March 20th, 2006, 01:21 PM
Today my baby girl's 18th birthday. I be so glad that this be my last
child support payment!
Month after month, year after year, all those damn payments! So I call
my baby girl, LaKeesha, to come to my house, and when she get there, I
say, "Baby girl, I want you to take this check ov er to yo momma house
and tell her this be the last check she ever be gettin' from me, and I
want you to come back and tell me the 'spression on yo mama's face."

So, my baby girl take the check over to her momma. I be anxious to hear
what she say, and bout the 'spression on her face.

When Baby girl walk through the door, I say, "Now what yo momma say
'bout that?"
She say to tell you that "you ain't my daddy,"
and watch the 'spression on yo face."

March 21st, 2006, 12:07 AM
LMAO......I would make your daughter testify to her mother saying that, and go to court to get all the child support back.....lol......

March 21st, 2006, 12:12 AM
If a person paid $350.00 / month, they would pay just shy of $76,000 over 18 years. My best friend pays approx. $475.00 / month. Poor bastage will pay about $103,000 to see his daughter every so often and every other holiday. His wife is such a hooker also. He used to pay 750 but had it lowered last year. She called saying she was going to have to give up her new truck since he lowered it. He thought the money was going to his daughter.................shame on him.

March 21st, 2006, 06:50 AM
I don't see a problem with guys paying for their kids.....you stuck it in there...you have to pay the consequences. I have no sympathy. My dad was a deadbeat dad so I firmly believe that fathers should have to pay up.

March 21st, 2006, 06:55 AM
$625 here...Only 3 years to go.

The sad fact is even if he went to court he'd never get the money back. The courts view it as "you didn't bother to verify youre the dad and paid all these years....youre the dad."

In Washington state, if you date a single mother and establish a "relationship with the child" you can be ordered to pay child support even if there is no chance you are the father.

March 21st, 2006, 07:00 AM
I don't see a problem with guys paying for their kids.....you stuck it in there...you have to pay the consequences. I have no sympathy. My dad was a deadbeat dad so I firmly believe that fathers should have to pay up.

Same here dude. He skipped out and never paid. Problem is guys get stuck paying for stuff like cars and rent above and beyond what SHOULD be reasonable. I can name several guys who live on top ramen while their exes drive new cars and sit at him on their asses. Child support is definataly necessary but some of the ordered amount are just dumb.

March 21st, 2006, 07:17 AM
thats why i'm gettin a prenup......i am all for paying for kids but i will never pay for an ex.

March 21st, 2006, 07:38 AM
Same here dude. He skipped out and never paid. Problem is guys get stuck paying for stuff like cars and rent above and beyond what SHOULD be reasonable. I can name several guys who live on top ramen while their exes drive new cars and sit at him on their asses. Child support is definataly necessary but some of the ordered amount are just dumb.

roger that! There are alot of women who do that...it's a shame really because the guys that would pay up are reluctant because of fear of the ex doing just that. It's a no-win situation...especially for the kids, who I might add...have and had no choice on the situation.

March 21st, 2006, 09:21 AM
Kids should get the best life possible...period. I come from a divorced family with a deadbeat dad also. I did not speak to my father for 12 yrs by my choice. People should pay and the kids should stay with the best parent. My best friend ownes his own business is doing very well for himself. He is more than capable providing for his daughter without any money from his ex-wife. Her on the other hand, couldn't stand living in the same town, quit a 40,000 a year job, moved back to mommy and daddy, and got a judge to rule 765/month until she got back on her feet. I am sorry this is b*llsh*t. He went back to court one year later as mandated, and had it lowered to 350/month. Hence the b*tchiness towards him. Now she says he is a bad father, doesn't love his daughter, is a disgrace.....I wonder what she is telling her daughter? I actually go to court this summer with him to try and get custody of MacKenna. I have known them for 13 yrs. His ex-wife is a joke. Justin has since met a new person, she is the manager over a stable where handicapped and severly injured people come to get therapy. She is awesome and caring and genuine. Justin was told pretty much he is wasting his time. His ex-wife would have to be a proven/convicted crack addict before the "system" would take a daughter from her mother. BAH.......BAH........BAH...................:soapbo x ..............sorry.:eek:

March 21st, 2006, 03:15 PM
I only have 12 years left at $475.00 a month. That is unless I get a raise, then my payments will go up.

March 21st, 2006, 05:48 PM
To a certain extent, child support supposed to pay for things like a car or rent. Doesn't the child need a roof over his/her head? Doesn't the child need a way to get to the doctor or to go to after school events? I am raising a son as my own and the father thinks that 100 bucks a month is too much. Oh yeah he drivesa around in one of those luxury cars with the expensive rims and a new pair of shoes every three days.

March 23rd, 2006, 08:59 AM
MY child support helped pay for an apartment on the beach in Biloxi for my ex wife and our two chilrens.

March 23rd, 2006, 05:22 PM
...she is the manager over a stable where handicapped and severly injured people come to get therapy. hippotherapy?

...while their exes drive new cars and sit at him on their asses..... :e2

oh, the mental picture....thanks, CFH. lol

March 23rd, 2006, 06:06 PM
Never met my dad, and he never paid one red cent in child support...
