View Full Version : Mayor of New Orleans

January 16th, 2006, 02:11 PM
I don't know if any of you locals listened to his speech today, but what an arsehole this guy is.... so mad i can't even see straight...


January 16th, 2006, 02:18 PM
chocolate New Orleans huh?

January 16th, 2006, 02:20 PM
well Onji...you see... that's how god wants it man... cant argue with that can ya?

January 16th, 2006, 02:28 PM
So God speaks to him and tells him N.O. should be all chocolate flavored???

I thought God spoke to Oral Roberts (or who ever that televangilist is) that said the hurricane was God's wrath on the lazy colored people?

maybe God didn't get them all the first time, and he's setting them up for next hurricane season......

Wish I could have been in the crowd today at that speech. i would love to have asked Naygen if his vision of chocolate N.O. included White Chocolate....or is it limited to Dark chocolate, only the purist, or could there be some milk chocolate? where's the line drawn?
or ask him, if he wants it to be predominately black, why aren't more black people helping in the rebuilding? sure there are quite a few, but not even close to the # that lived there. Why should others rebuild the city for them, so a large quantity of them can go back to their new homes to still collect their SSI checks?

What will he do if N.O. becomes predominatly white, or hispanic (which it very well could be rightnow with all the hispanic workers)

January 16th, 2006, 02:50 PM
I heard this on the radio news update and almost wrecked my car. When he said it, he said it like a preacher, emphasizing and pausing, etc...

January 16th, 2006, 02:53 PM
well Onji...you see... that's how god wants it man... cant argue with that can ya?

so, he wants a black city again.

does he want it to be like it was before, with poverty, crime, ignorance, and dependence on the government for a place to live and checks in the mail?

well, how can these blacks go back to a city where they dont own property? where they gonna live? who will pay for these "drag on the economy peoples?"

Are we suppose to want these people reinfest a city that they themselves destroyed?

OK that say great nagin, let em all come back so the city can just be a breeding ground for children born out of wedlock, a breeding ground for violence, drugs, and poverty.

In my opinion, I think we should not help people who do not want to help themsevles. I am talking about a welfare recieving, lazy, dependent, and ignorant group of people who used to live in a city that was once a great and beautiful place.

The city will be clean and beautiful again.......as long as we keep the trash out....and mr. nagin.....you and your realitives just so happen to be part of the trash.

Happy James Earl Ray day fellas.

+By the way i am not racist, and a N*g*r can be both black or white.+

January 16th, 2006, 03:12 PM
I told my brother I was waitng for Jessie Jackson to burst out of his stomach or some ****. He even sad he has a dream!!! ROTFLMFAO!

January 16th, 2006, 04:05 PM
Hummm... Well, I think hes getting the city that he wants, acording to the rest of the speach the black comunity is doing what they were doing before, Killing each other for no good reason.

I say its getting back to normal.

January 16th, 2006, 05:33 PM
WTF!! Yeah, this sounds like a last ditch effort for someone who knows he's blown the vote of the white business man in NO. He did that when he caved to trying to get all the black evacuees to come back in a hurry so that his friends could be elected. He's trying to get some votes from this one, but the wrong ones. Hell, if they want a chocolate city let them rebuild their own houses (oh I forgot....they don't OWN any!)

January 16th, 2006, 08:51 PM
I told my brother I was waitng for Jessie Jackson to burst out of his stomach or some ****. He even sad he has a dream!!! ROTFLMFAO!

Reminds me of a joke i heard today:

Why do black people only have nightmares?

Cause the last one that had a dream got shot....

January 16th, 2006, 10:17 PM
Tonight on the news he tried to "clear up" the chocolate statement. He said something on the lines of this... How do you make chocolate? With white milk and chocolate. Who the f**k writes these speeches for this guy.

January 16th, 2006, 10:33 PM
Send him up here to Montana. We have a way of "workin" this stuff out.

