View Full Version : For the AMD Lovers....

January 11th, 2006, 02:20 PM
Here ya go pretty nice....


January 11th, 2006, 04:21 PM
Humm.. I understood enough of that to know that I would still rather have an amd, but not that one for around 1000 dollars.. just cant do it.

January 11th, 2006, 07:21 PM
And no Toby, I did not even refer him to that site!

Skits, that's one of the best sites for hardware reviews in my opinion. not just their own, but they link to several reputable hardware review sites. There are some here that think Toms hardware guide is a real review site....It is not! it's actually been a joke of a site around the internet for many years.

Dog, that's the top of the line AMD that I'm pretty sure isn't even out on the shelves yet. Just like Intel releases the Extreme Edition which cost almost $1,100 retail. This amd chip will probably end up costing in the $900's online.

January 11th, 2006, 07:40 PM
Yeah it's pretty good, good amount of info they have. Funny how that is the last chip for the 939 socket and now they are moving to the AM2... With DDR2 support.... cool.....

January 11th, 2006, 08:56 PM
I thought DDR2 was quickly going to passed up for DDR3 because of a memory hole or somethin like that?

January 12th, 2006, 12:11 AM
the M2 socket from AMD is supposed to have support for both DDR2 and DDR3. AMD is not moving to DDR3 right now for several reasons, hardly if any ram manufacturers are able to make it yet, ddr2 is readily availible and coming down in cost, people with intel systems now can use their ram on an amd system (so all they have to buy is board and cpu).

January 12th, 2006, 10:31 AM
newegg has it... $1339. By the time my insurance check comes in the price my be a little better! =P lol! Upgrading a rig I haven't even ordered yet!

January 12th, 2006, 11:58 AM
To me AMD has always been a better choice. You can squabble over size, power consumption, and IPS (Instructions per cycle). But for us the cost to benefit ratio is always higher with AMD. Sure you have to cool it a little more and yes they are a little bigger but damn. A 3 inch processor over a 2 in processor means nothing to me. Power, no problem just buy a slightly larger PSU. Also, Berk Toms hardware is a decent site for reviews. They are ok. They may not be the best and may not be completely bias but they do offer the non tech guru a little insight.

AMD supporter.

P.S. But I sure do know that those Intel guys can p[arty with the best of them. Cause they did. US! Woohoo!
