View Full Version : Muay Tai

January 16th, 2006, 04:21 PM
Hey fellas,

I am looking for a place to train in Muay Tai in Baton Rouge. Do any of you know of any good places?

January 17th, 2006, 11:42 AM
Don't need it. I have the Crazy doesn't matter what I learn when the fight switch goes off I loose touch with reality and everything around me so learning fancy moves won't do me any good. I'm not easily promted into agresision but when I am its not pretty. I don't have the ok its over, its time to stop smashing this person into a mudhole gene and I tend to get into a lot of trouble when it happens. You tend to beat up a few guys to the point they have to spend days in intensive care they put you n a list and give you all kinds of legal warnings like "Your a registered weapon now so assault on another person is a federal offense" and crap like that so I tend to use the I drink alot and let bigons be bigons. Haven't been to jail since. woohoo!

January 17th, 2006, 11:49 AM
I can tell you that 4 years in Philedelphia will do more for you than any Mauy Tai class will ever teach you. Not sure how many knock down drag outs you've ever been in but in Jr. High My brother, Me, and our friend hulio were the only non-blacks in a school of 2000. Lets just say I fought al lot. Every day. To school, at school, from school, in the hood, on base (we were in the military) off base etc etc and all that fancy crap does you zero good in a real life situation. It usually boils down to who gets the first good solid contact and the one who's crazier and tends to forget about pain while its going on. It also helped me that I have very large hands that when fisted have very protruding undulating knuckles that do a lot of damage. Being tall helps a lot too. I have won a lot of fights simply becuase I had the reach onthe other guy. While hes charging me I could get in several good pops before they got close enough. May not have been born that way but nature over nurture occured. Now though I just kick back and live the high life. Make love not war. Lol. Damn I sound like a liberal hippie! Ok have sex and forget the stick, is that better, lol.

January 17th, 2006, 12:18 PM
I study Aki Ju-Jitsu ... little bit martial art.. Lot parctical self defense..

January 17th, 2006, 01:43 PM

muay tai is a Thai form of kickboxing. I want to train cause it kicks your arse into shape. I have a budy who still lives in NOLA who trains and went to Japan for a Muay Tai turney and got his arse kicked bad.

Muay Tai also trains your body to take a lot a punishment...like repeated blows to the midsection, legs, and head.

and about fights...i have been in many barfights and have broken all of my metacarpels, most of my carpels, and 3 knuckles in my right hand (at different times of course).....so i am not trying to learn how to go fight...i want to learn this stuff becuase its fun to me and it will kick my arse.

January 17th, 2006, 01:55 PM
Ok have sex and forget the stick, is that better, lol.
Now you sound like a lesbian :stick

January 17th, 2006, 03:50 PM
Now you sound like a lesbian :stick

Lesbians like women right. Guess I am a lesbian. lol.

Also, Hey Brent, Round is a shape. Lol. No, I understand and can sympathize as I'm getting rather large myself. All those kung fu classes will get you into shape. As a piece of friendly advise though. Join a health club. I did and the workout is better. Plus there are always good looking women there who need help figuring out equipment. Woohoo.

January 17th, 2006, 04:25 PM
yeah, i lift weights but the workout i am talking about is more for stamina and endurance....and so i can take an arse kicking too.

January 17th, 2006, 05:15 PM
Have you ever thought about Judo, Biggs. That is very practical, and worthwhile. Just a suggestion. Akido also is a good artform to study. Also martial arts teach you mental toughness in precarious situations. My buddy was also a get drunk, oops went black and killed somone guy....problems was he ran into Dan another friend that was twice a black belt in Akido. Dan needless to say stomped a big frakin mudhole in Justin. Justin was a big mofo.....benched 350+ lbs. as a sophmore in highschool, continued strength training afterquitting football as a senior. Could run 10 mi. on a whem when he wanted, perfect idea of in fit and strong. He did all of this at 6'2" in height. Dan was 5' 10" 163 lbs drippin. Problem was dan knew how to get hit, and hit the other guy fast.

January 18th, 2006, 11:36 AM
']Could run 10 mi. on a whem when he wanted.

You're Bleeding

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
January 18th, 2006, 02:06 PM
Hell I can run 10 miles on a whim when I want.

I just haven't had that whim yet.

January 18th, 2006, 02:15 PM
Okay a little overstating....figure of speech about being fit. He ran everday for 30 min. - 1 hour at 5:00am. Fitness people are freaks! I was making a point of street tough vs. preparedness.

Street tough = beat other at all cost with whatever. Hit first, hit hardest, keep hitting until you cannot lift arms.
Preparedness = ability to take away whatever and beat them with it until subdued. Never loose conscienceness to surroundings and ability to react and leave safely when needed, and know when not to fight.

January 19th, 2006, 03:52 PM
here is where i decided to go..i choose it cause i know a few guys who fight there and they love it soo..


January 19th, 2006, 07:34 PM

Street tough = beat other at all cost with whatever. Hit first, hit hardest, keep hitting until you cannot lift arms.

Lol... You make it sound so..................crazy. It seems like a rational state of mind at the moment.
