View Full Version : New Canadian Prime minister

January 26th, 2006, 05:03 PM
This article reminds me of the fat kid in the neighborhood who threatens to tell his mom if you walk through his yard again. I think someone should remind "Mr. Tight Jacket Man" that the only reason his country lives a safe carefree life is because the biggest kid on the block lives next door. Don't start none.


January 26th, 2006, 05:28 PM
ok cananda...u french speaking tangs. i got something to tell ya....."Take it to the streets b*tch!"

January 26th, 2006, 06:14 PM
My money's on the USCG.

January 26th, 2006, 08:39 PM
Im Skerred.. :(

January 26th, 2006, 09:15 PM
You can almost see the head lines now.

Today in news, U.S forces are waging war on two fronts. U.S forces are close to completing Opperation Iragi Freedom, while the U.S National Guard started Opperation Fryin Bacon this morning in Canada. The President expects to have the nation Guard home for work Monday morning. The President has already issued his victory statement moments after Opperation Fryin Bacon began Stating "Appearently the Canadians haven't heard the new National Anthem that Toby Keith wrote for us not too long ago".

In other news, Mobile County Sheriff's Deputies ended a 3 hour stand off at a local convienant store with what Deputies described as a desperate man. The incident started this afternoon when the Circle K ran out of cold beer, thats when authorities say the unknown white male became enraged. The stand off ended when the white male fled the scene in a dark blue Ford F150. Police have released a photo of the suspect. If you have any information please contact the Mobile County Sheriff's Department.

January 27th, 2006, 04:47 AM
aaaaahahahahah!!! Good one, BS!

January 27th, 2006, 06:03 AM
I saw him!!!!

He was down here in a south carolina convience store inside of an empty walkin beer cooler.
He was in a corner walking in circles saying " This just be True " ...

January 27th, 2006, 06:12 AM
How could the government let that store run out of beer! It's Bush's fault!

January 27th, 2006, 07:02 AM
ok cananda...u french speaking tangs. i got something to tell ya....."Take it to the streets b*tch!"

deleted needless commentary

btw...BS...that was classic!..lol (there is a way to be funny and a way to be offensive....Operation Frying Bacon was funny)

January 27th, 2006, 09:58 AM
LOL. Calm down Al. Brent was just making a BF2 reference that has become very popular on our server as we've had some mean kive only rounds. It's actually pretty funny when playing BF2. I guess you just have to play BF2 to understand it. I'm know he meant nothing by it. Maybe some of my fault as I'm always getting on to you about being a Canuck. From my limited experience with Canadians. You and I guy I currently work with, you guys are Ok in my book. Remeber were America "The Melting Pot" We love you Al. Also, I've felt the Cross Check ability first hand. Lol. Now, readng the article I can say that I do agree this new minister is being a little brash. He does need to realize that the freedom we share in America is in atleast a little part enjoyed by other countries such as Canada. The world is a better place because we stand up and say, Hey that's not right and we're going to kick the **** out of anyone who does wrong. Now the Canadians need to realize we're not stepping on thier toes were just making sure the neighborhood is safe. Besides if soemthing eer stirred up between us how would I get my Candian bacon pizza. Ahhhh. On anoother note AL. I know your from Canada. But I consider you and American. Hypothetically if we went to war (Cause you know that would never happen) which side of the fence would you stand on. No doubt I believe you would sign up with me and charge the front line on those mounties, so being the peace maker I am. Lets all kiss up. Brent, say your sorry and Al, put away you hockey stick. We're all Merc's here. GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 27th, 2006, 10:15 AM
I'll never let go of my hockey stick!

I have no idea who 'owns' the rights of the body of water that is under debate...nor do I care. But I can't sit here and say that I agree/disagree when it seems NOBODY really knows.... I did read that the Canadians say they own it but just have never had the military capabilities to monitor it....now, they just want to spend some money and monitor what was/is theirs. Just asking that notification be made when someone is planning on entering the waterways...

on a broader scale...the US should be concerned about the 'unprotected' waterway as well and support the Canadians with this. Any unprotected waterway that close in proximatey is a threat to both countries.

as for which side of the fence I would be on....hmmmm..tough question.

I guess since I became a U.S. Citizen....I would be on the redneck side.

But...Canada recognizes dual citizenship...so maybe I would be on the Eskimo side.

or....maybe I'll just defect to Russia...I should be safe there.

Thankfully, I'll never have to make that decision since Canada isn't dumb enough to try to go to war against the U.S...if they do...it is safe to say I won't be commiting suicide.

btw....in case you guys don't know...the Conservative party in Canada is equivalent to the Republican party here....at least to some extent. Which is why most of the media will be against them....ie..democratic media....

