View Full Version : Blingo! (win stuff for searching)

February 6th, 2006, 01:37 PM
How it works:

Instead of going to google to do your searches, goto blingo.com, or install the toolbar. (it uses googles search engine)

Random times are picked during the day for prises. If you happen to do a search on that particular time of the day, you win

-Sony PlayStation Portable
-Apple iPod
-Portable DVD Player
-Visa Gift Card
-iTunes Gift Certificate
-Movie Ticket

I installed the firefox plugin:

Sign up!

February 6th, 2006, 02:52 PM
I just registered. Havent won anything yet though.

February 6th, 2006, 03:24 PM
still havent won anything yet

February 6th, 2006, 03:27 PM
You know what...I think Blingo is a Merc hatin' entity cause I haven't won yet either.

February 6th, 2006, 03:37 PM

just kidding...doh!

February 7th, 2006, 07:02 AM
Reminds me of a story. About 10 years ago I had a female friend of mine talk me into going to an American legion to play Bingo with her mother. I didn't want to go, but she was hot and I was going to do what ever it took to get to the finish line. Well I wasn't very knowledgeable about the art of bingo. I saw 50 old women sitting at tables with those bingo cards. The room looked like a cafeteria with a blanket of smoke that hovered about 5 in a half feet off the ground. I sat back and watched as the pro's went to work on the mysterious game of bingo. I watched old women who on a normal day couldn't hear, walk or even talk at a normal level, now are screaming BINGO!! and just about in a slow sprint to the podium to retrieve their winnings. I was surprised to see women that couldn't balance a check book or keep up with their car keys, now can place 20 bingo cards in front of them and at the announcement of a number, the women take their customized bingo dobbers and correctly dot that number on every card in just a few seconds. The motion is something that is hardly visible with the naked eye and resembled a scene out of the MAtrix. I quickly got tired of the smell of stale cigarretes and eventual death so I left. To this day I have never again darkened the doors of a Bingo hall.

February 7th, 2006, 03:36 PM
Oh Jerry, Your slipping buddy. Kinda lame story if I say so myslef. you feel ok today buddy. I mean you can't mention a hot woman and then never seal the deal in the story. Let me show you how its done.

I'm in high School. Back then I was a dark seed. Ran around drinking all the time, drugs, loose women. Barely keeping my grades and barely making class. There's this Hot chick I've scoped for some time. She's Penecostal so I know she's either straight laced or wild as they come. One afternnon, I swoop down for the kill. Before you know it I'm invited to church with her. not the type of first date I was looking for but like Jerry said. She's hot and I'm in it to win it. Back then I was poor, dirt poor. I had no fancy sunday clothes. In fact I had no fancy any day clothes. I abscond with one of my dads polo shirts and my best pair of jeans that still had a slight hole in one knee but by God, I was going. Now back then I wasn't nearly as worldly as I am now either. I was still good, but my knowledge base was just being built, I mean come on I was only 16. SO I get to her house, and she rides with me following her parent to church. I knew Zero, ziltch, notta, negative, blank, squat about penecstals other than the hear say that they had long hair wore long dresses and were either straight laced or wild childs. 50/50 chances right. Well not 10 minutes into this thing someone up in the front pews starts loosing their minds. screaming in a language I knew wasn't english. At that time I barely knew english but I knew enough to know what they were saying wasn't it. All of a sudden across the aisle another man starts loosing his mind. By now both these people are on the floor in what looks like a seisure. I stand up. no one else does.I scan for the Exit door. The girl grabs my arm and says what are you doing. I kid you not without missing a beat and her parent on the other side of her I say in a pretty loud voice "Getting the **** outta here!" I pull free and make a B line. The song by Lynard Skynard is playing in my head "Give me three steps". As I make it out the door a tug gets me. I spin around in fright. It's her. She says its Ok, they have the tongue. I reply with what ever they have I don't want, I want you. LKets just say she didn't make it back for the surmon. God please forgive me. I have sinned. (In the church parking lot) Are any of you going to keep me company in hell.

February 8th, 2006, 08:23 AM
So that's how you met Candace? lol...j/k.... :stick

February 8th, 2006, 08:55 AM

Hey I have been around a lot of different churches growing up, because my parents wanted to sample each religion. So I had seen a little bit of everything in the religious world. My exwife had not been so fortunate. Back in 98, we get invited to a Penecostal church. My wife at the time was Babtist. She had never seen the mirical of speaking in tongues. I won't go into my own personal beliefs about that whole thing at this point. Anyway we get to the church and sit down. I already know what the deal is and what to expect. Well the preacher starts getting after it, and I mean he is getting it. He's hollaring in the mic pointing at people and telling everyone that they are going to hell to burn forever. I look over at Amy and she looks like she is about to freak out. All of the sudden people start standing up and speaking in tongues. Now her eyes are all over the room. She looks like a cat that cant figure out which way to run. Now there are people standing in front of the preacher holding their hands in the air, but the preacher hasn't slowed up a bit. All of the sudden, a woman standing in front of the preacher falls out and hits the floor. Tha holy ghost grabbed her ass and knocked her out. The preacher still aint missing a beat. He's still hollaring, skipping and fetching from one side of the podium to the other. He actually steps over the woman laying in the floor and keeps moving. I look over at Amy and I know she is freaking out and I'm trying like hell to keep a straight face. She grabs me by the arm and says lets go............ NOW!! Well I tell her that its rude to just get up and walk out during church. Lets wait till closing prayer. She gets her ass up and starts heading to the door, well oh course I am right behind her because I don't want to get left behind. She gets to the door and the damn thing is locked. She cant get out. Theres a deacan standing at the door just looking at her. She looks at him and asks why the damn door is locked. He says "friends church is almost over". Now I'm about to hit the floor laughing my ass off at her until she turns and looks at me with that familure look. I knew this look and knew play time was over. She told me to get the F'n door open now. I know that look meant that if I had to kill every SOB in the building, I had better get that damn door open in just a few seconds or else. I put on my serious face and told the guy that we had a family emergencey and need to leave right now ( I wasn't lieing, there was going to be a family emergencey if I didnt get her out of there). I got her in the car and we headed home. I wasn't as fortunate as Andy, I didn't get any for a few days after that.
