View Full Version : My generation suxors

March 28th, 2006, 04:44 PM
ok after serious discussions in a clas today i realized that my generation is made up of a bunch of naive, dumbarse, almost down right marxist, and socialist idiots.........

i fear that our country could some how be horribly affected in the future when this generation comes to power.......

ahhhhi have a huge headache from this.....

March 28th, 2006, 05:13 PM
Every genrations has its idoits, we just have to try and kill them off before they come to maturity, if they make it that far, thats when the real bad ones become liberals, and hopless one become democrates.

March 29th, 2006, 06:17 AM
nah, it's just the young skulls full of mush in the liberal leaning professors... The ones that work for a living get it, or will.

March 29th, 2006, 07:14 AM
ok after serious discussions in a clas today i realized that my generation is made up of a bunch of naive, dumbarse, almost down right marxist, and socialist idiots.........

i fear that our country could some how be horribly affected in the future when this generation comes to power.......

ahhhhi have a huge headache from this.....

lol! We are and have been headed for Social Democracy. We will end up like Europe. Worst thing is people WANT it that way. With the asshat we have in office now we will probably see a huge swing. The Liberals are a coming for sure. We need to get this dude OUT of office. 2008 cannot come fast enough.

March 29th, 2006, 07:38 AM
I say we remove warning labels and let nature take it's course!

March 29th, 2006, 08:38 AM
amen, gooser

March 29th, 2006, 10:16 AM
That is what I have been saying all along.

March 29th, 2006, 10:59 AM
bah liberals.....bah

March 30th, 2006, 10:00 AM
Don't even get me started on liberals. The older I get the more I realize that the world is swamped with these idiots Brent and its up to us to BEAT some sense into them. They need to seperate a liberal ideology from government. A government can not be liberal or it will self distruct. I'm pretty liberal minded in that I believe things like a woman should have the right to do with her body what she wants but we can not have radical left wing crack addicts lead our governmetn and give everyhting away and let everyone go off and think they don't have to work for a living. I think we're far from a bipartisan government. I think we should start Andyism as a seperate political race that would put a stop to all this bull****. Crack a few skulls and throw down when you needed and all this crap would go away. AHhhhhhhhhhh, I'm on my soap box now. DIE LIBERALS!

March 30th, 2006, 10:04 AM
I will have to say I was wrong though. George W. Bush is a ****ing idiot. James is right. 2008 can not come soon enough. Damn I must have been drinking when I voted for that dumbarse. Well maybe not the other choice was probably stil worse. If he gets the damn immigration bill passed I'm liable to go put the ****ing asshat out of his own missery. I mean he's from Texas. he should know better than to let all those damn mexicans in. Get'em out. If our society can't have workers work at small wages then tht **** goes un done. Jack the price up for these thigs to pay the owrkers what its worth and move on. I know a lot of guys who would do just fine in these so called jobs thatonly mexicans will do. What a load of crap. They can make a tamale and thats all. Get the **** back in your country pedro.

March 30th, 2006, 10:32 AM
It's the neocon screwballs and religious fanatics that are running wild under this administration. It really pisses me off. They have ABSOLUTELY pissed all over church and state seperation. Not to mention the constitution. We need more liberals in the mix the balance out the damn asshats. The problem is this administration has been SO bad that alot of mid liners are flocking to the Demos. Hell! Even well respected conseratives are distancing themselves from this mess. Even Bobby Jindal! Asshat voted to reup the patriot act! National Security my ass. It is too broad in scope and could be easily used to violate the rights of ANYONE DEEMED A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY... Define that... Then you have a budget bill signed into LAW by the president WITHOUT aproval of the house... I MEAN WTF? That is against the law people... PERIOD. Then look at the court decisions coming down based on judges "FAITH". A performance artist had her child taken away for a performance where religious icons were satarized. The judge in the case said she was "obviously mentally ill". Where the fuk does that come from? It is no different that muslims rioting behind cratoons! Fudamentalist in ANY form... that includes Baptist, catholics, scientologists(LMFAO @ these tards), Muslims.... any of em! I don't give a crap WHAT you believe in...at all!!!!!! but when you start to base decisions that affect my life on you "faith" then it is time to get back in your hole and keep your ideas to youself. I DO NOT WANT YOU TO SAVE ME DAMN IT. LET ME BE DAMNED TO HELL IN YOUR EYES!!!! Hell...they are aresting people IN BARS in Dallas for public intoxication!!!! And not just if you're falling down drunk... THEY BREATHALIZE PEOPLE!!! That's right... you're at a hotel bar having a cocktail and these asshats will come in, raid the place, and arrest people even if you are a guest!!! they say to stop drunk driving!!!! W......T......F?????!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Now.... for anyone that wants to "debate" any of the above mentioned... I can go find specific articles and such, but all you have to do is read google news once a day and you will see similar stuff going on around the country through ALL levels of government.

March 30th, 2006, 11:22 AM
It's the neocon screwballs and religious fanatics that are running wild under this administration. It really pisses me off. They have ABSOLUTELY pissed all over church and state seperation. Not to mention the constitution. We need more liberals in the mix the balance out the damn asshats.

you hit the spot Spark!!!!!!!!you got it all the way .
Fanatism on both sides is the Problem ,not Democrats ,not Liberals ,not Republicans ,not Marxists,not Capitalists.
the Fanatics are trying to take over and push theire selfrighteous agenda on everydody ,that is the problem.its a free country and only because you have a certain believe you don't push your ideas on others and limit their rights,prohibiting smoking in public ,banning the Theory of Evolution from the classroom,make me wear a Helmet when i ride a trycycle ,telling you how to raise your kids ,when you can buy beer and when not .
everybody needs chill out ,do what they want to do ,believe in what they want to believe in and grant that freedom to everyone else .
the only way to make things better for everyone is by working together with everyone and that includes compromises on every side.
and about the Mexican problem ,i say let the hard working Mexicans stay and send all welfare raping ,drug selling scummtards to Mexico, or Antartica.

March 30th, 2006, 11:30 AM
i guess i should just start stock piling ammo and wait for a friggin mexican revolution in the US. cause with all these dang protesting mexicans flying their goshdang mexican flags i friggin feel like i live in Peru and not the US.

i say we burn it all down and start over.

gessh, if the founders of this country (jefferson, adams, frankin, etc...) were still alive they would be kicking some arse left and right. f'n political haxers need some j10 pwnage curtesy of the juggarnuaght bitoches!

April 1st, 2006, 06:50 AM
Like I said earlier. I think we're a far cry from the bipartisan government we started out with. Republicans are becoming to radical right wing and Democrats are becoming to radical left wing. Very true that the fanatics who have no life are trying to control ours. They keep it up. Goes for both sides, and their will be a revolution of some sort to put back all the fanatical asshats back in place. We must be vigilant of our pursuit of freedom and the right to choose, say, and do what you wish, without asshat control.