January 27th, 2006, 10:18 AM
hahahaha yeah I thinik we've developed a new language since we've been playing BF2. Last time Biggs said lets take it to the street, I ejected out of my jet and walked the rest of the map.

Hey by the way, when we are playing as MEC you seem to hear different things that make you say, did he just say what I thought he said. The phrase I keep hearing is "Hey young fella". Now its stuck in my head and I walk around the station all day saying "Hey young fella". I'm hearing all kinds of crap in Special forces.

January 27th, 2006, 10:42 AM
Sabre I think what ticked me off the most was the fact that this guy just took office. He jumps right off the stool and starts swinging at us. He didn't even dance around a little bit first. I'm sure theres more to this story than we know. It could be a politically motivated statement or could have been years of arrogance on our part in the tune of we'll just take what we want. Who knows. But making statements like that give the impression that the guy wants to take a shot at us. I guess I'm still upset with Canada for harboring one of our deserters. Appearently what the deal was, this little guy was about to be deployed to iraq at the beginning of the war. The military gave this guy a job, good benifits and free lodging to sit on the base until he was called to service. When the government decided it was time to pay the piper, he says he doesn't support the war effort and deserts to Canada. The government wanted his little skinny ass back. We gots rocks that need breaking. Canada refused to give the U.S extridition rights to the little man. So he lives there now a free man and a deserter from the U.S military. Oh he liked the U.S military as long as he didn't have to fight. I was always under the impression that we and Canada were like kin folk. We were here to take care of each other. We find a criminal from Canada, we're on the phone wanting to know where they want us to drop him off at.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't care where you were born, you ass lives here so is american fool. You can't go back to Canada now anyway. You've been tainted with american ways.

January 27th, 2006, 10:46 AM
Lol. Yeah Jerry, those MEC sayings are funny. When you're asking for a medic. I hear "Turkey in the fridge" Not sure what that is telling me, LOL.

On teh Canadian thing. yes Al Canada has "Claimed" those norhtern waters BUT the U.N. and other countries beyond America state those are Neautral waters. The reason they US has been through their is that the Russians were going through their as well. Don't believe the hype. The US and Russia, maybe even China all go through their. The US is the only one that admits it. And true the liberal media is making a mountain out of a mole hill (Spin Zone). Also your statement about "Unprotected waters" Not happening. My Dad was a Master Chief in the U.S. Navy for 27 years. he says without a doubt the U.S. has been in full control of all the water around it. (My dad has stated that the Canadians have always been top notch in aiding helping and allowing the US to patrol through its watersd) Freedom comes at a price. If that price is the privledge to sail through your waters to protect ourselves and you. All we ask in return is "Go right ahead, THANKS!" Which is exactly what Canada has always said and done. This new Minister ordeal is simply his way of saying "Ok, You can do it but remeber its ours" Thats all. If this article were written by a right wing person it would have read "New Prime Minister Thanks U.S. for support and informs they will help by adding ice breakers and some military of their own. Since we'll be using the waters now as well, lets us know where you are so we don't shoot each other. Now lets go get a beer" That's what we should be saying, "THE TRUTH" (NO SPIN ZONE HERE). I like mounties, a man that can ride a horse in the cold where the saddle easily chaps your inner thigh is a man in my book. Here's to you Canucks. Lets drink some Moose Head.

January 27th, 2006, 11:13 AM
Usually I don't take offense to most 'smack talk' towards Canadians because I'm an easy going guy...but I have to say that you need to shut the hell up on this one. I can't say that I'm not surprised at your comment....not thought out too well.....probably off the cuff....but watch what you say because I carry a mean hockey stick and it can do damage when provoked (I too am 230lbs of twisted sex appeal). I'm not one to boast on any Canadian military presence....well...cause there isn't one...but everyone knows that.

So you and your Mexican speaking tang or 'modified' English speaking tang can royally kiss my big fat ass and if you have a problem with my response....my street is posted in the private forums somewhere......

btw...BS...that was classic!..lol (there is a way to be funny and a way to be offensive....Operation Frying Bacon was funny)

first of all....it was a joke that is pretty well known within our clan as a phrase that is said on ts when the knives come out and i get my arse handed to me. so i figured it would be excepted as a joke and nothing else.

secondly....if that post really offended you then i apologize...and also advise you to calm down a little bit.

thirdly.....i try to joke about everything on these forums cause although i have strong political beliefs, i really would rather just joke about it than get all worked up. we post here to shoot the breeze not to get all wired up.

fourthly...if you really meant for me to look for your address and "really" take it to the streets...then i should take that as a threat...and if you truly feel that hostile towards me then, by god....

