View Full Version : Why you should wear your seatbelt

February 14th, 2006, 02:56 PM
Not sure if anyone posted this yet or not.

BE WARNED!! Not for the weak hearted.


February 14th, 2006, 03:08 PM
Ummm... Stupid... Well not anymore.

February 14th, 2006, 03:17 PM

February 14th, 2006, 04:02 PM
Yup, I can vouch for the why you should wear a seatbelt

February 14th, 2006, 04:05 PM
Hoooooooooo! You know he dead!

February 14th, 2006, 07:45 PM

February 14th, 2006, 08:45 PM
What a pansie ass girlie man. I woulda just walked that off.

February 14th, 2006, 10:08 PM
get up boy.....what you not a merc.........pansie.

February 15th, 2006, 05:36 AM
it really is a good idea to wear a seatbelt ,always.i have allready met 2 people that had theire entire face scared and smashed just because they didn't wear a belt.with a belt not a damn thing would have happened.how stupid.

February 15th, 2006, 06:07 AM
Yup, I can vouch for the why you should wear a seatbelt
You're right on that one Henry, you know how bad it can be.

Just adding my 2 cents.
I had my life "and face" saved by a belt at age 16.
It was me, a 1980 honda acord and a tree at 55-60 MPH.
( Drinking and driving has got to rank as one of the Dumbest things I ever did )

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 15th, 2006, 02:00 PM
It's like anything, it totally depends on the accident as to whether you want to stay in the car or not. If the body isn't crunched in on you real bad, sure you want to stay in. But if the body gets crunched like an accordian you might live if you get ejected out.

That guy was dead as soon as he hit the pavement, maybe before, he never even felt the car running him over.

February 15th, 2006, 03:07 PM
if the speed is great that it would crush you in the car ,it is very likely it would kill you getting ejected.seatbelts really make a huge difference up like 60 mph,beyond that it might not matter as much anymore.

February 15th, 2006, 05:20 PM
I'm with X. sure there's a lot of statistical data to show how great seatbelts are, but that's because no one has ever done a significant amount of research to show how beneficial it is to NOT wear a seatbelt.

it is completely situational dependant. that person would have died whether they wore the belt or not. Even if you wear it, doen't mean it's going to work. I got rear ended really bad a couple years ago, had my seatbelt on, but the locking mechanism on the buckle broke when I got hit. my car had the rear bumper in my back seat. I was barely hurt (minor bump on the leg). If my seatbelt would not have broken, I would have had quit a bit of injuries from the belt. (from rib damage to whiplash)

February 15th, 2006, 07:21 PM
I tend to agree with X as well. But I know everyone's mileage may vary for those that have experienced this. Back when I hit two pine trees head on at 70 mph, I had my seatbealt on it it saved me, however, my friend that was with me did not and was ejected. He died of blood loss due to a small cut on his neck (jugular vein). If he had his seat belt on, it would still be extremely doubtful if he would have made it with all the damage that the truck had taken on the passenger side.

February 16th, 2006, 12:41 AM
I'm with X. sure there's a lot of statistical data to show how great seatbelts are, but that's because no one has ever done a significant amount of research to show how beneficial it is to NOT wear a seatbelt.

it is completely situational dependant. that person would have died whether they wore the belt or not. Even if you wear it, doen't mean it's going to work. I got rear ended really bad a couple years ago, had my seatbelt on, but the locking mechanism on the buckle broke when I got hit. my car had the rear bumper in my back seat. I was barely hurt (minor bump on the leg). If my seatbelt would not have broken, I would have had quit a bit of injuries from the belt. (from rib damage to whiplash)

its kinda hard to make out what would have happened if,...
but if the seat belt broke ,it must have been a piece of crap ,also before it broke i did take some energy away from you body .actually whipplash has not much to do if you where a seatbelt or not.it is body physics "the body moves before the head " because of the spine.best remedy against that is a seatbelt and a proper head rest.well everyone can do what he wants ,but i don't want to get hit by some morone with 20 mph and get my head stuck in the windshield.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 16th, 2006, 02:20 AM
Don't get me wrong I wear my seltbelt 99% of the time. I'm just saying it depends on the situation of the accident.

February 16th, 2006, 06:08 AM
Too late Chuck, I'm turning you over to the authorities for advocating people to break the law and not wear their seatbelt.

