View Full Version : Talk about a bad night

March 30th, 2006, 08:49 AM
Last night HAD to have been one of the worst nights for me in BF2 - EVER! I started playing around 3 - within 30 minutes I was kicked off a server for teamkills - damn stupid ass people that stand in front of a plane KNOWING you're taking off. So after that I left - took care of a few things. I returned a few hours later to find Andy, BS and a few others on so I joined the 260 Pimp Shack with them - a round or two later I spawn next to a LAV so I take it. Drive for a few minutes and get killed. So I spawned at the same place again and jump in the LAV when it spawned - this guy jumps in with me and tells me to get out - yeah right. He goes on how I got it last time, this one was his, get out. I blow it off and then I get kicked - WTF! ON HELL NO! I wait my minute a go back in. Andy, the man's got my back, and even as the commander he's still talking smack to this ass hat. So I say something to the effect of being a cry baby - "I wasn't crying, I was enforcing the rules" - sure sounded like a cry baby to me - BANNED! woohoo! Andy, the man's got my back again! BOOTED! So, we find another server - Andy's commanding and driving an LAV and doing rather well too - KICKING LAMERC ANDYCONDA - Commander command, not drive. OH HELL NO! Smack talking began - two admins told me to hush so I left. Next server, after 5 rounds or so everyone left after several triple digit losses - glad there weren't any admin on - we'd been kicked from there too.

March 30th, 2006, 09:33 AM
LMFAO, oh how true it is Alan. We had some fun. Ask anyone who was on the server, as soon as you got kicked I was laying down the smack. Refered to them as queer pole smokers and that got me banned. The second one was even better. I'm trying to get my expert command badge so I command but I can multi task so I like to ride in a tank, LAV, helo, or bomber as I can command and gun very well. This particular server I'm gunning in the MEC chopper. I'm dropping UAV, Art, and supplies perfectly, Our team is owning. On top of that I'm raking in kills as the MEC gunner. I had 28 kills before anyone else had double digits. My arty was on the money, every time. JUST ASK DAEDELUS, LMFAO. and this guy piloting tells me Get out or he'll kill me, my choice. So of course I don't get out. He nose dives the helo but of course I bail out before he crashes, LOL, he dies and I don't. Were close to the helo spawn so as soon as he soawns he gets the helo again but I'm waiting with a vodnick. I type You can die like an ass hat, YOUR CHOICE" and I gun him down as he tries to fly off. I'm an engineer so I mine the vodnik I'm in and start running away. PERFECT TRAP as he spawns, sees me and tries to get the vodnik and get me BOOM. As he respawns I got the MEC chopper as a pilot turned the helo to where I could F2 into the gunner chair and powne him as he respawns. EACH time typing you can die like an ass hat, your choice, LMFAO. I was shortly kicked there after for too many team kills, but it sure was fun. Don't **** with me becuase I'll drop an ass hat team mate without blinking an eye. I know my spot fool. LMFAO, good times Goose. I will be on again tonight.

March 30th, 2006, 11:24 AM
thats what i like to see fellas....good work!
