View Full Version : How Comcast is F'ing ME {no loob}

February 3rd, 2006, 10:45 PM
Have I ever mentioned how much Comcast absolutely pisses me off? I think I have finally hit my limit with these SMAKTARDZ... I get home 2nite, at 11pm, and I attempt a speed test... and this is what i am greeted with...[check pic]

not too mention that i called them the other night, like i do about twice a week, and they FINALY tell me they know what the problem is. So, naturally, i ask, What is the problem?.. the lady on the other side of the line politely says..."Oh, it doesn't say, but they will have, whatever it is, fixed by the end of the month." Well, being the type of person that only finds out that it is the first of the month by when all the bills roll in, it takes me a second to realize that it is just now the 2nd of Feb... That is when i lost it...

GOOD BY U, BALL LICK'n, ass grabbing, sister humpin, dawg faced, inbread, good fer nuthin, suns o'biatches!!! i will find my uplink to the internet else where...

AAAHHH!!!... i just wanna choke someone right now!!! the people have jerked me around since the begining of f'ing Nov. and they are going to come to me with... "it'll be fixed by the end of the MONTH".. GAWD DAMNIT...




February 3rd, 2006, 11:03 PM
lol, it's tough when you only have a couple of options in town..

hope you get something you can live with man!

February 4th, 2006, 01:34 AM
Hey do me a favor. I heard DSL kicks Cables arse. Is this true and why?

I heard that cable has a set upload speed which DSL can trounce. Also with the launch of 7meg DSL is cable really worth it?

February 4th, 2006, 06:30 AM
GOOD BY U, BALL LICK'n, ass grabbing, sister humpin, dawg faced, inbread, good fer nuthin, suns o'biatches!!! i will find my uplink to the internet else where...

Tell us how you really feel?? LOL

February 4th, 2006, 06:33 AM
']Hey do me a favor. I heard DSL kicks Cables arse. Is this true and why?

I heard that cable has a set upload speed which DSL can trounce. Also with the launch of 7meg DSL is cable really worth it?

Well, my church just got buissness class DSL, and their upload speed is 40 kps. The D/L speed Im not sure, I also think the price is higher for thier service than residental cable.

I have Road Runner, and my upload speed is also 40 Kps. So I dont think DSL is any better than cable. In some casses I think its worse. Depends on the provider.

February 4th, 2006, 07:12 AM
Well in my case DSL was teh turd.... I had tons of connection problems with DSL. You only have to Disconnect in the middle of a boss fight and cause your whole party to get pwnt a few times b4 you have to give up on your ISP.
7mb is useless. See pick below for my numbers with cable.

February 4th, 2006, 07:39 AM
When I had DSL in W. Monroe...I had higher pings than that of Cable. I'm not sure what that means...but DSL is the same speed all the time, whereas Cable depends on the number of users in your area.

In houston, DSL is higher in price than cable.

February 4th, 2006, 08:34 AM
Well, I had cable in SC and I'm on DSL in Denver and my DSL totally kicks my cable speeds hands down.

February 4th, 2006, 09:15 AM
i had beelsouth dsl about 2 years ago and it worked ok for me..i had no trouble

i now have cox cable and it works good for me too. i only had one problem with cox and i called them bastages at 2 in the morning and they fizxed the problem on the spot..so i was happy.

February 4th, 2006, 09:56 AM
I also used DSL in Denver from Qwest. It is nice when the "mother hub" is located in the same town. My cable seems okay up here in Montana. I had a friend who works in DSL who was trying to sway me.

My speeds are;
Download = 3057 kbits/sec or 382 KBytes/sec
Upload = 277 kbits/sec or 35 KBytes/sec
via www.speedtest.bresnan.net

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
February 4th, 2006, 11:55 AM
Dirge can spout some official numbers for you, but I think it's something like this.

Cable is a variable setup where the more people that are using bandwidth at the same time slows you down. Where DSL you have a set speed no matter how many people are on in your area. Ofcourse the route your up/downloads take determines pings plus how close you are to the servers on the route. It's something like that.

I remember Dirge talking about how much better Extreme DSL was but I don't recall exactly what he said.

February 4th, 2006, 12:08 PM
Dirge can spout some official numbers for you, but I think it's something like this.

Cable is a variable setup where the more people that are using bandwidth at the same time slows you down. Where DSL you have a set speed no matter how many people are on in your area. Ofcourse the route your up/downloads take determines pings plus how close you are to the servers on the route. It's something like that.

I remember Dirge talking about how much better Extreme DSL was but I don't recall exactly what he said.

I think you are absolutely correct... COAX cabel is a "shared medium", which means that everyone is fighting for the bandwidth that is available on that particular run of coax cable. DLS on the otherhand is a "dedicated circuit", which mean that i would/should be guaranteed the band widht advertised, at least to the point in which my connection filters in with all the other folks at some inevitable bottleneck...

all that said...

Comcast can lick my AZZ!!!

February 6th, 2006, 06:15 AM
Cable works by allocating nodes a set bandwidth. If you are the only onr on the node, you can get the whole burrito, if 50 people are on it, it's 1st come, 1st serve.

DSL works differently. The speed is a best-effort with a cap. Reg DSL is usually 1.5 mbps downstream. As you get further away from the equipment, the speed begins to decrease. Whatever your speed is, you will always get that speed, i.e. no one else on the network will slow you down.

