View Full Version : Pics of the Fiance and Me

February 11th, 2006, 09:34 PM
Just thought I'd share some pics of myself and fiance ... We just got our engagemnent pics in...

so here ya go...


February 11th, 2006, 10:50 PM
and she is with your ugly arse why?

jk,,, congrats on the engagment and good luck with everything.

February 11th, 2006, 11:04 PM
This is the most important decision of your life. Have fun and many blessings.

February 12th, 2006, 05:24 AM
Congtars, man! Pic 3 = EVIL eyes!!!

February 12th, 2006, 06:48 AM
W00t! You both look good togethor!

February 12th, 2006, 07:23 AM
Congratulations, and best of luck! *cough* biggest mistake of your life *cough* lol just kiddin' - I'm only a little bitter. Seriously though, you two have that glimmer of hope and happiness in your eyes...I really do hope it shines for you throughout eternity. :) ~Sam~

February 12th, 2006, 08:56 AM
Dude that's awesome!

February 12th, 2006, 09:52 AM
Well condrats man you did good. She has all the teeth and is wearing shoes. Thats a rare find around here.

February 12th, 2006, 10:09 AM
Well condrats man you did good. She has all the teeth and is wearing shoes. Thats a rare find around here.

Thanks everyone.. oh and We can always count on BS to really boil things down so we can focus on the qualities most important..

February 13th, 2006, 12:12 PM
']Thanks everyone.. oh and We can always count on BS to really boil things down so we can focus on the qualities most important..

Thats cause he values the simple things in life...or he can't see anything past the simple stuff :stick

Gratz on the engagement Wyrmman

February 13th, 2006, 12:37 PM
WORM! RUN! LONG HARD AND FAST! (ok, that sounded bad) lol :D

Congrats and enjoy! Marriage is all that and a bag of chips (half full of air and the chips are all crumbs and taste like they're a month out of date)

February 13th, 2006, 01:04 PM
i always think of old school when somebody's getting married. the best man up there saying "its not too late", "just run", haha

February 13th, 2006, 02:04 PM
Especially in Old School when he coughs out "dont' do it"....reminds me of a funny story....

Was at my cousin's wedding and me, another one of my cousins and my brother were out tailgating at the LSU vs. Arkansas game, and it was my birthday. So we'd been boozing for like 10 hours before the wedding. My cousin(sitting beside me) tries to whisper out one of those "don't do its" for me and my brother to hear, instead, my aunt 6 rows up, turns around, gives him the "OMG" look, and then followed by the "Shut the hell up" look. I was passed out until that moment, then i spent the rest of that wedding laughing at my cousin.

No one really got mad, either cause he blurted that out or we were hammered drunk, cause it was the side of my family that drinks...ALOT. The wedding reception (which i don't remember cept pictures), i had a jack n coke in one hand a cup of draft beer in the other. Good times, good times.....

February 13th, 2006, 04:03 PM
Hey it's slim pickings around here. You have to do a lot of math when picking a woman from south mississippi. for example:

hot chick + 15
good kids +1
bad kids -50
job + 20
jobless -50
drug or alcohol addiction -10
full set of teeth + 10
shaves/ clean package +10
ex husband (points may change due to ex husbands explaination of divorce) -2
Between 18 and 22 years old +100
over weight -100
blind / deaf mute + 200
has no female friends +50
has a lot of female friends -100
nosey mother - 50
father with a scence of humor +20
blonde -10
short hair -10
bi-curious +20
well groomed dog -30
knows one or more of your Ex's -40

Once you've ran a woman through the formula, if she's deap in the negatives, then you have to make her a one nighter or a once a weeker

February 13th, 2006, 04:28 PM

February 14th, 2006, 08:52 AM
haha nice bs that was great. and the pictures look great you both look very happy i like how alot of the pictures shes showing off the rock nice and how you guys match colors haha good job, you guys use a professional photo person? or do those your selves. any who congrates and have a great time
