View Full Version : funny cs video

March 3rd, 2006, 10:50 PM
i dont know if u guys have seen this but i think its the most hillarious thing i ve ever seen so id thought id post it to show yall.


March 4th, 2006, 08:06 AM
That's pretty good, but the juggernaught video is way funnier.

March 4th, 2006, 10:30 AM
That's pretty good, but the juggernaught video is way funnier.

That is the truth...


March 4th, 2006, 03:25 PM
i just thought it was kool. i dont know of anything better than im the juggernaut B*** at the minute..... but i just found this after watching the juggernaut last night

o yeah i should have said funniest cs video i have ever seen.

March 9th, 2006, 11:03 AM
ha, not too bad..

March 9th, 2006, 11:41 AM
Brandon, You still surf the forums and post. Wuzzup man.

March 9th, 2006, 02:04 PM
whats up andy.. yea been kinda busy.. but I think of you guys still.. bf2 seems to be yalls main game now huh?

March 9th, 2006, 02:14 PM
I never thought I would get off the Counter Strike band wagon but I tried BF2 and it is the best game ever made.

March 9th, 2006, 03:02 PM
I never thought I would get off the Counter Strike band wagon but I tried BF2 and it is the best game ever made.

Now I dunno about that. CS:Source is still the shizzle of Mano vs. Mano, no way of padding or getting unlocks to have superior fire power. Just shoot or be shot. Win = more money = better guns. The same for everyone. Rescue, plant, kill, and defuse. Nothing more basic. Just plain fun.

March 9th, 2006, 03:17 PM
Now I dunno about that. CS:Source is still the shizzle of Mano vs. Mano, no way of padding or getting unlocks to have superior fire power. Just shoot or be shot. Win = more money = better guns. The same for everyone. Rescue, plant, kill, and defuse. Nothing more basic. Just plain fun.

i am with you on that rook!!!!
but i will install bf2 next week ,we'll see.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
March 9th, 2006, 06:17 PM
BF2 is way better then CS. Although I have been having some withdrawls and wanting to play. But Valve won't give me my login info so I can play again. Freakin hax!