January 16th, 2006, 11:00 PM

I just wish there would be the kind of back lash for him that would happen if a white mayor said the same thing about his city "We will keep this city primarily Vanila. God has deemed that this city should be prodominatly vanila in order to return to a great city"

January 17th, 2006, 06:09 AM
we need to start printing some "Go to Hell Nagin" bumper stickers

January 17th, 2006, 06:44 AM
Yeah I think this is just an added straw to break the cities back.
A caller summed it up best on the local am station,
he is now in Houston, and sees the difference of where your money can go/do when complete idiots/racist are not controlling it.
I just hope the influx of New Orleans trash does not ruin it...ahh who am i kidding i forgot they do not put up with that crap in other states.

Maybe he can continue to "talk" to God and find out what New Orleans has done to deserver to be the "armpit" of the ole USA

January 17th, 2006, 08:48 AM
You guys are starting to change my mind about ever visiting NOLA.

"Crazy white boy from Montana attacked helpless chocolate Mayor in attempt to make s'mores."

January 17th, 2006, 09:04 AM
Let's rename New Orleans to Chocolate Town and we can get Willy Wonka to run it.

January 17th, 2006, 09:45 AM
Well, you know "God wants it that way", and he "doesn't care what those people uptown think".

January 17th, 2006, 12:33 PM
"uptown or wherever" my man... ya slippin.here's the whole thing for those that didn't see it/hear it.. Now after catching the entire speech I feel just a little different about it. It is obvious this guy is a complete bone head, but if I were going to try and figure out wtf he was saying it would probably be a message to the black folk that hey... we know things were fuked up and you hate the man... we know that you have all these things to whine about... but the bottom line is that WE (black people) need to get off our asses and do for ourselves and stop crying about the man all the time. Just a guess, but listen to the whole thing and tell me what you think. now the chocolate thing? just plain stupid... The.. Im going to talk like a preacher thing? DOUBLE stupid.


the noxious
January 17th, 2006, 12:45 PM
Ray Nagin.....Doesn't care about white people!!!


if you get that joke then ok.

January 17th, 2006, 01:47 PM
first of all.......new orleans was originally a vanilla city where the only blacks there were owned by the vanilla peoples......so if nagin really wants to go back how it was originally...then thats fine by me......i want 2 please.

January 17th, 2006, 02:39 PM
Biggs... I'm not sure that is exactly what he was going for... LOL.. but that Nagen dude is an absolute raving idiot/lunatic... but that is prolly some sort of requirement to enter politics in LA. Not to mentions some sort of crook...

January 17th, 2006, 04:06 PM
I agree wit Biggs....I am not a racist......I have a Black and White Avatar!

January 17th, 2006, 07:05 PM
I've read and heard the whole speach, and it doesn't make a difference to me that he talked about the problems of the black community. He's the mayor of New Orleans and represents not just the black community (who were the majority) he also represents the white community (business men, doctors, the tax base). What he said was plain racist and stupid. Like was stated before if a white man said something to that effect, even though it might have been surround with a lot of positives, he would have been crucified on TV.

And what is with him talking like he's illiterate now? He's going to his roots. I mean I thought he was intelligent but now when he speaks he sounds like a project reject.

January 17th, 2006, 07:11 PM
i just read u signiture quote by teddy...and i realy like it.

i got a question though........so is it un american to call myself a Germanic-Italiano-Caucasion-European-American. lol

January 17th, 2006, 09:26 PM

January 17th, 2006, 11:04 PM

January 18th, 2006, 03:07 AM
ROFL Good one, Toby! [Although I don't think I'd wanna walk around with that guy's picture on the front of my shirt]. How appropriate Nagin does this big spiel on MLK Day (at least, that's the day I watched it on tv). I suppose he's just letting all the crack dealers know they will eventually run the streets of NOLA again.

January 18th, 2006, 05:47 AM
Nagin's done gone feral on us.

And we're all Americans, except on St Patrick's day, then everyone wants to be Irish! lol

January 18th, 2006, 06:11 AM
LMAO Toby....:laugh:

January 18th, 2006, 06:15 AM
Local satire piece in today's paper:

Does anybody happen to have an Everlasting Gobstopper handy?
Mayor Wonka and the Chocolate City
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Chris Rose

I wake up in the Chocolate City mad as hell.