Henk, all I know is, I was sitting still and the other guy was in a bigger car doing 50mph when he hit me. my trunk and bumper were in my back seat (my car became 3-4 ft shorter). my car, from a standstill with my foot holding down the brake, got pushed almost 100ft and into on coming traffic. All I got was a bump on my leg. I'm glad the seatbelt broke, if it didn't give way with that much pressure on it, then something in my chest would have.
And you can use the argument...what if... either way. Sometimes seatbelts are truely life savers, sometimes they hurt more than help. I think it's crap that by law I'm supposed to wear a seatbelt. I have 8 airbags, dual firewalls, double support beams, 4whl disc & anti-lock breaks, electronic skid and anti-slip protection, and so on and so on. but the government thinks I'm not safe till I put a strap of nylon around me and if I don't they are going to punish me. that's F'd up.

February 16th, 2006, 07:07 AM
That is fine then. The problem is when, and it will happen, an uninsured motor dude hits you, you get ejayed and hurt seriously, your insurance drops you after a couple hundred thousand, your wife sits there feeding you thru a straw, the gov't has programs to help you out. Now you get ejayed due to no seatbelt, your insurance drops you like a rock right away, the gov't tells you to take a long walk cripple, and your wife tries to mash up some cheap soup and bread donated to the local shelter where you now get pushed to every morning. It was a sad story really, great family guy turned quadrapalegic by meth head on a drive to church on sunday, pity. Oh well.

I think that wearing a seatbelt should not be punishable, or ticketable. They will just catch more drunk drivers that way. How about making it a deduction off your ticket for whatever you did wrong, and raising the ticket rates. By nature I am not a speeder so I would not care. say raise it to $50 per mile over the speed limit, with $100.00 credit for proper use of each restraint, with a maximum of $200.00.

February 16th, 2006, 07:12 AM
I'm glad the seatbelt broke, if it didn't give way with that much pressure on it, then something in my chest would have.

Think about how much the seatbelt prolly absorbed before breaking. It kept you from eating the wheel prolly. Also did you have airbags, and did they go off. This is the other reason seatbelts are made law. For airbags to deploy fully before you hit them, you need to be held up for a split second. Or look like you got hit by mike tyson, or you are dead from the blast force.:)

I knew a girl that broke her arm four mins afetr an accident when her bag deployed while she was filling out forms in her front seat. She drives a really nice car now.

February 16th, 2006, 07:22 AM
I wear my seat belt everytime I get into a vehicle ... every time. I've been two accidents and one the seat belt kept me from head butting the back of my dad's head - thank God, damn hard headed old man

I have done way too many clean ups and extracations from those that didn't wear their seatbelts. Sure, there were a few that it would not have mattered if they were or were not wearing the seat belt - the would have died anyway. It's gene pool cleaning! (meant for the stupid ones, not the ones that had nothing to do with the accident and still died)

February 16th, 2006, 04:07 PM
Too late Chuck, I'm turning you over to the authorities for advocating people to break the law and not wear their seatbelt.

Henk, all I know is, I was sitting still and the other guy was in a bigger car doing 50mph when he hit me. my trunk and bumper were in my back seat (my car became 3-4 ft shorter). my car, from a standstill with my foot holding down the brake, got pushed almost 100ft and into on coming traffic. All I got was a bump on my leg. I'm glad the seatbelt broke, if it didn't give way with that much pressure on it, then something in my chest would have.
And you can use the argument...what if... either way. Sometimes seatbelts are truely life savers, sometimes they hurt more than help. I think it's crap that by law I'm supposed to wear a seatbelt. I have 8 airbags, dual firewalls, double support beams, 4whl disc & anti-lock breaks, electronic skid and anti-slip protection, and so on and so on. but the government thinks I'm not safe till I put a strap of nylon around me and if I don't they are going to punish me. that's F'd up.

well how i said, i don't care if anyone old enough to be calles "responsible" is not wearing a belt .but if you got kids ,i think you should give them a good example,and thats why i think it is generally ok make it punishable by law. .kids don't know any better ,when they are old enough it is theire own decision.
also airbags are absolutly useless if you don't wear a belt .they are constructed to work together with the seat belt ,and not by themselves.
