View Full Version : Bigg's home movies found on the web

January 9th, 2006, 04:28 PM




January 9th, 2006, 04:36 PM

January 9th, 2006, 04:40 PM
DAMN! That was seriously wicked

January 10th, 2006, 07:13 AM
blocked for 'adult' content.. :(

January 10th, 2006, 07:41 AM
bah... Look son frogs can fly. To bad they still can't fight...lol

January 10th, 2006, 08:03 AM
I think the second one is the best. but I did tripped out on shot of him doing a fly by of a fruit stand 10 feet off the ground. I posted the vidios out of order, sorry bout that. I think the last one is actually the first one made. I think if the right people saw those films they would be carreer ending for those guys though.

January 10th, 2006, 08:09 AM
bah... Look son frogs can fly. To bad they still can't fight...lol

lol, yeah the low flying is cool, but we own the sky. We owned the skys with planes originally designed 20 years ago and now we have the Raptor. Thats about like all of us in SU34's trying to gun down Biggs in a J10. It just aint happening...

Just realized that those are French pilots. So let me rephrase my statement, its more like a private on tha ground with a pistol trying to gun down Biggs in a J10.

January 10th, 2006, 10:18 AM
dude. my buddy is in the air force, he gradiated from the AF acdemy last year and just began flight training for the f22. he is in penscola now and then goes somewhere else to finish the training.

i gotta get pics of that jet from him to post for u nubs

January 10th, 2006, 10:24 AM
oh and the f-15 was out in the 70's, same with the f-16 i blieve. f-14 is an oldy but goodie. and the f-18 has been flying since the 80's.

so most of our jets have are over 20 years old although they are upgraded.

the a-10 is by far my favorite jet of all time and i hope it will never be retired

so we are on the verge of all this new fighter technolgy and our only competition...wait i dont think we have to much competition in the field of jets. except my air force buddy said that the only thing he will have to worry about while he is flying his f-22 will be the russian made SA-10.

the sa-10 is supposed to be the most hardcore surface to air missile system ever. he said they call it the "showstopper."

January 10th, 2006, 11:27 AM
so most of our jets have are over 20 years old although they are upgraded.."

I think the only thing thats really be changed on our fighters in the past 20 years is the electronics and guidance systems in the nose.

January 10th, 2006, 12:13 PM
that was sweet good find. it did seem like they replayed a second time just with american music and yeah i think the second one was best i swear part of the song sounded like night rider haha. i loved when he flew over the beach and the person waving lol.

but i thought to my self boy are they flying low alot.

January 10th, 2006, 12:25 PM

Just talked to a co-worker who used to be a mechanic in the airforce. He says the only thing that has been upgraded on the planes were the avionics systems and smaller parts such as hinges, wiring and some cockpit items. The basic design from Lockheadwas never changed.
