View Full Version : what class should i start ....

March 21st, 2006, 09:44 AM
playing in Bf2 in order to complete the LaMerc squad ?
i like anti tank, aussault and sniper so far .not sure about flying .

March 21st, 2006, 12:38 PM
we could always use some anti-tank, but in this game you will have to change based on the scenerio, but yeah anti-tank is a great start, as is special ops.

March 21st, 2006, 12:42 PM
Special Ops is good - bomb-buggies rule! Really useful to take out the opposing tank before it has time to do too much damage and your teammates can get around it.

I've spent most of my time as a sniper, and now that the claymores won't kill your teammates, I love to use them everywhere!

Engineer is fun - a squad of engineers in LAV's is a trip! Antitank mines are fun to put on the down side of ramps too.

March 21st, 2006, 01:36 PM
Special Ops is good - bomb-buggies rule! Really useful to take out the opposing tank before it has time to do too much damage and your teammates can get around it.

I've spent most of my time as a sniper, and now that the claymores won't kill your teammates, I love to use them everywhere!

Engineer is fun - a squad of engineers in LAV's is a trip! Antitank mines are fun to put on the down side of ramps too.

/evil/ muhahaha
sounds like goose likes to mangle people..lol

March 21st, 2006, 01:42 PM
Support is probably the best class to play right now as the PKM is deadly. If you want points fast so you can rank up and get the unlocked weapons you can't beat a medic. Throw down med packs everywhere, revive when you can. and cap and kill. There is no one good kit to play. Mike said it best that you will have to switch kits depending on the map and the scenario. Case in point is I'm never really an anti tank guy any more until a heavy rolls in and kills me then I have to respawn close and take him out with the SRAW

March 21st, 2006, 01:43 PM
Hey how many global points do you have Henk. WHen you get to a hundred we can add you to the MERC stats page at www.lamerc.com/bf2 under the stats tab.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
March 21st, 2006, 03:58 PM
As you get used to maps and how they are played you can choose kits a little better. Then ofcourse like everyone said the situation changes the kit to play. If you are worried about badges, and you should be!, it only takes 15 hours per kit to get a veteran badge. Not long at all.

Medic and Support our great kits to get easy points because you can drop bags anyone can pick up for a point. The support gun kinda sucks but if you unlock the PKM it's near the best gun in the game, 3 hits and your dead plus it's pretty accurate. These are good kits for teamwork points and kills.

Assault and Spec Ops are good for kills while ground pounding. Spec Ops gives you the ability to car bomb which can help out your team majorly. When that enemy tank rolls in and starts taking a flag and mowing down your teammates drop 2 packs of C4 on the hood of a jeep or buggy get to top speed and jump out about 20 meters from the target and push the magic button. One dead tank, gives you 1 or 2 kills and a flag defense point.

As you see it depends on how the round is going and what your team/squad needs.

March 22nd, 2006, 06:54 AM
ok thx so far .
i guess i start of as medic since i have exactly 0 points right now:D
but more questions:
where and how do i get new ammo ?
how can i set up a joypad for flying like in bf 1942?
can you actually control the wire guieded rockets after you shot em ?
what is the best spot to hit a tank with a rocket ?
so many questions,.....

March 22nd, 2006, 07:06 AM
where and how do i get new ammo ?
Supply crates, supply bags laying on the ground or being close to a supply person

how can i set up a joypad for flying like in bf 1942?
After you log into your account you get several buttons - BFHQ, Multiplayer .... go into Options, then Controls, then Airplane. You can reset all of your controls from there.

can you actually control the wire guieded rockets after you shot em ?
Tow missles, sholder fired anti tank rockets and the TV guided missles from a helicopter can all be guided after shooting them - fire them and then keep clicking the mouse to make them follow where you are wanting it to go

what is the best spot to hit a tank with a rocket ?

Well, with a Tow missle it really doesn't matter, one shot one kill. Eryx usually take two to three depending on his health and TV guided from the helicopter only takes one. I haven't found the 'sweet spot' on the tank yet.

March 22nd, 2006, 07:15 AM
Supply crates, supply bags laying on the ground or being close to a supply person

After you log into your account you get several buttons - BFHQ, Multiplayer .... go into Options, then Controls, then Airplane. You can reset all of your controls from there.

