View Full Version : Online ordering probs!

January 12th, 2006, 05:05 PM
I know this will not be popular, but I am completely disgusted with Newegg.com. I ordered sLingy a Z-Board for our office christmas gift pool. They charged my card on 12/24/05 and I have not seen hide nor hair of it. This making me look like a complete jack***. I call Newegg a few times now with complaint that I have not received it yet. At first they told me I have not charged my card.....I fax a bank statement showing charge......Next they say it was shipped and it should be here.......NODDA!.......NEXT they say they have to file a claim which will take 10 business days to pursue. My wife okayed the skitsvelvet build order but I regretfully say I will try to order from somewhere else now. I have ordered few things from newegg, and I have found it is not worth it most of the time.

Sorry to vent, but I am just steamed about this.:work4 :dont

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
January 12th, 2006, 05:30 PM
You must have been a bad boy this year because Newegg is the shizzle! I've built 3 computers through them along with some replacement parts with zero problems. Most of the time I get my stuff a day earlier then expected and most recently I got my order the next day.

January 12th, 2006, 05:36 PM
yeah. i got a vid card and just this last week got my new lcd monitor and i am very impressed with newegg.

i go tthe 19" samsung 940b with 8ms response time. i went to bestbuy and they had the 930b for $369 and said they could order the 940b for me for just under $400. lol nubs trying rip a honkie off.

i got the monitor from newegg with 2 day delivery for like $340 and i got that shizzle on the second day at 11:00 in the morning.

i am very pleased with newegg....so much in fact i am thinking about buying a 50" sony flatty from them as well.

but yeah, i feel ur pain about being screwed with the whole ordering thing....but i dont think its newegg cause they are the shiot.

January 12th, 2006, 11:20 PM
I blame sLingy. He must have been bad and I just don't know it.

January 13th, 2006, 06:41 AM
yeah. i got a vid card and just this last week got my new lcd monitor and i am very impressed with newegg.

i go tthe 19" samsung 940b with 8ms response time. i went to bestbuy and they had the 930b for $369 and said they could order the 940b for me for just under $400. lol nubs trying rip a honkie off.

I got the same monitor last week....at best buy...I couldn't wait the day for shipping..lol

January 13th, 2006, 06:50 AM
yeah that is not a bad price for being able to go in an walk out with it!
the volume newegg does is crazy stupid!!
their volume discounts and low overhead make it virtually unbeatable as far as price.

Rook what did the order status say?
it normally is right on, and leads you step by step in the process :confused:

January 13th, 2006, 06:53 AM
Maybe the donkeys are having a hard time getting through the mountains?

January 13th, 2006, 07:40 AM
Maybe the donkeys are having a hard time getting through the mountains?

rumour has it that there is a some snow at elevation.

January 13th, 2006, 07:53 AM
I've order from NewEgg and ZipZoomFly and personally, I like ZipZoomFly better. Prices are as good and sometimes better than NewEgg but I like the 2 day shipping personally. :D

January 13th, 2006, 08:51 AM
Hey iam not sure if you thought of it but when a delivery comes do you have a person home to pick it up or was it suppossed to come to your work? i heard many stories around x-mas time of pacages being delivered on front porches only to be stolden. Maybe check this out if they show delivery made.
I just purchassed my vidoe card from the right before x-mas i think they ship out of california to fed ex or ups from there i got my card in 2 days. But i made sure i was home on that friday to personally pick it up cause our UPS guy just rings the door bell put stuff on the porch and runs off.

January 13th, 2006, 09:09 AM
I had someone at my house all day, and I know alot of the delivery drivers. The status just froze at billing info received. The person on the phone yesterday was the biggest witch. Of course I was not happy, and was going to voice my opinion a little since I paid extra for shipping. Everytime I said something she just interrupted me and asked if I wanted a refund then. I said will I get my refund today, she states, 7-10 day claim process, I state then it really doesn't matter does it. She responds by saying, "I filed the claim for you, is there anything else?" I said nope and this was a really disappointing phone call, she said thank you and hung up. Hence the starting of this thread.

January 13th, 2006, 09:11 AM
I've order from NewEgg and ZipZoomFly and personally, I like ZipZoomFly better. Prices are as good and sometimes better than NewEgg but I like the 2 day shipping personally. :D

Thanks for the help Goose, I will look at them today.

I will order my new system next month. This means I will prolly need alot of help.:work4

January 13th, 2006, 11:54 AM
At work I deal almost exclusively with newegg.com. I have ordered and put toghter about 50 computers onr the last year and have yet to have an order get scrwewed up. I'm very surprised that you are having these problems.

January 13th, 2006, 12:03 PM
I've never heard anyone have problems w/ newegg...I think you just got very unlucky...I'll bet it doesn't happen again. That is even if you do order from there again. :)

January 13th, 2006, 01:21 PM
Okay okay, I was very miffed at the witch, and do understand the process thing. I just didn't appreciate her attitude towards me about me being upset. If one of my employees ever treated someone with an attitude like that, their life would be living hell if they still had a job. I will prolly try them again due to the fact that my first order from them came two days late, but was fine. My second order from them came fine and on time. My third order was fine and 1 day late ( I am like a kid at christmas when I order stuff), and my last is the one we are talking about. Also remember I live in the middle of nowhere compared to most folks (Montana). Just was venting.