Cable & DSL speeds are comparable. Both have up to 6 Mbps speeds. Some cable companies are starting to try higher. We at Bellsouth are currently testing our 12 & 24 Mbps speeds.

The difference between the two has 2 major cconsiderations:

1) cable user density

2) DSL distance

February 6th, 2006, 07:12 AM
At some point, I'm sure DSL is also oversold and the equipment can no longer handle the amount of users on it. Same thing with Cable where everyone in the immediate area has to go through the same equipment before accessing the internet. If DSL is oversold in an area, speed will go down no matter how far you are from the equipment until they upgrade/add more equipment to that area.

I would see the problem with Cable is that you go through multiple pieces of their equipment before you get to the internet. The chances of failures are a little higher and cables tends to oversell their bandwidth more.

February 6th, 2006, 08:27 AM
BellSouth is actually very aware of that and does not let it happen, before 6MB it was not even really possible, but even now we have strict proceedures of what we can place on what equipment, as we move to the GigE fed DSLAM at the middle to late this year, the speeds and connections of an all IP network will be so cool. The future is bright, what is good and bad just depends on your area, and the associated company.
If anyone ever has a quastion about BellSouth me or Dirge will be glad to try and see what we can do for you.

Me and Dirge work in the same district, but where Dirge lives is Cox...a real bonafied challenge, and here I have Charter in the area...:lol: there competition is sort of a joke.

as Dirge said the whole key to DSL is Distance from our central office or remote DSLAM.

For instance James and his brother lived in a "tweener" area of our DSLAM's so he was far away from all our solutions, Delaware is da debil James :p:
move to the other side of Williams or more towards Loyola ;)

February 6th, 2006, 08:37 AM

February 6th, 2006, 08:43 AM
lol...I hear ya.. Just my luck 8^)

February 6th, 2006, 03:23 PM
Dirge & Deisel,
I was talking to one of the local carriers of DSL, which i believe is a reseller of Bell DSL, about their 3meg service. The dude said that the DSLAM had an uplink of 3megs and that the people off of that DSLAM get best effort service out of that 3meg... now i have dealt with LAN DSL with LRE (Long Range Ethernet) circuits and what the DSL dude said kinda contradicts what i have experienced...

can either of you 2 give me a little better insight into how this whole DSL thing really works... I was under the assumption that i would/should get roughly the 3megs to my Apartment dedicated on my circuit. Now i understand that there will be bottlenecks, but so close to the client??? seems a little outta whack to me...

I don't wanna get double screwed by changing to some crappy DSL from my crappy Cable service..


February 6th, 2006, 03:40 PM
what is your tel#
or PM me.

February 6th, 2006, 03:45 PM
Technically everything bottlenecks. So if cable at your house has 12 other people on the circuit, then the cable hits its bottleneck you have 2-13 whammies there. Also I heard cable has slow upload speeds. Say 3meg cable is 2.9meg down/ 256k upload. You surf fast, but still walk uploads back to the net. DSL is supposed to be dedicated speeds at your door to the bottleneck. So no extra hits on your speed. Plus 3meg DSL = 2.8meg down/ 1 meg upload here in Montana. Gaming should be faster with faster upload speeds.

Of course I am just regurging what my friend, who works for Qwest, has told me everyday. I do not quite understand any mechanics of it, but in theory DSL = less hits on speed, and 1 bottleneck. Cable = Multiple hits on speed, and 1 bottleneck. Also Qwest just launched 7 meg DSL up here. I do not know the upload speed on that though.

I am always confused with the Cable vs. Satellite vs. DSL argument. Are there any good places with info to read on this?

February 7th, 2006, 06:13 AM
I will tell you that the most concentrated, high bandwidth use DSLAM in BellSouth only sees a maximum sustained 16% utilization during peak times. Since we engineer for roughly 20% blockage, we have yet to hit our bottleneck.

February 7th, 2006, 08:35 AM
tell me this, Bell South Gurus... generally, what are the uplink speeds to a DSLAM that provides 3meg service? and... Was the guy from Gulf Pines {reseller/provider} full of it by telling me that i would be sharing 3meg from the DSLAM with the rest of the apartment complex...??? Like i said... I thought that i would be getting +/- 3Mb to the apartment and say, my nextdoor neighbor would also get a dedicated 3Mb connection to that apartment too...not that we would be fighting for the same 3Mb...

February 7th, 2006, 09:55 AM
There are several variations of DSLAM feeds that support 3MB service. They vary from 4 DS1's (6 Mbps ATM) for 48 customers to 1 DS3 (54 Mbps ATM) for 216 to 432 customers. If the guy told you were sharing the 3MB, then he is buying one 3 MB circuit from BellSouth for a router and just hooking you into a router. As i said before usage rates do not even begin to approach the backbone feeds listed above. It took some convincing to show me, but it is a fact. I even looked at some usage graphs on the busiest DSLAMS and saw them myself.

Funny side note- Our highest bandwidth utilization day is April 14th.

February 7th, 2006, 10:23 AM
I WANT BELLSOUTH DSL. Charter is a fking joke. Toby can vouch for that. My internet service is like the US Postal service... slow and they don't care what condition it gets to you as long as it does. I have been paying for 3meg service and been getting barely 1meg service. I lose packets all over the place and any online gaming has become a joke. I am at the point where I know all the techs at the Charter call center. I need a little consistency.

February 7th, 2006, 12:01 PM
nooch, what's your phone #? Or Address?