It's like this: I'm supposed to be on vacation this week, cooling my heels, and then our mayor, Willy Wonka, loses his grip in public again and that's hardly headline news in and of itself, but this time he really lets one go.

I mean, he really gasses the place up, if you know what I mean. Now, how am I supposed to sit this one out?

First thing I do, I follow the mayor's lead and call Martin Luther King Jr. Of course, it takes a while to get through because he died in 1968 so he still has one of those avocado green rotary dial phones on his kitchen counter and no call-waiting.

As you might imagine, his line was pretty tied up Tuesday morning.

"King!" I holler when I finally reach him. "What in blazes are you thinking? You're writing speeches for Wonka, and the best you can come up with is 'Chocolate City'? Meet me at CC's Coffee House, bruh. Pronto. We gotta talk."

"I'm tired," he complains. "I had a big day yesterday."

"We all had a big day yesterday, King," I tell him. "Eleven o'clock. Be there."

Then I call God.

Of course, my call gets answered on the first ring, but it's some lackey working out of a phone bank in Singapore. We tangle a bit; she's giving me the runaround about him being busy and can she help me, and I'm wondering: What's with authority figures these days?

"Just who does he think he is, he can't take my call?" I say. "What, He's Dan Packer now? PUT HIM ON!"

I finally get him, and I calm down a bit because he's got that comforting voice, kind of like Barry White, but I'm still all dandered up and I tell him: "11 o'clock, CC's. We gotta talk."

He starts to make excuses, tells me he's got lunch at Ruth's Chris with Pat Robertson, but I'm all over him like white on rice.

Unless it's brown rice, of course.

I suppose it could be brown.

Anyway, I wear him down and he finally admits that he thinks Robertson is a lunatic blow-hard who's always asking God to take out some foreign leader or burn down a place like Oklahoma because there are sodomites reportedly living there, so he says to me: "All right. Chill, amigo. I'll be there."

So me, King and God all meet up and I'm ready to tear into these guys about the advice they're giving Mayor Wonka, who's gone all Shirley MacLaine on us and has had almost five months to compose himself since his multiple-meltdown and the best thing he could come up with was this?

We're standing in line to order, and I let loose: "All right, you knuckleheads, which one of you wrote the 'Chocolate City' thing?"

They are aghast at my strong language, "knucklehead" being the harshest term our mayor can come up with to describe the dirtbag, scumbag, dope fiend gangbangers who have run roughshod over this town for the past decade making us the Killing Fields of America.

Knuckleheads. Yeah, that's great, like they're the Three Stooges now. "Hey, I'm gonna cap yo ass with my 9. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk."

Anyway, King waves me off. "Can we order before we get into this?" he says.

The barista, one of those bright and perky UPTOWN people -- and I think you know what kind I mean -- says "Hey, guys, what can I getcha?" and sure, she acts all Ladies' Auxiliary toward us but we all know -- me, King and God -- that all this white girl really wants is to grab up as much property as possible in the Lower 9th and build a couples resort and day spa.

Me, King and God -- we're not stupid.

King orders first. "Coffee," he says. "Black."

Well, do I need to tell you: The whole shop is paralyzed into the most uncomfortable silence you ever heard.

"Jesus!" I mutter under my breath, and God pokes me in the eye. "Watch it, knucklehead," he says.

The barista, she goes, "nyuk, nyuk, nyuk," and I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have gotten out of bed; I should have just stuck to my original plan to meet Kafka for racquetball at noon.

Coffee. Black. This King guy, he just doesn't get it. Then it turns out he's just joshing around. Suddenly he breaks the uncomfortable silence and screams: "I'LL HAVE A CREAM!"

And he starts wagging his finger all around like he's back at the Lincoln Memorial, and he starts yelling: "And my children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their coffee, but by the content of their character."

God, he cracks up at this. He starts nudging his elbow into my side and he's practically got tears in his eyes.

