View Full Version : Stories from the front lines.

January 31st, 2006, 09:03 AM
It’s a hazy morning in the city of Sharqi. A city of turmoil for several weeks now. Hostility has risen from locals with animosity of the U.S. presence. The local government is starting to show favoritism and the U.S. military has decided to subdue this insurgency before it starts. That’s where I come in. My name is First Sergeant Andyconda. I’m attached to the LA_MERC_ division. 1st Platoon. My squad and I are dropped in at the North LZ. Our task at hand is to proceed south and take control of a nearby construction site where supplies will be dropped. My Sqaud Leader (call sign Diesel). Sets the tone early with a firm shout to the troops. “GO GO GO”. I immediately grab my F2000 GL and take the point. First Sergeant Diesel (The ranking officer at the moment), First Sergeant Onji, Gunnery Sergeant Drax, Staff Sergeant Skitzvelvet, and Staff Sergeant Abidabi all start a short hump south. Being point man my focus is soley on the terrain in front of me. I know my squad is hot on my heels. We have to cross a downhill street. A concern for me at the time as its an open area with plenty of sniper holes. I burst into a full sprint knowing I have to traverse the road in as little time as possible to minimize exposure. I knew it. As soon as I round the first building and step into the open bullets starting whizzing by with frightening clarity. It’s a solemn wake up call. All I know is If I don’t make it across quick this could be my final resting place. I focus on a ladder just yards away that leads to the top of this 4 story building complex just being built. I remember thinking. I’m about to die trying to make it to some foreign bank. Or maybe this will be a school one day. A 3rd grader sitting in class will never know that just outside his window a U.S. soldier was running for his life. All of a sudden I’m grazed by a bullet, Right across the thigh. Surprisingly I’m not stunned. In fact I believe it gave me an instance of clarity. Of focus. At that moment I know I need to get moving. And moving fast. Almost as Suddenly as I was thrust into the chaos, it’s taken away. I’m in the construction yards gripping the ladder. I know I’ve made it. At no time did I hear my squad yell for help, so I’m relieved we’ve made it. As I climb the ladder I hear the clank of boots on the rungs below me. We’re there. I’m on the top floor. I turn to help my guys to the top. Horror. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Like a bad dream. The dream where you run but you can’t get away. I’m looking right down the barrel of a familiar sight. An enemy AK-101. It all happened so fast. Before thought can occur. Before rationalization can happen, the trigger is squeezed. The M203 grenade is gone form my barrel. It appears to be a clean shot. But its not. Some how the mercenary behind me manages to roll out of the way. The grenade. Not having compassion. Not having soul. No prejudice. Simply goes where is was told. Before it lies First Sergeant Diesel. He never saw it coming. The blast he never heard. He never felt. The blast blows his dead limp body from the 4th story ladder like a discarded tissue in the wind. I catch myself yelling, “MIKE!” Luckily the blast was close enough to the insurgent, he’s dazed. I have enough time to pull my pistol and exact some justice for an error of my own. As I await the rest of the squad I lay there in disbelief. How did this person get between us. How did I react. Was I responsible. Was Mike at fault. How could he not know that the stanky ass in front of him on the ladder was not me. It’s a dilemma that will plague me for the rest of my life. Haunt me every time I suit up in the Marine uniform. A ghost from the past that will reside within everytime I charge the point. I share this story for all those brothers in arms. A lesson that not all that is right occurs. Not all that is good prevails. Some times bad things happen to good people. Semper Fi Mike. Forgive me brother, for I have sinned.

January 31st, 2006, 09:43 AM

Actually the M203 is on the M16A2 and both the F2000GL and M203 use a 40 mm round....

January 31st, 2006, 09:56 AM
Actually the M203 is on the M16A2 and both the F2000GL and M203 use a 40 mm round....

Huh, that's what I said. I had the F2000 which has the M203 attachment just like the M16A2. When I have the F2000 I immediately switch to the M203 attachment. It read out LA_MERC_Andyconda kills Asshat with F2000 GL. The 40mm grenade launcher attachment (GL). Not sure what you told me there. I'm pretty sure the M203, which use to be a stand alone weapon. Nicknamed the thumper was the M79 replacement and was attached to most assault weapons after the Vietnam war where the M79 saw its last action. Remeber I'm a military brat so I'm up to snuff. Dad was a Master Chief with 27+ years in the military. I lived on base for most of my childhood. I ran from the DOD and the MP when most of you were running from local sheriffs. lol.

January 31st, 2006, 10:27 AM
bwahaha that was great, you need to start a weekly column andy :)

January 31st, 2006, 10:29 AM
awesome story. you should be a writer, haha. start writing down the stories of each nights victory and put em in a book. some poor fool would buy it...i guarantee, haha.

January 31st, 2006, 11:11 AM
Andy I mean no offense to your vast military knowledge. I only meant to correct the usage of M203 which is an American Military designator for it's 40mm GL found on different weapon platforms and as used as a standalone weapon. The M203 is manufactured by Colt where as the Modular 40mm GL that is part of the F2000 weapon system is made by FN Herstal, aka The Herstal Group.

I too am a military brat as my Dad served Active Military/ Reserve/ Guard 32+ years. In Vietnam he was Arty/MP, in the past years he went between Aviation - Fix Wing, Rotor Craft/Combat Engineer. I wanted to follow in his footsteps in Aviation but he said if I went in the Army he'd personally kick my A$$. So I decided to go into the Air Force.... but that's another story. Got to see a lot of helicopters and what not growing up. Not too mention all the aircraft I saw while I was in for 7+ years.

Again the story is funny as hell and I agree with Onji on the weekly column. Andy's stories from Down Range!!

