View Full Version : Nothin sweet about Sweets!

January 12th, 2006, 11:18 PM
She pwned my ass as in biggs words, something about Katrina and the 9th. She shows up states: "I haven't like played in months", then started the arse kickin'. I thunk she was wearing high heels.

Good to see ya Sweets and you looked damn good in the black hood and them sexy terrorist pants!:stick

January 13th, 2006, 05:40 AM
Yeah,It was good seeing Sweets back on and kicking Rooks and Uthers ass

January 13th, 2006, 08:01 AM
Wow, thanks guys! I enjoyed myself too!!

My game is really off though - I was making very simple mistakes, trying to remember how to switch from gun to throw a nade, very slow reflexes, my nails too long, etc. I hope to get "my game on" by the time we play our little scrim. [I'll bring my high heels again].

[I'd like to send out a big arse :moon1: to all the little boys that think a female can't play first-person shooter games well or just gaming in general. I hold my own alright. I'd like to see more wives/ladies play - I got started playing this game years ago to spend time with hubby; maybe you guys can convince your ladies to give it a try.]

January 13th, 2006, 08:12 AM
Lol, I tried Sam. Wife almost threw up trying to play. She has a stigma problem and moving screens like FPS make her dizzy and sick. Gotta hand her credit. She did honestly try. As far as ladies being good one of the better players I've seen to date was a woman. Refer to other post where onji gives her name. Very good player. I'll be on Sams team becuase I like high heels but I don;t like them stuck in my back.

January 13th, 2006, 08:15 AM
...I'll be on Sams team becuase I like high heels but I don;t like them stuck in my back.

how else am I gonna get that wallet outta yerr back-pocket???!

January 13th, 2006, 08:16 AM
Oh I would tell you but this thread is not rated Mature.

January 13th, 2006, 08:17 AM
Just remeber. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

January 13th, 2006, 09:10 AM
how else am I gonna get that wallet outta yerr back-pocket???!

Typical woman, going for the green...

January 13th, 2006, 09:24 AM
For Sweetz:


January 13th, 2006, 09:59 AM
So women aren't as fragile as we thought, at the same time they are?

Report is kinda of confusing with the less fractures if trained seperately from men, they need anti-G suits, their bones are weaker but not in comparison to overall mass? What are we getting at here?

January 13th, 2006, 10:02 AM
I think it means you can beat your woman and it won't hurt her as bad as you think so swing away :stick

January 13th, 2006, 10:05 AM
That reminds me of a joke......What do you tell a women with two black eyes?

January 13th, 2006, 10:16 AM
Nothing you told her twice already

January 13th, 2006, 01:06 PM
BTW.....400+ post count = aimless rambling ons.

January 13th, 2006, 05:54 PM
Ya know, I'm really starting to wonder about you & some of your comments, Rook. :stick As for Nutria, there's never been any hope for him, so I don't even bother. :dont I think I might have to update my "list" & add a few names......if you're wondering what "list" I am referring to, it would be the one that looks a bit like this:

#1 Male Ho & 'Hole: Drax

More names are included, but Drax is always the #1 Ho in the book. :biggrin

January 14th, 2006, 04:24 AM
Momma always said if you're gonna do something, be the best at it....

January 14th, 2006, 06:58 AM
Momma always said if you're gonna do something, be the best at it....

Your mama also taught you that "gators are onery, because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush".

January 14th, 2006, 08:19 AM
Ya know, I'm really starting to wonder about you & some of your comments, Rook. :stick As for Nutria, there's never been any hope for him, so I don't even bother. :dont I think I might have to update my "list" & add a few names......if you're wondering what "list" I am referring to, it would be the one that looks a bit like this:

#1 Male Ho & 'Hole: Drax

More names are included, but Drax is always the #1 Ho in the book. :biggrin

LMFAO......Drax seems like a good guy..........this reminds me of another joke sweets.........What do you do if the dishwasher quits workin'?:stick

January 14th, 2006, 09:10 AM
']LMFAO......Drax seems like a good guy..........this reminds me of another joke sweets.........What do you do if the dishwasher quits workin'?:stick

May not be the answer you're looking for, but the first thing that comes to mind would be: Tell him that, if he doesn't get his arse back in that kitchen and start washing those dishes, he's gonna find himself living a very lonely life.