January 27th, 2006, 11:18 AM
If this article were written by a right wing person it would have read "New Prime Minister Thanks U.S. for support and informs they will help by adding ice breakers and some military of their own. Since we'll be using the waters now as well, lets us know where you are so we don't shoot each other. Now lets go get a beer" That's what we should be saying, "THE TRUTH" (NO SPIN ZONE HERE). I like mounties, a man that can ride a horse in the cold where the saddle easily chaps your inner thigh is a man in my book. Here's to you Canucks. Lets drink some Moose Head.

that's exactly what I'm talking about....we have to remember that the media (both in the US and in Canada) are primarily left wing. So if you read articles from Canadian newspapers, you'll see similar tones. However, if you ask the Canadian population....and that is hard to define....since so many countries are represented in Canada. It's hard to walk around and not see a Jamaican, Spanish, Indian, Chinese, South African, Iraqi, ...etc...communities. Canada has very rarely stopped an immigrant....ok...off of soap box now....

BS, I'm sure that did happen....and it's really crappy. Hopefully with the new Conservative leadership up there....the stupid crap that the previous PM pulled off will not continue under the new regime.

January 27th, 2006, 11:40 AM
first of all....it was a joke that is pretty well known within our clan as a phrase that is said on ts when the knives come out and i get my arse handed to me. so i figured it would be excepted as a joke and nothing else.

secondly....if that post really offended you then i apologize...and also advise you to calm down a little bit.

thirdly.....i try to joke about everything on these forums cause although i have strong political beliefs, i really would rather just joke about it than get all worked up. we post here to shoot the breeze not to get all wired up.

fourthly...if you really meant for me to look for your address and "really" take it to the streets...then i should take that as a threat...and if you truly feel that hostile towards me then, by god....

well...and I'll use your format...

first, how would I know that it is a 'clan wide TS joke' when I've been on TS maybe 3 times, equally on BF2? So...it is not a clan wide joke known by everyone....

second, I accept your apology and I apologize in return.....deleted needless commentary


Fourth...deleted needless commentary

more deleting....

let's talk about cars now, that's much more fun...however maybe not as interesting and amusing for others :-)

January 27th, 2006, 12:03 PM
last things i am gonna say about this.


i think it sux that, u thought i wasnt joking and that i was trying to cut you (being a canadian) down. i would never in these forums threaten or disrespect any body....even andy.....i do joke though, and that is as far as i will go...joking. and if my joking does offend someone i will be the first to apologize and stop immediately.

January 27th, 2006, 12:08 PM
Good job guys. Way to state your case and agree to disagree. The true meaning of a MERC here. Things get misunderstood all the time here. The difference being we work them out, mono eh mono. My observation would be to say. Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe next time Al ask him what he meant about the statement before lashing out (Just a suggestion as I can't be hypocritical here as I seem to lash out at odd times myslef.). I'm glad to see this nipped in the bud before it got out of hand. Again, good job guys.

One thing I will say. Al, I've called you a lot of things since I've known you, but by no means would I ever be as harsh as to call you "French". I know as low as I am there are some low blows not even I will use.

January 27th, 2006, 12:20 PM
last things i am gonna say about this.


i think it sux that, u thought i wasnt joking and that i was trying to cut you (being a canadian) down. i would never in these forums threaten or disrespect any body....even andy.....i do joke though, and that is as far as i will go...joking. and if my joking does offend someone i will be the first to apologize and stop immediately.

lol..it wasn't that 'you' said something directly towards me....heck...I don't even know if you even knew there was a an ex-canadian here. I get more irritated at the stereotype that canadians are all 'french'. and I guess I took a little frustration out on you....sorry about that...it's kinda like everyone from NOLA is like dirge :)

I post alot of sarcastic stuff on the forums....so I should have known that you were messing around...my bad. BUT I will NEVER stop trying to offend Andy...that takes alot of work...but we could start by ripping on his truck.

I'd say 'group hug' but I don't really want to get that close to you :)

I'm done with this conversation too :mothersda

January 27th, 2006, 01:11 PM
bah somebody start a blog already! lol

January 27th, 2006, 01:43 PM
Can I say something.........?

January 27th, 2006, 02:02 PM

January 27th, 2006, 02:04 PM
Somehow I feel like a child that accidentally started an arguement between my parents. Ya'll were argueing because you don't love me anymore. Im gona run away and you'll never see me again. Or at least until I run out of food.

January 27th, 2006, 02:18 PM
Please?........and I love you BS......

January 27th, 2006, 02:55 PM
it happens BS...enough about it!
dang canadians!

January 27th, 2006, 03:00 PM
you trying to start something too????

