View Full Version : Weapons Unlocks

February 5th, 2006, 09:01 AM
Just so you will be aware. This happened to me last night already.


We have a small heads up announcement regarding the next couple of weeks in BF2. Things are rolling along for the patch and the booster pack, and as expected you'll likely see them later this month. The patch will come first, and be well in place in time for the first Booster. That said, we want to inform you of a small oddity you may see in-game while we get the various aspects coordinated.

Short explanation: At some point in the next couple of weeks, you will see an empty in-game window pop-up, just like you received an award. This is just GameSpy detecting now that when the patch comes out you will get another weapon unlock. You should only ever see it once or twice, depending on how high your rank and how many unlocks you’ll have coming. Once the patch is out, your weapon unlock will be available in the BFHQ tab and you can make your choice.

Long Explanation: The next patch is going to give many players another weapon unlock at their current rank. In order to get the best testing results we are having GameSpy configure up the weapon unlocks now on their end. This allows us to test them in a true environment, which is rather effective. The side effect of this is that when this is first in place you are likely to see an empty placeholder message. It will look just like you received an award and will appear once for each unlock you’ve earned. This message would be telling you that you have received another weapon unlock, but we haven't patched the weapons in yet. So you will see this placeholder message which is harmless. When the patch is in place though, the stats system will think you already got your notification in- game. So you will want to hit the BFHQ tab and unlock your free weapon.

Thank you everyone for your attention, and we hope you all enjoy the upcoming new content! Game on.

- Shawn
Producer, Battlefield Live
EA Online

February 5th, 2006, 09:44 AM
Dude! if that's the case I will have 3 unlocks comin! When I made Gunney the other day I had 3 empty place markers. Schweet!!!

February 5th, 2006, 10:19 AM
About 3 days ago I started getting the unlock new weapon pop up when I loaded the game. It says I have 2 unlocks remaining, but it won't show me a photo of the weapons. I blew it off as a glitch or something that my simple mind couldn't figure out. I hit choose later that first day. Now everytime I load the game it keeps popping up that I have two unlocks. I have all the weapons offered already.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 5th, 2006, 01:35 PM
Yeah I got the last 2 unlocks yesterday. Ofcourse they haven't said what the new unlocks are for the sniper and anti-tank kits that come out with the patch so I probably should have waited. Ah well only 20k more and I'll have them anyway.