January 14th, 2006, 09:13 AM
Oh, btw, Rook, you might not wanna mess with me. :feet: :gimli:

Just ask Andy.....I chased him until I had him down on his knees screamin' for his mamma, and then I sat on him.

January 14th, 2006, 09:15 AM
Oh, btw, Rook, you might not wanna mess with me. :feet: :gimli:

Just ask Andy.....I chased him until I had him down on his knees screamin' for his mamma, and then I sat on him.

And unplugged my NIC! She must kbnow me... Punishing me in advance. hey I got credit!

January 14th, 2006, 09:29 AM
Oh I want in on these jokes...
1)What did you do wrong if your woman comes out of the kitchen screaming at you? Cut the leash too long.
2)Why are women's feet so small? So they can stand closer to the sink and stove.

January 14th, 2006, 10:20 AM
Why did the woman cross the road?
Who let her out of the kitchen an gave her shoes?

January 14th, 2006, 11:10 AM
Oh I want in on these jokes...
1)What did you do wrong if your woman comes out of the kitchen screaming at you? Cut the leash too long.
2)Why are women's feet so small? So they can stand closer to the sink and stove.

Ya know, I'm really learning quite a bit more about some of you "males" in da clan. It's actually quite frightening.

:soapbox I have NO problem admitting that I am an obsessive-compulsive clean freak, that I cook a nice, warm, homemade dinner EVERY night (no frozen crap or tv dinners), I do dishes, clean toilets, wash clothes daily, dust, sweep, mop, vacuum, take out trash (only when I have to, I'll admit that), clean my own car if I can't afford getting it done at the detailers, mow the yard (& weed-eat, trim the hedges, move sprinklers around, etc), do the grocery shopping, clothes shopping (although I don't EVER buy things for myself at full price - I ALWAYS buy my clothes or shoes on sale or clearance: don't spend lots of money on myself except for my nails and hair), put gas in my car, take it to the auto shop when it needs repair or oil change, wake up very early (usually 5am), get brekky for the kids, get their clothes out for the day, get them ready and off to school, make beds, take care of all the kids' school paperwork, go over homework with them, read to them, paint with them/play with them when time allows, take one to Aggie Swim team practices 4 nights a week plus his soccer practices/games 3xweek & his Boy Scout meetings once a week, another one is in swim lessons 2xweek and Girl Scouts, & the other one has speech therapy once a week plus swim lessons 2xweek & soccer practice/games 2xweek, not to mention go with the 3 kids on any field trips or class parties most of the time, let's throw in doctor's appointments & dental appointments when needed, take care of organizing and writing out the bills, balancing the checkbooks, make ALL the phone calls pertaining to the household, going to the bank, post office, etc, etc etc, try to be my mate's friend and wife/lover/however you want to phrase that, and keep myself looking like a lady who takes care of herself with the very little time I have to spend on myself.

Now, having said all that and writing the longest run-on sentence known to mankind, I swear to God if any man thinks I belong on a leash, degrades me, or wants to smack me around with all that I do for a man who I love and my kids, he can kiss my :moon1:.

January 14th, 2006, 11:17 AM

can u put me on your leash?...i will be a good boy...*wink wink* lol

January 14th, 2006, 05:19 PM
Ya know, I'm really learning quite a bit more about some of you "males" in da clan. It's actually quite frightening.

