View Full Version : Jury Duty

February 25th, 2006, 06:16 AM

I got an official summons (or whatever it's called) for Jury duty for the Frederick County Circuit Court. I also just checked...and I get paid through work for any jury duty time that I might need.

I knw the basics...but, what am I to expect? Anyone have to do this before?


February 25th, 2006, 06:45 AM
ahhh I liked it!

It is borring in the morning as they select the lottery for who goes to what case. Some get picked there, and some go home...this is the bad part...
once you get selected for a court room, then it gets good...I was hoping to get picked, but unless you have served on a jury before, are female, or old man...you are not likely to get chosen..that seems to be the trend.

February 25th, 2006, 07:19 AM
Yeah, it is boring during the selection. Bring a book or something to do while you wait for your group to go in. They will ask you general questions that pertain to the case.

February 25th, 2006, 07:33 AM
If you don't want to do it, do like I did. They ask me my first question.

Prosecuter "Mr. Bell, are you a religious man"
Andy "If he's guilty, can I pull the lever"
Prosecutor "I have no further questions for this canidate Your Honor"
Andy "Is that a no!"


Judge "Watch yourself Mr. Bell or I'll hold you in contempt"
Andy "YES SIR!"

As a person Scott who has been in a court room 49 times. 45 as a defendant, 3 times as the executor of my grandfathers estate, and one time for jury selection, all I can say is "DON'T PISS OFF THE JUDGE"

It took 7 different nights in jail, in 4 different states for me to learn that one. Damn the old ball and chain is right I'm hard headed.

February 25th, 2006, 07:40 AM
lmao Andy...I'll take your words with me, man...and while I might THINK them...I won't say them. lmao
