View Full Version : how apple's ipod f'ed me

February 2nd, 2006, 12:50 PM
so i walked into best buy today with ipod nano on my mind...

i go to the guy and say "hey bud, can i get one of those black ipod nano's."

he says, "sure man, lets go check em out."

me thinks, sweet im almost ready to rock out....

so the sales guy says. "do yuo want to get a charger?"

i say.."wtf...200 bucks and that hunk of crap dont come with a charger?

"ok fine, how much is the charger?"

my new best buy friend says..."39.99"

me thinks...."a boat load of cuss words"

so i then say "i need an arm band and a fm transmitter to use it in my car...can you get the cheapest of those to please."

the best buy guy says "sure, just bend over so i can ram u in ur arse."

i say "thank you sir, may i have another?"

so i am paying for this crap and to my dismay pay.....$337.33

so i am here now..with a 400 dollar hunk

February 2nd, 2006, 03:19 PM
I'm in the same boat except I don't have the tuner nor the charger. I bought a dock for mine which doesn't come with a cable to hook it up. You have to use the cable that came with the IPOD. I also bought a crappy armband for it and turned around and bought the Nike one from IPOD it is way better and holds it nicely.

February 2nd, 2006, 03:28 PM
Hey but the macs finally got Intels!

the noxious
February 2nd, 2006, 03:28 PM
i think your first mistake was actually wanting an IPOD. lol

February 2nd, 2006, 03:41 PM
Why is the iPod so appealing? There are many mp3 players out there that have good storage space, reliability, and COMPATIBILTY! iMac, iBook, and iPod....bah.....go design an ad with that stuff......function in real life with real computers and accessories.

Oh and by the way, I am looking for a music keg for my KVT-815.

February 2nd, 2006, 03:59 PM
i think your first mistake was actually wanting an IPOD. lol

but yeah the wife wanted one with bose docking station...plus you have to purchase the songs...even my wife, who could care less about how much something is, was like "F that"

February 2nd, 2006, 05:03 PM
I used to be indifferent to the iPod and wondered what all the fuss was about. I wasn't impressed with it much and bought the wife an iRiver mp3 player a while back.

recently the owner of the company I work for gave me a new 60GB video iPod with all the accessories I wanted (came out to almost $1000 with the 4 year full replacement plan and all the goodies). I love it. the functionality is awesome, the controls are simple, it's very compatible with almost everything, a lot of other manufacturers are integrating the iPod in their systems (many cars now have optional ports for the iPod, and if this isn't a sign (http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=592) of how popular they are, I don't know what is)
It plays and organizes all of my music. including all the songs I didn't pay for. I can share them with other PC's using a free app called SharePod.
It is also an external hard drive. I have about 40GB space left after all the music, podcast, and videos I have on it. I use that space to transfer files, etc.
video is nice, crisp and clear. althought the screen is a little small to watch anything for a long period, it's great for video podcast, or music videos or TV shows. I can convert my home moves and put them on there, I can take recording from my TiVo and put them on there using TivoToGo.

It really is an awesome device. Also, I hardly ever use any of the accessories. only thing I ever really use is the TimBuk2 pouch and the FM dock in the car. I never have a need for the charger and all the other stuff.

I have experience and speak the truth not what I may read in a review

February 2nd, 2006, 07:03 PM
My clinic recieved two iPods from a vendor drawing at a ACVIM meeting. It was a regular iPod wit 4gig of space. They never really linked with the comp. we have, and if it did, it would kick out about 3/4 way through a transfer. This has been a little time ago, and software could be better now. They used a hacked version of iTunes or something. We ended up giving up and sent them back.

My in-laws love theirs, but it is coupled to a Mac.?.

February 3rd, 2006, 06:53 AM
hey the ipods are cool. more money for sure, but still nice. I personally love my creative nomads, but...

February 3rd, 2006, 07:39 AM
God, I love the Best Buy Employee Discount :D

You gotta remember, the accessories are where we make our money. We actually lose money evey iPod we sell...we gotta make it up somehow :)

Did you get the PSP? I probably would have on a iPod.

February 3rd, 2006, 10:56 PM
For those that have the new video Ipods. This site (http://www.sheerboredom.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=65) is very useful for converting your DVD's so that you can watch them on it. I tried it on my Serenity DVD. Worked absolutely great.

February 3rd, 2006, 11:00 PM
lol....I just got my first mp3 player a few months ago...damm I'm behind the times.

Creative nuno or something for 80 bucks

February 4th, 2006, 09:21 AM
i figured since i paid so much for the ipod i have to use it 5 hours a day to get my money's worth.


i woke up around 7 and feed myself and my dog. girlfreind feed herself.

i went to the gym at about 9 and stayed there to about 10:45..i listened to my ipod the whole time.

had lucnch

played a scramble with 3 buddies at LSU's golf course from 2:30-dark...about 6. my team won and i won 20 bucks yay. wore ipod the entire time with one earphone in.

yesterday hour total: about 5

February 5th, 2006, 11:10 PM
I've had mine for a couple of months now and have had no compatibility probs or anything. It's run better than most of the crap I've bought this year. I didn't buy all the extra's either just the armband, and recently the fm transmitter. Biggs, you should have looked into ordering online through apple, they give one hell of a discount for students. The university I last went to did the same and I saved like 80 bucks by listing them.

February 6th, 2006, 09:16 AM
ahhhh....shadow i wish i would have known....:0

February 6th, 2006, 09:57 PM
I got lucky and that school sent me an email about it (since I was still on the mailing list).
