View Full Version : BF2 Server

February 16th, 2006, 11:56 AM
Ok guys. It seems our server is not being used like I'd hope it would. What recommendations to you peeps think we need to do to help promote the server more.

February 16th, 2006, 12:38 PM
We need to do some things.

1)I recommend going to a 24 man server
or whatever is the next level down, that will start a round with out needing 10 people, it will also help for match/scrimmage play?!?!?

2)we need to recruit members...i.e. players, those individuals that actualy play the computer at night.

3)or just forget it and we just pub like we seem to always go to anyway?

we need to populate it

February 16th, 2006, 01:00 PM
goose and i were discussing this today. yeah something needs to be done. either drop it and just pub, or figure out how to draw people. We've tried several different combos, but I'm not sure what people like anymore. Maybe the 24man thing will help. Give me the word and I'll go for it. If anyone has any other suggestions for server settings, let us know here.

February 16th, 2006, 01:15 PM
If we drop the map size does that drop the number of needed people to join before it starts or is that based on the number of players on the server?

February 16th, 2006, 02:20 PM
Buy cap'n and I new computers?

February 16th, 2006, 03:27 PM
I would pull a server list and see which servers seem to be more populated. Is every 24 man server populated? I find that the larger servers are always more populated than the smaller ones.

Isn't the limit on players needed to start a server setting? Can just that setting be changed?

Do we actively try to recruit more? I'd like to compair our server to others like it and see what the differences are. Why do they stay populated.

February 16th, 2006, 03:44 PM
i would much rather try to populate our server.

for one.....if we had it set up so we could start a round with like 8 players that would help.

our maplist is great, and it seems that players really favor the maps we have. most players dont like the chinese maps, except wake, so we got that.

maybe if we change the name to something silly like "pimpshack" we might get more hits.......

we also need to get on our server when we have guys on ts...lets put it on a good map and wait a little while and entice nubs to play...

Onji, i deleted my bfcc like a retard. can you giveme the link to get it pls, ty

February 16th, 2006, 03:50 PM
yeah my bad, map size is what determines how many players are needed to start. I dont have the exact numbers, but i'll look em up.

biggs: http://www.bf2cc.com (you want the gui client)

February 17th, 2006, 07:53 AM
for some reason i thought the server size determined the number of players needed to start a map, well only ranked servers cause of some ea thing.

for example:
16 player server needs 6 to start
24-32 player server needs 8 to start
>40 player server needs 10 to start

i might be wrong, but this is what happens when i join servers

February 17th, 2006, 08:18 AM
Let's make a time for tonight and get everyone on we can, make a few invites and lets try to get the server populated - and at the same time we can work on some squad tactics and such. I vote 8pm central time (9 east, 7 mountain). Any takers or objections?

February 17th, 2006, 09:31 AM
I will be in if I don't get wife haxed....

something about playing too much lately....

February 17th, 2006, 11:50 AM
I can definately help populate as I join with myself and Tman. Thats 20% o the needed to populate our server. I agree with Toby that the larger 64 man servers tend to stay populated, but that will cost us more money. I think for the most part it ends up we just own to much. When Me, Toby, Biggs, Diesel, BS and such get on a team we completely dominate and end up running people off of other servers. Same thing happens with ours. We need to ttry and attrack decent players. I mean that was the whole reason LAG was created. They got tired of getting owned on our CS server so they got their own. They just hate our elite skills. We can't help it we're good.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 17th, 2006, 12:42 PM
If we keep doing some scrims against some other clans we can help get our name out there as well. We know what we have to do and we try to do it some but it also depends on others wanting to game with us.

February 17th, 2006, 01:12 PM
I know on my server list the search returns the servers in alphabetical order ( I think) Could we change the name to "Biggs' Playground" ? :D lol

February 17th, 2006, 03:09 PM
how about AAAA_Ancarchists

February 17th, 2006, 03:11 PM
I can definately help populate as I join with myself and Tman. Thats 20% o the needed to populate our server. I agree with Toby that the larger 64 man servers tend to stay populated, but that will cost us more money. I think for the most part it ends up we just own to much. When Me, Toby, Biggs, Diesel, BS and such get on a team we completely dominate and end up running people off of other servers. Same thing happens with ours. We need to ttry and attrack decent players. I mean that was the whole reason LAG was created. They got tired of getting owned on our CS server so they got their own. They just hate our elite skills. We can't help it we're good.

you hit the nail on the head Andy...I'm not one to criticize but....you guys tend to forget there is someone else on the server that is going 1-40 while you are 40-1...you'll never get people playing with you if you continue that way. IMO

February 17th, 2006, 03:29 PM
I know on my server list the search returns the servers in alphabetical order ( I think) Could we change the name to "Biggs' Playground" ? :D lol

omfg, thats the best idear i ever heard.......Onji make it so!

February 17th, 2006, 04:49 PM
LMAO @ Biggsy. Are you sure you want to do that???
