View Full Version : BF2 Withdrawals

February 25th, 2006, 04:42 PM
Ok so I an home in NOLA away from my BF2 which happens to live at my house in BR. So I must admit that I am going threw some issues cause I cant play BF2 with the clan....ahhhh....I am addicted!!!!!!!

Example: Last night was a late one (got in around 5 in the morning) but the best part is my buddy who is in flight training for the f22 came down for mardi gras with his pilot buddies....mf'er, i got to shoot the breeze with these guys about flight combat techniques and manuveures and that shiot make my pickle hard... i am a military buff, sorta.....so any way i was like but dude your f22 raptor aint got shiot on my j10 foo...and they all look at my like wtf? so of course i say "man i got like 200 hours in the j10 and man, I can pwn." once again i get blank looks.......

point of the story....everywhere i look i see BF2.....I heard loud bang and i was like...."they throwing frag...medic, medic!!!!" and then i hear in my head..."your good to go, now get back in the fight!"

wtf....BF2 brain washing hax

February 25th, 2006, 05:58 PM

I was going to say I have got toget this game, but... Umm I dont know, if it gets that bad.

February 25th, 2006, 06:55 PM
LMFAO. Well Brent my son has only been playing for a week or so and during my youungest sons birthday party the kids are playing around the house and as Tyler runs by I hear him yell at his brother "Stand your post soldier" I don't remeber hearing that in BF2 but thats where he says he got it. I did finally hear Jerry's acclaimed "Hey there young fellow", LOL.

February 25th, 2006, 08:37 PM
LMAO...I get real strange looks whenever me and Andy talk while I am at work...addiction it is so powerful

March 1st, 2006, 09:54 AM
haha i get the same strange looks at work ( i work in an emergency room) when some one needs a nurse and they dont hear the patient i yell out "i need a medic here" or when i am giving them various supplys ill say "get first aid here" at least i dont throw the supply's at there feet yet but that just a matter of time doh'

March 1st, 2006, 11:59 AM
lol...that would be great!
