View Full Version : Patch v1.2 has been released!

February 13th, 2006, 11:37 PM
The BF2 1.2 patch has finally been officially released

BF2_Incremental_Patch_1.12_-_1.2.exe (http://lamerc.com/users/onji/BF2_Incremental_Patch_1.12_-_1.2.exe) 81mb

You can find all of the changes here: http://www.lamerc.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15278

February 14th, 2006, 08:14 AM
So how do we go about getting our server updated when the offical patch comes out? Is there something we need to do?

February 14th, 2006, 08:15 AM
The hosting company will have to update it. Most times they update all their servers at once. They should be doing it soon

February 14th, 2006, 01:33 PM
lmao...ut uh Biggs...
sounds like the air got some MAJOR nurfing!!!

February 14th, 2006, 02:15 PM
i just when to the main ea web site and found the had lnk to file planet or something so i just dl'ed it waitting for it to update every thing now. will let you know how it goes from here.

February 14th, 2006, 02:20 PM
Yep, Daed is right. FilePlanet has posted it on their main page.

February 14th, 2006, 02:26 PM
the file at the top of this thread is legit, i verified the file sizes etc. plus you dont have to deal with crapplanet

February 14th, 2006, 03:19 PM
lmao...ut uh Biggs...
sounds like the air got some MAJOR nurfing!!!

foo, you underestimate the pure killing and pwning power i have come to master in the aviation realm.

i got stuff that topgun cant handle.

take it to the air, biotch

February 14th, 2006, 03:25 PM
I just hope they fixed the missle fired from your jet automatically finding a friendly jet on another server in another country and hitting it.

February 14th, 2006, 03:29 PM
LMFAO...yeah that is what I am talking about...
oh you will still pawn Bigginator, but I think if they are right on the chat boards that we will not see anymore crazy kill to death ratios...from what I heard no flares mean...boom...I am scared!!!

February 14th, 2006, 03:31 PM

February 14th, 2006, 03:43 PM
ok i just played my first round with the new patch.

1. i got in late on gulf of oman...i ended with 10-0. the aa is tricky but if you fly high, never straight, and save your flares you will be ok. i think though, the j10 will be the shizzle, the f35 will not hang.

2. i shot down the mec choppa with a couple gun round and a missile, now the missle made contact even though the choppa shot flares.

3. i saw the uav at about 500 ft and got the shiot scared outa me. i almost ran into that dang thing...very cool though.

February 14th, 2006, 03:51 PM
Woot! Downloading now....!!!111

February 14th, 2006, 03:51 PM
sweet...if the patch was done right the great pilots should own and the average to bad pilots shall fall like rocks thrown itno the pond...
but we know you do not bomb at 600'....so on runs you will be "vunerable"...especilly on gulf with the 1000 aa sites. that can all track anything on the beach.

choppas are going to be owned!

can biggs be shot down by aa? that is the question..when on oilfields just hang it up...if everyone is on aa.

It will be nice if the pilots need the ground forces to help take out the aa, then that is good teamwork, and that is what BF2 is all about.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 14th, 2006, 04:30 PM
Guess I'm gonna plummet like a rock as I'm at best, going out on a limb here, a crappy pilot. Bombing I'm pretty good at and I can shoot stationary targets ok, but taking out other jets doesn't happen for me.

Some of the maps are AA insane! Choppers aren't going to stand a chance. So far not many people get in AA sites because they figure they aren't going to hit crap. But if they actually work now then people will start calling Dominos because they aint leaving.

February 14th, 2006, 04:48 PM
yeah that is what I figure as well...no one in their right mind will fly in oilfields!!!

the aa vehicles will smoke pilots because they are not in the same place, so a biggs or someone uses their flares as they come in and as they leave...sick missle in the tailpipe...ouch

February 14th, 2006, 05:12 PM
Patch sucks donkey!! It wouldn't let me throw C4 packs. I actually had to run up to the tank and paist it on the side. The new sniper rifle rocks. I compair it to the AWP. The AA thing is tricky in deed. You cant just blow it off ass an annoying sound anymore. Your missels will still find a friendly plane. They still havent fixed that yet. It has always amazed me how your missles will always find a friendly jet but not an unfriendly jet or Helo. Ive never hit an enemy plane with a stray missle. The nood tude is still the same. It just wont let you hit a man thats 3 feet in front of you. I got promoted. Actually I think everyone is getting promoted.