"What are you, Chris Rock?" he says. "That's hilarious, King. You are one loco dude!"

They do that knuckle-knock thing, and God orders. Café au lait -- who would have guessed?

So we sit and I ask them: "Guys, what's the deal? Wonka says he consulted with both of you before that blasted speech yesterday. Tell me you're not behind this Chocolate City thing. It's tearing us apart!"

King falls silent; he's eyeballing all the Uptowners like they're going to steal his hubcaps.

God pipes up: "Listen, hombre. Me and King, we had nothing to do with that speech. We told Wonka to go with a unity theme, black and white together as one. We did have this thing about Oreos in it, but we scratched that long before the final draft.

"Your boy, Wonka, that was all off the cuff, man. Extemporizing, you dig? He was off the script on that one. Completely off the reservation."

This gets King's attention. There's another uncomfortable pause as the whole place goes mute again.

"Sorry, cats," God says. "Poor choice of words. My bad. But listen: You people have got your race thing so screwed up down here that even I'm having trouble concentrating. You've got to get your house in order, folks. Your boy Wonka is walking around tossing matches on kindling. If you don't watch out, the whole place is gonna blow.

"And that will put us all out of work," he says, and he pushes his chair back and stands up.

"Gotta vamoose, bruh!" He says. "Been real, but there's mucho work to be done in the Chocolate City. Hasta la vista."

Silence again.

"All right, I'll take the bait," I tell him. "What's with all the gringo lingo?"

He looks at me like I'm crazy. He reaches into his wallet, grabs a card and hands me one before he rolls out the door.

The card, it says: "God & Sons Roofing. Reasonable Rates. Fully Insured. Habla Español."

I look at King. I stutter, "Did you know. . .?" But he's just shaking his head at me.

"Go figure," he says. "But it makes sense, when you think about it. His son's name is Jesus. The stepfather was a carpenter. All of them living in a Kenner hotel without electricity and running water like it's no big deal. It just goes to show, you never can tell. I guess you really need to be careful about what kind of assumptions you make about people."

We both take a sip and pause for a moment, and he adds: "And God, for that matter."

I nod at him over my tall glass of milk. "Now you're talking, King," I tell him. "Now you're talking."

. . . . . . .

Columnist Chris Rose can be reached at [email protected]; or at (504) 352-2535 or (504) 826-3309.

January 18th, 2006, 06:51 AM
Man that is funny.

January 18th, 2006, 07:49 AM
so funny

January 18th, 2006, 09:06 AM
haha i total pictured the chochalate building willy wanka made in the movie for that ritch arab king that was all chocalate and melted all over him haha. yeah i also thought his retractment speach about ohh you know what chocalate is made of well da ha you mix white milk with chacalate. sounds so dumb if you already had the chochalate why would you be mixing in white milk to get the same thing.it was just dumb sounding.
What ever happened to the idea of moving the city to the ne side of lousiana.
theres been many citys that have moved locations and still grew.so they cant use that as an excuse,and if there wanting to rebuild the city as a community base and back to its roots type city, they should just get over the water trade/import stuff and get away from the water that is taking back the land.

January 18th, 2006, 09:24 AM

January 18th, 2006, 09:53 AM
been down this road... lol

January 28th, 2006, 02:32 PM
Guess who I saw at the Bellagio in Vegas? Non other than Mayor Nagin himself. It looked like he was there with his wife and body guard. A group of us were at the Conservatory on this past Monday. One of the guys turned around and said, "OMG, are we in the Chocolate city?". I turned around and almost feel over the rail I was standing against. Someone else then said "Golden Ticket" and we all amost passed out laughing.

Well, we were about to leave and Nagin was walking away but before he could get away, we convinced a few of the people in the group to go ask him to take a photo with him. Well, we got the photo and I want to get it photochopped and put a golden ticket in everyone's hands with a hat on Nagin. What do you guys think?


January 28th, 2006, 03:04 PM
do it. do it.

January 28th, 2006, 04:30 PM
hahaha...do it!!!
