View Full Version : Smoke...fire...flames...

January 15th, 2006, 03:21 PM
well me and Skitz set off to build my custom built computer
and the title says it all

nah, j/k

we started of with a bunch off parts, thank god for skitz b/c I was sick as a dog and took some medicine and was pretty foggy...not good when trying to assemble $3600 of parts.

Day1 started at 8pm and we finished puting all the parts together.
press power and she runs like spotted ape... except no video...
now that the wives are sleeping on the couch and yacking in our ear, we decide to work on the video power tomorrow.
(many picture to follow when skitz d/l from cam)

Day2 I am haxed...feel like crap, am completely horse so I go to the doc,, and get stuck in the arse...wife has lasik(sp?) pre -sugery appointment to go to, I will be away from the beast all day...:eek: Skitz and Abidabi pick up the machine while I go to the parents for an early b-day party so they can fix it up.
Rich PIN's me on the blackberry...we have power for video...wohoo!!!
call later and they were not able to proceed due to lack of a worthless floppy drive to set up the raid...Rich offers while I am at work tomorrow to fix it up and install the xp...what a guy!!

Day 3 Rich calls me at work @noon and advised the computer is a go and he has installed all the basics...even teamspeak.

What a guy...hey.
Great job Skitz and a really appreciate your help and patience, I owe ya one!

final specs:
AMD 4800+ X2
2- XFX 7800 GTX 512
ASUS AN32 SLI mobo
2GB corsair DDR433 3500LL
2 120 Gig Baracudda (I think .7) 8.5ms seek (raid 0)
Lian Li pcv1000 case
620 Watt Enermax Libety PSU

now I can not wait to get home and test it out.

January 15th, 2006, 03:34 PM
sweet system...to bad u still gonna get pwned :)

January 15th, 2006, 04:01 PM
no no you hackers...i will not be last to spawn anymore and I will be able to finally see what you boons see, while in the air
oh well you are probably right :p:
but at least my blood will be smoother and more colorful :stick

January 15th, 2006, 04:50 PM
u will have to post some screenshots.....i wanna see, i wanna see.

buti u will still get pwned

January 15th, 2006, 05:48 PM
welcome to the goodness that is full graphics capability on bf2

January 16th, 2006, 10:18 AM
wtf happend to the other one your were ordering pre-built lol? More bang for the buck this way.. at least for me.

January 16th, 2006, 11:45 AM
they were tooo slow...and my boy Skitz could help me out

January 16th, 2006, 02:23 PM
rgr that... I have ordered some of the parts for mine.... some were out of stock.. I'm gonna post some assembly pictures from the lab...