February 14th, 2006, 05:27 PM
yeah, the game will suc arzoz for choppa pilots...and now they only get 8 rockets...wtf?

thank god they fixed that c4 crap......i swear those durkas throw that plastic like joe montana...

February 14th, 2006, 05:39 PM
i just came out with the gold on wake island. Sucks for choppers because all it takes is one pass now to take them out. If I would not have been lagging, I would have had more kills

February 14th, 2006, 08:34 PM

the missiles actually take out friendlies more then they do enemy targets. for example, i went a round with 28 kills and 1 death (i suicided to get the jet). now my team score was -30...thats right negative..

the j10's are now out of control. prepatch i could lose j10's with relative ease. now, the dang missiles are better and losing a j10 is impossible, assuming the j10 pilot is not a arsehat.

i took almost 99% of my damage by friendly aa. wtf?

so to all those whiny nubs who complained so much that ea put out a patch that f'ed a great game, bah

February 15th, 2006, 06:28 AM
I love the patch...added more realizm..it is not perfect, but what is?
you can not unload missles recklessly, the AA is improved by well over 50%
no more noobing with the bunny hop trick, new Sniper rifle is accurate and deadly. no more throwing c4, air will no longer be this unstopable power, but in the hands of the brent's of the world it is still very lethal.

In the next patch the need to switch the plane missle from sidewinders, "heat seekers" to the radar based amram missles or sparrow, it is the only way to program the missles from straying to no hit friendlys. or make the missles a lot quicker with a much shorter range.

me likes...can not wait for the booster to see the new maps.

February 15th, 2006, 06:49 AM
Now the AA and all missles need a shorter range after fired. You just can't escape them now. If a missle is fired, you will get hit and I think I got hit more than half of the time by friendlies in the AA.

I found myself getting killed a ton with single shots from half the weapons. Which was really crazy. Distant 1 shot 1 kill from a few different weapons, really weird.

February 15th, 2006, 07:40 AM
i like the patch. 1st time i got in AA, i shot at an enemy jet, and both shots landed, my jaw dropped, i couldnt belive it. on a jet!! finally! Also as stated, the new sniper rifle rocks. There was a guy on a silo that was taking pot shots at us, nading us etc, i pulled that rifle out, 1st time using it, i shot, and got a headshot. again my jaw dropped, because I can NEVER land a sniper shot within the 1st 3 shots.
There are going to be things to get used to. I have to train myself to stop jumping like a little ***** when getting shot. If you jump, you cant shoot, so your basically helpless. I'm not complaining, that makes the game more realistic, i love it.
Overall, i like the patch. The air has dominated the game from the beginning, its good to finally have more balance.

February 15th, 2006, 07:58 AM
preach on...no more insane scores for the air heads :p:

February 15th, 2006, 08:20 AM
Hopefully I wil be able to play tonight....

When will our server be updated or has it already??

February 15th, 2006, 08:44 AM
Patch is crap. I agree with Brent. The nerfing of helo missles is STUPID. I agree the noob tube needed to be fixed so you couldn't kill at 3 feet, BUT they way they did it is STUPID. Heat seeking missles are only that if there is not a friendly plane anywhere in the country. They are better but damn they still prefer friendlies, STUPID.....You can now throw a grenade across the map... STUPID...........I'm glad I got my 100 hours as assault. Now I'll get my 40 kills to get expert and I'll never touch the doober tuber again. Again I reiterate that helos are crap now. they were barely affective to begin with and now they're crap. The J-10 is GOD = crap.....STUPID...........STUPID, I HATE IT I HATE IT AHHHHHHHHHHHHH CRAP.........................STUPID

February 15th, 2006, 08:49 AM
I'm not fond of the fact that I can't throw my supply and medic bags like I use to - I liked being on a roof and throwing bags for 100 feet - can't do that anymore, they fall at my feet - bastages!

I hate the noob tube - fix won't bother me.
I can't fly - fix won't bother me, much.
Crapping out the helo may bother me - I have the most fun when I'm gunning for a good helo pilot.

