View Full Version : I have developed a new addiction!!!

February 7th, 2006, 10:41 PM
Having given up one addiction (alcohol), I have developed a new one. Best Buy has decided to start carrying Full Throttle energy drinks in the drink boxes in our store - good god these things are good, but I'm going to go broke buying the damn things - they are a buck forty even w/ my discount...

geeze - why do they do stuff like this to me :) I swear these things are like crack! I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is...lol.

February 8th, 2006, 02:49 AM
a buck forty, thats cheap compared to red bull...i think red bull runs about 2 bucks a can, and if i remember right, full throttle is a bigger can that the red bull can(its 8 ounces i think). But still, nothing mixes with grey goose like red bull.....

February 8th, 2006, 06:44 AM
he said a buck 40 with his discount...what is the retail price?

February 8th, 2006, 09:24 AM
I got addicted to body building energy drinks one time. They used to sell these with Ephedra, but they took ephedra off the market.


I was drinking 3 of these a day and was sleeping about 4 hours a day. I could chug one of those puppies on the way into the gym and I know I could add 10 to 20 more pounds of weight onto anything I was lifting. That stuff was great. When they banned it I bought 3 cases of the stuff, but its gone now. At Armageddon 2 I went to every gym in West Monroe trying to find that damn drink and no one had it. All they had was carb away or some crap. Selling low carb products in the gym is just stupid. If you know anything about nutrician, you know that you need carbs. Its fuel to keep your body going. Thats why everyone on those low carb diets have black rings under their eyes and are always tired. They loose 10 pounds of water weight in the first 2 weeks and think that low carb diets are the best thing in the world, when in reality its just a waist of time. Ok sorry for that, sensative subject that I got off on.

February 8th, 2006, 09:52 AM
They are $2.00 retail...

February 8th, 2006, 09:57 AM
I was chugging MDX at 2 a day for a week or two and then I stopped, talk about bottoming out - that was bad

February 8th, 2006, 10:15 AM
at my gym as always get free samples to try out for like a week or so...so i tried theis stuff called "methal efx"

omgf...i took the shiot at 9 in the morning and i was twiching util about 4am that night....omg that stuff is nuts. it got nitro...something so it gives the muscles a larger pump after workout too....but i wouldnt take that crap again i felt like scarface in the last seen of the movie with powder all over his face..

protien is my favorite....cretine mixes well too....and if your crazy pour it into to some rum...lol jk