:soapbox I have NO problem admitting that I am an obsessive-compulsive clean freak, that I cook a nice, warm, homemade dinner EVERY night (no frozen crap or tv dinners), I do dishes, clean toilets, wash clothes daily, dust, sweep, mop, vacuum, take out trash (only when I have to, I'll admit that), clean my own car if I can't afford getting it done at the detailers, mow the yard (& weed-eat, trim the hedges, move sprinklers around, etc), do the grocery shopping, clothes shopping (although I don't EVER buy things for myself at full price - I ALWAYS buy my clothes or shoes on sale or clearance: don't spend lots of money on myself except for my nails and hair), put gas in my car, take it to the auto shop when it needs repair or oil change, wake up very early (usually 5am), get brekky for the kids, get their clothes out for the day, get them ready and off to school, make beds, take care of all the kids' school paperwork, go over homework with them, read to them, paint with them/play with them when time allows, take one to Aggie Swim team practices 4 nights a week plus his soccer practices/games 3xweek & his Boy Scout meetings once a week, another one is in swim lessons 2xweek and Girl Scouts, & the other one has speech therapy once a week plus swim lessons 2xweek & soccer practice/games 2xweek, not to mention go with the 3 kids on any field trips or class parties most of the time, let's throw in doctor's appointments & dental appointments when needed, take care of organizing and writing out the bills, balancing the checkbooks, make ALL the phone calls pertaining to the household, going to the bank, post office, etc, etc etc, try to be my mate's friend and wife/lover/however you want to phrase that, and keep myself looking like a lady who takes care of herself with the very little time I have to spend on myself.

Now, having said all that and writing the longest run-on sentence known to mankind, I swear to God if any man thinks I belong on a leash, degrades me, or wants to smack me around with all that I do for a man who I love and my kids, he can kiss my :moon1:.

Ermmmm.... Me Tinks someone hit a nerve ?

J/K.. Sam I know you got it going on :)

January 14th, 2006, 05:23 PM
I was joking in good fun sweets. Don't ya know any good man jokes?

January 14th, 2006, 06:34 PM
'] Don't ya know any good man jokes?

I didn't know there was such a thing as a "good man".....that, in and of itself, seems like a joke to me. :doh

January 14th, 2006, 07:40 PM
If I "hit a nerve" then I am sorry, but they were jokes... you know *wink wink nudge nudge* kinda stuff. The joke wasn't directed to any particular woman just like if I would rattle off some blonde jokes.... they are jokes so lighten up.

January 14th, 2006, 09:58 PM
Nutria.....that reminds me of a joke.....

Did you hear that they were putting the dimmer switches back on the floor of the vehicle now............................................... ...There was a study done that showed to many blondes were getting their feet stuck in the steering wheel.

January 14th, 2006, 10:07 PM
Blonde huh.... here we go:
A redhead, blonde and brunette are sitting in the doctors office; all are pregnent.

The brunette speaks up- I'm going to have a boy, I know becuase my husband is ALWAYS on top.

The redhead speaks up- I'm going to have a girl, I know because I'm ALWAYS on top.

Suddenly the blonde start wailing and crying uncontrollably and blurts out:

"I'm going to have puppies!"

Another not blonde joke:
If big chested women work at Hooters then where do one legged women work?


January 15th, 2006, 06:39 AM
haha I'm not THAT sensitive....I was just on my soap box. I know you 2 were poking around...no worries! I just saw a good opportunity to "advertise" my good points, so I figured I'd make you all feel REALLY bad. Kinda like what Draxilla & I do. *giggles* It worked! woot! heh

January 15th, 2006, 09:03 AM
So theres a brunette a redhead and a blonde who are tring to escape from a prison when the guards are onto to them so they all hide in sacks. The guards see the sacks moving and sends over a soldier to poke each one of them with his gun.
The guard pokes the first one and the brunette says "woof" and the guard goes "oh its just a dog" he pokes the second one and the redhead goes "meow" and the guard says "its just a cat". He then pokes the third and the blonde goes "potatoes".

January 15th, 2006, 05:26 PM
I didn't know there was such a thing as a "good man".....that, in and of itself, seems like a joke to me. :doh

Just give me a chance Sam
A Southern Gentleman is what I am.
Hey Sam I am, and it made sense, woohoo.
