it for a LONG time to come. Either that or we just leave and let the natives sort it out with some civil war action. Hell... I'm down with it... roll out of that biotch and ask who to cut the check for oil to on the way out.

April 5th, 2006, 04:59 PM
I wasn't speaking of this link in particular spark. I was talking about the media hype of everything that goes on....a generalization on the media's intent to get viewership.

As far as the war/occupation goes, I don't know whether it is or will ever be worth the trouble that we are going through. Each individual it affects has to decide whether it was worth it. And the Iraqi's themselves have to decide if it was any better.

April 5th, 2006, 06:42 PM
yeah sparky, i was just saying in general not so much as a reply to what that lady wrote. i pretty much have just given up on media, period.

but i think since we are there we might as well just protect the oil and take it for free. lol....why not?

i think the only way to see if this war in Iraq is a good decision is to wait and let history play out.....in maybe 40-50 years we might be able to see the true affects of this...my opinion anyway.

April 6th, 2006, 04:14 AM
i got a few buddies that serverd or are presently serving in Iraq. they all tell me they really are doing the right thing over ther.....those are the people i listen to about the situation in Iraq.....blogs, tv news, radio news, and print dont mean shi0t to me.

my best friend served there for a year as well and he tells me pretty much the exact opposite(is less optimistic about the situation) .
they are doing the right thing ,there is no question about ,but is it actually working ?will there actually be a democratic government in Iraq in lets say ,5 years ? will the insurgent asshats be "defeated " ,will there be a somewhat normal life for the iraqi people in lets say 5 years ?
i not to confident about that .
i mean sure Sadamm was a naughty boy and he deserves to take an acid bath ,but i think we should have never gone to iraq while Iran is bulding Nuclear weapons.
we should have saved the bombs and thrown them on Khatami and his mullahs.it was to much of a gamble ,since there was as much evidence that Sadam had WMD's as there where that he didn't .what what we did/do know is that Iran is working on nuclear tecnology.
