View Full Version : BellSouth ADSL2+ Bonded Trial

February 13th, 2006, 02:46 PM
Hey guys, here's a glimpse of the future today. The screenshot is from a newly installed ADSL2+ bonded line put into my work location to test. You will notice the speed is nice and high. It basically is two ADSL2+ lines that have bonded together (12 Mbps + 12 Mbps = 24 Mbps). When they firstturned on the line, it was connecting at 47 Mbps. They throttled it back to around 24 Mbps. This technology will be deployed to the public this year. The high speed offerings won't be available for a whiole, but the technology to deliver it will. The ultimate goal is to use this pipe to provide video, telephony, & internet. Looks good so far.

February 13th, 2006, 03:18 PM
w00t me wants....

February 13th, 2006, 03:35 PM

February 13th, 2006, 05:22 PM
My speeds aren't to bad right now just for internet use

2006-02-13 19:19:47 EST: 6346 / 1002
Your download speed : 6346 kbps or 793.3 KB/sec.
Your upload speed : 1002 kbps or 125.3 KB/sec.

February 13th, 2006, 09:02 PM
Looks sweet Robby. Like Toby said, the new free speed bump Cox gave their customers is pretty nice. They are still stabilizing the bandwidth they give out, but we will have 9Mb/1Mb.

February 13th, 2006, 10:25 PM
yeah yeah yeah, mumbo jumbo diggidy bop bing, whats all that mean for a consumer such as myself. All that facy pants talk makes me think something cool is coming. Can ya condense it down to for me to understand too?

February 13th, 2006, 11:06 PM
Somehow I ended up w/a RR Business Class modem - I have had the same IP since July (so I'm assuming they gave me a static modem), and I'm consistantly at 8mb/s.
24+ mb sure does look nice though -the thing is to me, at least, it really won't be useful until the majority of websites are hosting at that speed. At the 8 that I'm at now, and I can tell the difference between a fast site and a slow site. I think the damn guitar forum I browse must be on an old ISDN connection or something - I feel like I'm on dialup when I'm over there :)

February 14th, 2006, 07:05 AM
you are right max, the web site are not ready for that and to have internet connections at that speed, you will nedd 2 of these lines...lol
because high def tv, reg tv, and phone will eat up alot of the bandwidth.
each high def feed is 8MB, so phone and regular tv have 8MB to share.
Now if you are privey to FITL of FTTP (fiber to the premise) then you will have in the neighborhood of 100MB speeds in the near future, now if you have fiber to the curb, with a copper lead to the house(more common now) you will have 77MB service when VDSL2 comes along next year.

lots of cool shiat coming down the pipe.

February 14th, 2006, 07:18 AM
Looks sweet Robby. Like Toby said, the new free speed bump Cox gave their customers is pretty nice. They are still stabilizing the bandwidth they give out, but we will have 9Mb/1Mb.

I will be surprised if the can push 9MB consistantly.
yeah that was there counter action to the 6MB Bell offering,
I would assume that it like most cable stuff just depends on where and how many customers.
I live pretty far...and technically too far for 6MB service, but I have conections :p:
and I get the same as Toby, so I think some one in the proper range will get even better speeds from BellSouth.

The nice thing for anyone think of Bellsouth it is a great price...like $2 dollars for the increase which to my knowledge is much less than Cox, atleast when my brother in law told me the price a few months ago.
its like $40 for BST 6MB I cannot remember what he said it was for cox but the 5MB was like $60 bucks I thought

February 14th, 2006, 08:00 AM
I pay 39.99./month or 3mg cable...............I have never speed tested 3mg though. Close but never there..

February 14th, 2006, 08:52 AM
too many new technologies coming. all of them are awesome though. and to think, not too many years ago I was excited to get 1.5/256.

cox (in BR) was charging $39.99 for 4/512 and $54.99 for 5/768
now they charge $29.99 for 4/512 and $54.99 for 9/1Mb

Talked with one of their engineers not too long ago, he said with the typical coax cable in the home now, their can push a consistant 15Mb symetrical to their average customer right now with burst speeds up to 20Mb. Cox has been real busy laying fiber all around BR too.

pretty soon it won't be about the bandwidth, it will be mostly about services offered over the connection and the price.

February 14th, 2006, 09:03 AM
Its all about the bundled packages. Just like when phone companies started bundling cell service, internet, and phone service all in one. Now everyone wants a piece of the pie. They are all shooting for TV, cellular, land line, and internet in one package on one bill

February 14th, 2006, 01:35 PM
I once had a dog and his name was BINGO!
