View Full Version : VOIP......stupid Vonage...

January 23rd, 2006, 09:50 AM
Ok..anyone else using VOIP? I've been using Vonage for about 5 or 6 months now and the last month or so has been very frustrating to say the least.

choppy calls is the main reason. I can call home and get a clear signal, but it's hit or miss that when I make a call from home that the signal is clear. Most of the time it's inaudible...kinda like a bad drive thru speaker or like when Wayne and Garth were ordering at the drive thru :)

anyway..I've tried all the 'usual' stuff...like rebooting all the devices and moving the router away from other devices...but nothing seems to work.

I even formatted my hard drive and reinstalled all my software and crap...just hoping that it would somehow fix itself...doh! waste of time.....

The internet connection has been sparatic at times...but I find it hard to believe that Time Warner has been having issues for over a month..and when I first started with Vonage I had no problems at all.

anyone else have/having similar issues?

January 23rd, 2006, 10:21 AM
I use VOIP thru Bresnan, and no issues unless they are causing CS:Source to not work any more.

January 23rd, 2006, 10:21 AM
I have been having issues with my cable company since the hurricane. This may have nothing to do with your problem, but I am paying for 3meg service and only recieve barely 1meg or as low as 256. They keep telling me that they are having to reroute everything since the storm. PLEASE SAVE ME BELLSOUTH!!!

January 23rd, 2006, 11:15 AM
Ok..anyone else using VOIP? I've been using Vonage for about 5 or 6 months now and the last month or so has been very frustrating to say the least.

choppy calls is the main reason. I can call home and get a clear signal, but it's hit or miss that when I make a call from home that the signal is clear. Most of the time it's inaudible...kinda like a bad drive thru speaker or like when Wayne and Garth were ordering at the drive thru :)

anyway..I've tried all the 'usual' stuff...like rebooting all the devices and moving the router away from other devices...but nothing seems to work.

I even formatted my hard drive and reinstalled all my software and crap...just hoping that it would somehow fix itself...doh! waste of time.....

The internet connection has been sparatic at times...but I find it hard to believe that Time Warner has been having issues for over a month..and when I first started with Vonage I had no problems at all.

anyone else have/having similar issues?

sorry have no experience with those debil companies
At BellSouth we call that...you get what you pay for. :p:
normally the old saying does hold true.

January 23rd, 2006, 12:25 PM
sorry have no experience with those debil companies
At BellSouth we call that...you get what you pay for. :p:
normally the old saying does hold true.

I should have expected that :stick

Let's stick with 'constructive feedback' from now on please....:)

January 23rd, 2006, 12:42 PM
Have you tested your internet speed? If you are not getting a fast enough connection then it might be affecting it.

January 23rd, 2006, 01:13 PM
do do do-do-dooo
do do do-do-dooo

POTS roxorz! (P.lain O.ld T.elephone S.ervice)

The problem with voip is that no one offers service level guarantees. The reason is because Vonage sells a service over someone else's internet. They can't control the quality of the internet connection. That will begin to change with the advent of IPTV and products such as BellSouth's ODB (on-demand broadband).

until then...

do do do-do-dooo
do do do-do-dooo

January 23rd, 2006, 02:40 PM
The internet connection has been sparatic at times...but I find it hard to believe that Time Warner has been having issues for over a month..and when I first started with Vonage I had no problems at all.

anyone else have/having similar issues?

I would say check yer internet connections speeds... I have been, and still am, having problems with "TEH DEBIL" <Comcast> since the Hurricane... it seems as if i will be calling them once or twice every month or 2 from now on.. them is bastards....

As far as your problem... i'd definitely check w/ my isp... Them ISP's is Shady bastages....

January 23rd, 2006, 03:30 PM
Time warner hosts my cable internet....but I pay earthlink and have an earthlink email account....
