View Full Version : Not feeling well...

January 27th, 2006, 07:59 AM

I’m not feeling very well right now…and I hope I can get all of this out before I lose the energy that I need to finish my story so that no one else goes through this horror…

Neither groovy nor I had to work on Monday, so we decided that we would go for a nice hike up to Sugarloaf Mountain, located just south of Frederick. It’s quite a scenic area of the country…trees, mountains, running water and a clear blue sky…it was a perfect day for a hike.

We donned our hiking gear and set out in the crisp morning air for a couple of hours. Once we got to Sugarloaf, we walked around for a while just talking about things and goofing off. We made it to the top of the mountain around noon and sat down to eat a little bit of the food that we had packed – peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, an apple and some carrots.

The wind started to pick up a little bit while we were sitting there, and we decided that it might be best to get home before any bad weather blew in. As we were gathering up our things, I noticed a small pouch that was lying partially exposed on the ground.

“Groovy…look at that. What do you think it is?” I asked.
“Dunno. Looks like some sort of leather bag or something. Do you think someone dropped it?” she replied.

I bent down and dusted the dirt and grass away from it and looked around before picking it up. It didn’t really weigh that much, and was made from some sort of leather with a leather draw string around the top. I shook it to get some of the left over dirt off, and heard a faint jingling inside. “Did you hear that?” I asked. “It sounds like there is something inside.”

I looked around one more time to see if there was someone watching us from nearby (you never know when “Candid Camera” might strike), and, seeing no one, I loosened the drawstring and turned the bag over into my other hand. Into it poured two small tags that were each roughly the size of a quarter. “Well…what do you make of that?” I asked.

“Looks like there is something written on them…what does it say?”

“Hmm…I see what you mean. This one looks like it says ‘Bun’-something-‘cula’ and the other says ‘Redneck’-something-‘bit’. That’s rather odd…the parts that I can’t read are smudged too badly to read.”

We kind of just shrugged at one another and I put them back in the leather bag and put it into our backpack.

When we got home later on that day, I emptied all the food stuffs out of the backpack and put them away. The backpack was put back up in the closet where it belongs.

The next morning, I woke up with a pretty bad headache. I didn’t know why I had it, but I kind of guessed that it was because of all the wind and cool air. Groovy told me later on that she also had a small headache, so that just reinforced what I thought. I took some headache medicine and hoped for the best. We both left for work around 8.

My day at work will go down as one of the worst days that I’ve had. The headache never went away. Not at all. I popped several more pills, but nothing seemed to make a dent. I was talking with my boss at one point, and a blinding flash of pain sent me staggering a bit and I had to lean against the doorframe so I wouldn’t fall down. Apparently I looked as bad as I felt because I was sent home shortly after that.

The drive home, to be honest, I don’t remember at all. It’s all a blur. I don’t know how I made it home, or if I cut anyone off or even if I caused any wrecks. Did I run a red light or two? I hope not…if I live long enough to find out, I’ll worry about it then.

I do remember walking through the door. Groovy was lying on the couch, head and body covered up by her favorite blanket. “You sick too?” I asked. She couldn’t even muster a response…not that I really needed one. I could tell that this was not going very well when she made motions to get up and didn’t even have enough energy to get off the couch. She made this whimpering noise which I took to mean that she needed help, so I did the best I could to get her off the couch.

She took a couple tentative steps towards the bathroom, still totally wrapped up in the blanket, and eventually had to lean against the wall for support. She made it to the bathroom about the time I made it to my chair. As I began the barely controlled descent that would place my tired, sick body in the chair, I heard a blood curdling scream come from the bathroom.

By the time I actually made it to the bathroom, it couldn’t have taken more than twenty seconds, she was crying. Leaning against the wall outside the bathroom door, I asked, “Are you ok, groovy?” Slowly, the door opened and what I saw will live with me until the day that I die.

She looked normal, except for her teeth. It looked like she was wearing a set of those “Bubba” teeth…except the teeth were long and stick outwards. My eyes must have confirmed what she had seen in the mirror because she started crying with more urgency. “It’s ok…we’ll find out what’s going on when we get you to the doctor,” I assured her.

It was then that I realized that she wasn’t crying because of how I had looked at her - she was crying because of how I looked. My eyes got even bigger than they were before, and I pushed the bathroom door open even more than it was so that I could look at myself in the mirror. The last thing I remember before fainting was seeing my face with these vampire teeth where I usually had normal ones.

I know, now, that the writing on the two tags actually reads ‘Bunnicula’ and ‘Redneck Rabbit’. Something happened up there on top of that mountain that we were never supposed to know about. Unfortunately for us, we did find it. Well, more appropriately, it found us.

January 27th, 2006, 08:03 AM

January 27th, 2006, 08:10 AM

nice imagination there....lmao

January 27th, 2006, 09:48 AM
lmao! f00!

January 27th, 2006, 11:52 AM

January 28th, 2006, 12:34 AM
When I first read this I thought WTH?, but now I get it.....lol....

January 28th, 2006, 08:24 AM

January 30th, 2006, 06:22 AM
Thanks...was just goofing off with the camera and the story just came together