February 15th, 2006, 08:59 AM
so far iam happy with the patch, with the items they fixed. i like the sniper rifles being usfull now they will actually play a role now.And i think the biggest change to the game was the AA witch i like never was any good flying a plane and never even got my basic badges yet. but i do like that they actually work now takes the frustration out of fireing 8-9 missles to try and get a plane that just chaffs all day and flys out of range and the helos you could pummle with no effect. this adds more realism to the game acuratly showing a missle shooting down a chopper with 1-2 hits. maybe they way they could put some balance for the pilots would be to have a few less sam sites on the maps? i definatly think this will not be to big a problem for the truely good pilots like biggs. as far as the helos i think it will be tougher but a good pilot should maybe get by. i seen yesterday where a black hawk on wake he stayed low to the north side beaches and he was to low for any one to get a lock from the north base AA. i thought boy hes smart. i feel bad that the attack choppers wont be able to hover and do there job laying down suppressing fire but its now the complete opposite of the old days where the attack choppers would just camp and base rape ya with no way to take them out. So maybe put them back to 14 missles and give them little more chance to do some dammage before they are shot down. just rambling now so ill quit

February 15th, 2006, 09:11 AM
The BlackHawk guns are a lot weaker now. I was sitting on a gun hovering and almost over heated the gun trying to kill a guy on the ground running.

February 15th, 2006, 09:15 AM
yeah the patch really sux for guys who like choppas....so long are the days of blackwh0ring, which was the best part of the game. and it doesnt even matter about the aa cause the fav's and the vodniks will smoke the cchoppa in seconds.

the aa isnt the problem, its the j10 and the teamkills. i got tks for shooting missiles at enemy helos. i only shoot 1 missile per pass on a helo and each time i shot 1 it hit a friendly, wtf?

the carrier will be uncampable, because of the to aa/minigun sites, which is good.

1 tip for pwning the aa: when in a jet, what you want to do is fly at about 300 meters. at this alt you can just make out the gorund targets. it also help to now where the aa sites are located, take out the local aa site on the high alt pass then you have about 30 seconds to destroy anything in the area...then return to the high alt.

i kinda like the high flying..it reminds me of the bf1942 days where alt wh0ring was the key in survival.

February 15th, 2006, 10:43 AM
The FAV's need to overheat sooner. The AA needs a longer reload time. You can't just nerf the air that bad and leave everything else alone. AA lock is better and plane/chopper hitpoints are reduced. Patch one or the other, if you patch both, you have to worry about the use of the vehicles. No one wants to fly anymore, jets or helo's. I don't think those vehicles should have been taken completely out of the game.

February 15th, 2006, 12:30 PM
I think Biggs said it best it will just take adjustmnents...they have to work on the tking thing, the air is still a force but for the poor Onji's that got massacred in the air...it is nice...do not look at the glass half empty, now the air has issues like every other vehicle/kit in the game...Target said before only the ace pilots could go around the map and never die...not anymore, now they require field forces to spot targets and get rid of AA...no longer will planes cruise the skires like great whites looking for the next poor soul poping up at a spawn...as Biggs said get altitude and stay alive.

I completely agree with Target about the FAV's those guns have got to be toned down against choppers, I guess we need to change strats and have the helos in a true roll of rolling in and out or staying in the back as anti armor support.

I really like the patch so far, as it brings new challenges and new tactics to form!!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 15th, 2006, 02:10 PM
I haven't played a round with the patch yet but already I don't like it. I'm trying to be Biggs's apprentice in the jet and now I'm going to get shot down before I leave the airfield. I think they really f'd the choppers you could almost kill a chopper in 1 overheating of the FAV. Now it sounds like it will only take half an overheating before death.

February 15th, 2006, 06:53 PM
I also have the full patch version if anyone needs it.

February 16th, 2006, 08:04 AM
link me

February 16th, 2006, 09:40 AM
Ok, I'm getting adjusted to the changes. I actually like the patch now. Yes it did nerf my favorite toy, ( the grenade launcher), BUT with the way you can hum the **** out of grenades now I've started to love them. I do like the fact that the air power has been nerfed some. Now it is actually posibble to shoot down good pilots. A real good pilot can avoid but he really has to work at it. And linebackers are actually a very valid threat to air vehicles.

