View Full Version : Need a change of pace!!!!

January 26th, 2006, 08:37 AM
If life is full of hustle and bustle, seems like rest and relaxation are too far away, and you have completely lost all sense of where your time goes, try STREP THROAT, wow this crap hurts, Been down for almost a week, omg the fever, the sore itchy throat, the hungry because you dont really want to swallow anything , first day back on my feet, and still a little weak, but geezzzzzzzzzzzz.......

January 26th, 2006, 09:08 AM
eheh...glad to se eyou pulled through, man!

January 26th, 2006, 09:24 AM
I hope you went to the dr and are on antibiotics, buddy boy! Try popsicles or jello, so that you don't dehydrate. Hope you feel lots better soon! *hugz* ~Samantha~

January 26th, 2006, 09:51 AM
I need a sickness that doesn't hurt too bad and will allow me to play on the computer at the same time. I can't take vacation and its ticking me off. I have 6 months of off time on the books that I cant even use, unless I get sick and have to stay home.

January 26th, 2006, 10:06 AM
hehehe try gout...I have had that...want to talk about pain!!!
but being 6'4" of pure steel, twisted sex appeal, I never missed a day of work.
just have to go everywhere with a dang sock on...:(

January 26th, 2006, 10:12 AM
hehehe try having a headache, i am sure people will look at your head and understand why it hurts......lolololol knee slapper...

January 26th, 2006, 10:55 AM
I had strep throat for much of my childhood....thank God for drugs and for finally getting my tonsils out!

January 26th, 2006, 11:30 AM
I'm just hoping Diesel has more on than a sock...

January 26th, 2006, 12:17 PM
ewwwww.... yeah , but that would probably get you sent home for the day if that was all that you had on.....

January 28th, 2006, 06:05 PM
My wife had strep in college which transformed into scarlet fever in me. That sucked. Iwould ask for a bowl of soup, she would say "It didn't break your legs or affect your ability to see."

Gosh, I love 'er!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
January 29th, 2006, 02:19 PM
I had strep and tonsillitis a lot through my life. Then I got mononucleuosis in 11th grade. Great story there that I'll tell ofcourse.

Third game of the football season against our archrivals who where division 2A, which means they had more kids in there school then us, and it was at their school. So it was the first time we played them in like 10 years and where supposed to crush us by like 20 points. We go in losing 6-0 at the half, but we get a touchdown in the second half and our kicker puts us in the lead 7-6. They have the ball at their 42 yard line and it's 4th and 8 with under 2 minutes to play. I was the weakside cornerback and the receiver on my side runs and 10 yard and in route so I let him into the linebacker's zone and their star runningback comes to my side and does a fly so I stick with him man up. Their quarterback had an arm so he lets it fly. Now the guy was faster then me and he was behind me but I jumped up and tipped the ball away to save the game. The best part is the newspaper said it was the defense end that made the play 40 yards downfield so I didn't get any credit. We down the ball 3 times and win the game. You would have thought we won the superbowl most of the stands rushed the field and our aftergame meeting in the endzone had more non football players there then players.

The next morniing I went to the hosipital to get some IV fluids in me so my tonsils went back to their normal golfball size.

At 23 between tonsillitis and the mono, which nevers go away, one of my tonils abscessed and I could only open my mouth enough to drink from a straw. Back to the hosipital I go. The ear nose and throat guy says I have 2 choices. He can lance my tonsil then go back in 6-8 weeks and have my tonsils taken out. Or he could just take them out and be done with it. Honestly it was a tuff choice because my throat had been hurting for 4 weeks by this point so I didn't want it to hurt anymore. I decided to have him just take them out and be done with it. Luckily I get 750mg Vicadon for the pain. Unluckily they didn't do jack diddly for the pain so I go back and ask for something else. I got 750mg Percoset, which worked as well as teh Vicadon. So I suffered for 4 more freaking weeks with pain.

Every. Single. Time that I swalled and felt pain.

For 2 consecutive months. I was seriously considering suicide folks. You really don't realize how many times you swallow in the course of a day.

Anyway that's the story with my tonsils. But I will say that if I get a sore throat now it aint no thang compared to what I used to have. I also find out that pain meds don't seem to work for me so I hope I don't need any major surgeries in my life because I'm f'd.
