View Full Version : NATIONAL CHAMPS!!!

February 21st, 2006, 12:33 PM
Hello all. I know I don't post in the general forums much anymore but this warrants apost. :)

Our story begins back in June of 2005. My oldest daughter was just graduating jr high and preparing for high school. Being quite the accomplished cherleader in jr high, she tried out for the high school team she would be attending. As a freshman, she went in and SHREDDED tryouts earning a spot on the varsity team. This is where the drama portion of our story begins. Even though she went in and owned all the new girls and alot of the current varsity squad, they placed her on JV because it would have ment bumping a senior down to JV. My daughter (Vikkie) is a flyer and there are rarely more then 3 even on a large squad soooo.....down to JV she went.

Fueled by this "minor set back", she set out to kick even more arss and show them they screwed up. Over the next several months Vikkie worked hard learning new stunts and perfecting her tumbling on the JV squad. As competition season approached, she had advanced so much in her stunting that she convinced her coach to form a competition stunt group. The stunt group excelled in competitions and qualified for both state and national championships (the full JV squad qualed for both as well).

Here are a few pictures from the qualifier meet. Unfortunately, I didn't get any good aerial pics at qualifiers.

February 21st, 2006, 12:55 PM
awesome! Congrats!!!

February 21st, 2006, 01:15 PM
Holy crap - if I got in those positions, they'd be hauling me out on a stretcher! Tell your duaghter congrats, Cowboy - nationals are always something you can look back at and say, "DAMN! We're good!" even if you didn't win - just making it shows a lot.

February 21st, 2006, 01:52 PM
With a strong showing at qualifiers, her stunt group AND full squad took first place guarenteeing spots at both State and Nationls for both squads. Coincidently, varsity also took first earning a spot in both championships as well (that's important later in the story).

As Nationals appraoched (they are before State...go figure) both squads polished and spiced up their routines. All the girls work hard and the routines are physically demanding to say the least. The day of Nationals Vikkie gets a call at home inthe morning from the coach saying she needs to get down the the event site NOW. One of the varsity gilrs got injured and they needed her to get there ASAP in order to learn the entire varsity routine. In a mad rush, she gets there and begins practicing with varsity. She now has 3 full routines to perform at the biggest competition of the year and one shes just learning the day of the competition.

Up first was the stunt group. They were near perfect! When the smoked cleared....NATIONAL CHAMPIONS IN JV PARTNER STUNT!

Next up was the JV large squad cheer. Another great performance from the large squad. Only minor bobbles here and there but Vikkie did land on her knees after one of her handsprings. Overall a good job. Theylanded in second place.

Now for the varsity...After much stress, practice and debate, varsity decided to change the routine and not use Vikkie. Durring one of the practice sessions one of the girls took an elbow to the eye and had to go to the hospital gimping the team even more. To Vikk, that was a HUUUUGE sigh of relief because she was beat tired. Varsity ended up in second as well.

Here are some of the better photos I took.

Sorry for the long story but youre dealing with a dad thats BURSTING with pride.:pump1:

February 21st, 2006, 02:04 PM
that's awesome man...enjoy!!!!

February 21st, 2006, 06:33 PM
Ahh the joy of competition. Tell your daughter good job!

February 21st, 2006, 07:00 PM
Congratulations Scott, that's awesome. Tell Vikki congratulations.

February 22nd, 2006, 07:03 PM
Sweet! Congrats man!

February 22nd, 2006, 07:21 PM
Congrats man.......that is awesome for her to find something she likes and stick with it. We need more people like her in our world!