February 16th, 2006, 09:44 AM
Hopefully I will get to play tonight.....

February 16th, 2006, 10:45 AM
Diesel was having a little troubles getting off of the run way so I had to assist Andy and pilot him around for a little bit. In a bomber, you are like a wounded duck, slow and easy to hit. Mobile AA can really mess your world up because its like the flares no longer work which is ass. A fighter against a bomber is no contest but I ended up getting in a fighter and gave the bombers a little air cover.

I shot someone from about 8 feet away with a nade launcher and killed them, not sure how that happened.

February 16th, 2006, 11:48 AM
I think the trick with the grenade launcher is more on time instead of distance. I noticed that as well Toby. You can kill someone very close still but you have to shoot to the point that the grenade will sat close (I mean you have to hit something to keep it from going away) but it will eventually blow up. I still do pretty go with it but since its blast radius has been lowered its just not the same. You guys need to help me get 40 kills in a round so I can get my gold Assault badge and move on to either sniper, medic, or Engineer and really start point farming it up.

February 16th, 2006, 12:47 PM
See I told you so...I love the new patch, it makes the air guys really work for it and also it makes it where you are not completely scared to travel in a jeep or apc..knowing the planes will take you out at every turn.

no game is any good unless every move has a counter,
the linebacker is a fun vehicle now, instead of a death trap.

the medic still rocks, I just wish we had farmed before all these patches cam e out LOL

February 16th, 2006, 12:49 PM
ain't that the truth!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 16th, 2006, 06:46 PM
Here da dealio, I had an hour or so to play tonight after I ran my wife off the computer. I install the 1.2 patch, load up TS, TSO, then BF2. BF2 stalls at the conecting to account screen. Have to use the soft off on the power button. Restart. Try to install 1.2 patch again and says I need to install the 1.12 patch first. Try it again, same result. I install the 1.12 patch then try the 1.2 patch. Says I need to install the 1.12 patch first. I restart, again. Install 1.12 patch, try 1.2...again. Says I need to install the 1.12 patch...again. I restart then try the 1.2 patch for the 5th time now. Says I need to install the 1.12 patch first. I say FU EA! and just try to play anyway. Freezes at the connecting to accout screen...again. Soft off...again. I think EA blows donkey balls....again. I post this crap here 45 minutes later when I could have been playing BF2 for atleast 30 minutes.

Moral: EA blows donkey balls.

February 17th, 2006, 07:05 AM
here is the FULL 1.2 patch if you need it ex

February 17th, 2006, 04:31 PM
to bad you cant take screenshots of the scoreboard:

52-1.....the patch aint got nuttin on me!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 18th, 2006, 07:33 AM
Thanks Onji the full patch worked for me.

I was playing wake on a pretty small server only like 12 to 20 people on it so flying wasn't too bad. Not enough people to have to worry much about AA, except for this one nub that I killed 3 straight times in the same AA site. One thing I noticed is your missles don't miss now, I took out every chopper on the map in one pass. Yes even my own teams chopper, I forgot that I switched teams between rounds so I smoked him and got punished. That's one way to learn I guess.

February 18th, 2006, 08:44 PM
patch what!!!!????

i have come to realize that my biggest foe is the friendly aa, enemy aa has no effect on me, the enlightened one.

round 1: wake island.....55-1
round 2: zatar wetlands........48-0

andy's got a screenie...

patch: considered ghey.

February 25th, 2006, 09:57 AM

You're just griping because I keep shootin ya down from the other team. Finally time us air-challenged folks get some pay-back! ;P

PS: Whoa..... my account is fixed and I can post now ;>


February 25th, 2006, 11:59 AM
good to see ya around Chris,
yeah he just does not like all the tk's he gets now...negative points...we all have a chance for gold now :p

February 25th, 2006, 04:33 PM

You're just griping because I keep shootin ya down from the other team. Finally time us air-challenged folks get some pay-back! ;P

PS: Whoa..... my account is fixed and I can post now ;>


lies, lies i tell ya...i never die....BS taught me everything i know....."we take it to the air"

March 5th, 2006, 09:46 PM
Unfortunately at this rate I think EA will have a patch for BFME2 before they have one for BF2. Any word on when the European Forces is going to launch? Everything I've seen says it won't happen until they fix this patch issue.
