View Full Version : Calling all boons! Don't skip this one!!

January 12th, 2006, 01:25 PM
Hey everyone...remember a couple of years ago when my wife rode in the MS150...and a few of you donated to the cause? Well it's that time again!!!

(btw...I missed Armageddon II because of her first MS150...)

The MS150 is a massive charity bicycle ride of 180 miles that starts in Houston and ends in Austin to raise money for multiple sclerosis. The National MS Society puts this event on every year and the participants have reached 13,000.

She didn't ride last year because she was pregnant....likely excuse....but she's back in the saddle now!

I need to raise 400 bucks for her....whatever I don't raise...I have to cover..doh!!! So I need some help.

If you would consider donating...you can do so at the following link..Thanks everyone!!!!

The link should say the rider is "Wendy Jaschke".....


January 24th, 2006, 08:00 AM
Dude I found this thread on accident. Not sure how I missed it, (I was probably day dreaming about BF2 or something). Anyway, I shoved some duckies your way. It wasn't much but I hope it helps. I'm just glad it isn't me that has to ride a bicycle 150 miles.

January 24th, 2006, 08:52 AM
WOW, I have to agree with BS, glad it's not me on a bicycle for that far. Good god talk about a sore arse!! I sent a few of those duckies that way as well. Hope it it takes a little of the load off ya.

January 24th, 2006, 08:59 AM
lol, yeah my arse ain't getting on a bicycle for 180 miles......

some might say that I'm not giving anything for this...well I say that I'm giving ALOT!!! try celebacy......can you imagine the 'getting used to the saddle' issues for a girl.....damm I hate when she does this!!! j/k....it's a great cause....lol

thanks guys!

March 15th, 2006, 01:21 PM

I still have about $100 to raise...if anyone cares :)

A sincere thanks goes out to those who have thrown some duckies over! Only about 40 days or so before she hops on the 2-wheeler for a couple of days....doh! No action for me for at least a week.....

Thanks again! (notice my attempt at a nice post....how'd I do?)

March 16th, 2006, 11:44 AM
I'm throwing some in AL. Give me till this afternoon to get back to the house since I'm tied up in training all day.