January 31st, 2006, 11:55 AM
Wait a miute. The Fabrique Nationale FN2000 (a rare and expensive gun, used by special forces NATO/STANAG) does have the 40mm GL. It is manufactured by Herstal but uses the exact 40mm grenade that all the grenade launchers use. Just kinda depends on where it was made. I mean a ford truck made in Michigan is also a ford truck made in Mexico. The manufacturere may be different but its the same 40 mm raound. NATO uses the F2000 and can put Colt manufactured 400mm rounds in it, and do for the most part. The "special" thing about the Herstal is that the F2000 GL (The exact M203 40 mm round) uses a laser range finder to determine target range. When done the shooter then holds down the trigger and elevates the GL and the gun will fire automatically when inthe right position. No guess work, your on the money every time. My dad is a gun enthusiast and has special weapons such as a Mosin-Nagant 1891/30 Russian Sniper Rifle. A beautiful 7.62mmx54mm R rifle with extreme range and accuracy. Especially fo rits time. It proably doesn't hold a candle to LA_MERC_RPSniper's 50 cal sniper rifle but another its another rare and fun gun I happen to be an "expert" on, lol. Meaning I was told about it and I shoot it. It has the old iron sights on it that you literally need and advnaced degree to use, Too many knobs and such, lol. I'll try to keep up a weekly column for stories guys. They're fun to write.

January 31st, 2006, 11:57 AM
LMAO...yeah we have been through the personal stories, now we go through our lives as a group...lmao

yeah he smokes me as I come up the ladder and then in that great Andy voice, "Miiiiike!!!!....what were you doin?!"
me, "climbing up the ladder?!?!?!"
(score)Andy -4
Andy, "awwwwe...now I'm -8"

great story Andy...LMAO

January 31st, 2006, 07:37 PM

January 31st, 2006, 08:31 PM
LMAO...yeah we have been through the personal stories, now we go through our lives as a group...lmao

yeah he smokes me as I come up the ladder and then in that great Andy voice, "Miiiiike!!!!....what were you doin?!"
me, "climbing up the ladder?!?!?!"
(score)Andy -4
Andy, "awwwwe...now I'm -8"

great story Andy...LMAO

LMAO... I read the story, but did'nt relize it really happend... :)

January 31st, 2006, 11:21 PM
Oh yeah, that was a real occurance.

February 1st, 2006, 06:41 AM
yeah there was no 3rd grader, as that is in Andy's demented head...but all else sticks to the occurance....but this is what makes BF2 so great to play the "plot" is always different and and the events just always seem to get better.

February 1st, 2006, 08:21 AM
bah bf2 sux.....f'n tk magnet

February 1st, 2006, 08:44 AM
Here I am. Again, assigned to Bravo Squad 1st Platoon, Airborne. The mission seems simple. Take my Huey Cobra to the city entrance and subdue incoming armor and infantry. This is my second tour in Sharqi. I know the layout well. I fire up the engines and await my newly signed gunner. "Diesel". He looks like a seasoned grunt. Kinda walking with a limp. But that's not important sitting in a gunner seat. We're off. We clear the pad and head full throttle to the city entrance. Small arms fire straffs across the helo as we traversse the city. My gunner his hot on the topic. Several Turka Turka's as we've affectionaltey come to call the local militia bite the dust. The front gun spins with fury, raining down a hell of lead these guys have never seen. One after the other they fall like dominoes. Like ants they scoury along running for cover. Diesel is laying down pure suppresion. The smell of hot steel and burnt gun podwer fills the cockpit. Smells like death if you ask me. Com Chatter flares up, Its Diesel. There's panic in his voice, but calmly he states, "Inbound T-90, over", I reply without haste "Roger that, what's its 20, over". The death sentence comes over the PA. "9 o'clock low, sir". I slide the huey left and drop the nose down. Before I have visual confirmation a hellfire missle is gone. A second later an unsuspecting troop and his steel coffin are blown to pieces. The poor kid never had a chance. No time for recolection. Alpha squad is calling for air support. The TV station is under siege. "Roger that Alpha, we're on our way". As we pierce through the low lying cloud cover there it is. A Vodnik. Trying to sneak around the back side of the TV station. The roar of missles is defning. A hellfire missle, and numerous pod missles are headed its way. Not a chance. Again, death from above. It was an exciting day, with a kill total that would make the Red Baron proud. Sure we got our scratches on the way. But you can chalk one up for the good guys yesterday. Semper Fi!

February 1st, 2006, 08:45 AM
Is it really that easy to "tk". Why is it an everyround occurance?

February 1st, 2006, 08:48 AM
Also Andy...You should have your own section here. Poss on the front page. It could act like an article. It sure is fun to read, and it makes me want to play more than ever. This sheit is Wo0t4ge0us!

February 1st, 2006, 12:52 PM

February 1st, 2006, 01:07 PM
andy...here is your assignment:

write these "articles" on a daily/weekly basis. they are fun to read and when we get a bunch of mercs on it will give you more ideas to write about.

maybe we can have a thread that only you can write in so it will only have your "articles."

we can name it.

"The Louisiana Mercenary War Journal"
Written by embedded correspondent Andyconda

February 1st, 2006, 01:21 PM
Great story Andy... I felt as if i was right there with you...

February 1st, 2006, 02:16 PM
hahahah w00tageous!!!
r00k that thin air gets too ya, up in yankee land, but it is fun to read :)

February 1st, 2006, 02:38 PM
C'mon Diesely do0d, what could be more wo0tacular than Andy composing written english, in good taste, into articles? You know his head his hurtin' after that.:stick