Tow missles, sholder fired anti tank rockets and the TV guided missles from a helicopter can all be guided after shooting them - fire them and then keep clicking the mouse to make them follow where you are wanting it to go

Well, with a Tow missle it really doesn't matter, one shot one kill. Eryx usually take two to three depending on his health and TV guided from the helicopter only takes one. I haven't found the 'sweet spot' on the tank yet.

ok i can not find supply crates but i will keep looking .
as far as the control options ,i did try what you said before but it will not recordnize my joypad.i will see if i need to troubleshoot the pad.
let me try but i am sure i will just have more to ask:D

March 22nd, 2006, 08:00 AM
play online with the guys, it is far easier to explain things in game.

March 22nd, 2006, 08:23 AM
Seriously easier - we'd be able to show you a few tricks too.

March 22nd, 2006, 08:36 AM
well i have been trying to connect but when i put in this ip , i get a message saying "invalid ip".
not sure what to do .i patched to 1.21 .what version is running on the server?

March 22nd, 2006, 08:47 AM
That port is not the port to our server, just the port we needed to use to reference the server. Use

We are not always on our server - sometimes, when we don't have enough to start a ranked round we'll jump on a few other servers. To check where we are you can use the BF2 stuff page Onji created (http://www.lamerc.com/bf2/) or jump on Teampspeak and we'll shoot you an IP address.

March 22nd, 2006, 08:57 AM
ever thought that this might be confusing to others ?
ill be on tonight ,show me all you 'll got.

March 22nd, 2006, 08:59 AM
Actually, yes we did and we're working on making it less confusing to others.

March 22nd, 2006, 12:47 PM
get on teamspeak not on our server, we cordinate everything from that.

March 23rd, 2006, 11:16 PM
good to see you got it. alot of it you pick up the hard way. but just like in cs you slowly get the feel for the maps and where to sit and get best shots on the enemy and the roads less travled so you can sneak around. i thought the same thing when i started that i needed to pick a dedicated role to support the team but it not true, just go with suggestions above like medic or support they get you threw the first few ranks so you can get some unlocked weapons then that help you get to the medium ranks.being that i had played with 3 diffrent accounts i finally got alot of it down. and whent for the medic unlock as my first weapon. probably should have gone pkm as it is the best weapon right now until a patch or something nerf's it ala: f-2000. i whent ahead and whent threw the sniper unlocks(the large .50 cal barret) not to good but had to get it first so i could unlock the new sort of like a scout weapon it pwns now and is silent and deadly. as far as other kits i love the street sweaper unlock for the anti tank guys really good at close range, i just picked up the p-90 and it has a small zoom to it and helps with the longer range engagments. as far as engineer goes i think right now its a waste, only time i use it is if a team mate is a tanker and i plan on following and repairing him or if my teams assets get blow up ill jump to engy repair them and go die a horrible death just to get out of that kit till they give it better weapons.

as for you question about the supply crates you dont per-sa have to find them your team commander drops them as a supply drop they show up on map as a small parachut icon you go to it get close and it will slowly heal you and resuply your ammo. if you close when he drops it you will hear "supply drop your area".

well iam rambling now just do as the guys say get on team speake and we'll get you an IP where we are and just playing on the squad you ll learn alot fast. as far as the air plane goes try honing your skills on small almost emty servers. its to hard to compete with people like bigg's air supremecy. and on bigger servers people will get mad if you take the much needed planes if you arn't a pro with it, i started off with being the co-pilot on the bombers you dont have to do the stick time and dodging but get the experiance of what to do etc. an shoot radar missles etc to get you some kills its a blast.

March 24th, 2006, 10:32 AM
Hey how many global points do you have Henk. WHen you get to a hundred we can add you to the MERC stats page at www.lamerc.com/bf2 under the stats tab.

got more than a hundred so someone add me pls!!!!!

March 24th, 2006, 12:31 PM
whats your in game name

March 24th, 2006, 01:05 PM

March 24th, 2006, 01:50 PM

March 25th, 2006, 07:30 AM
