View Full Version : "kicked, banned, biotch we pwned ur arse!"

January 4th, 2006, 09:24 PM
onji and i were on the bloody scottish server.

we were playing sharqi pennisula as mec and the "BS" clan guys were camping our chopper spawn and onji and i got killed like 9 times....so we finally get the chance the get up in the air and we camp ther usmc chopper spawn for about 10 minutes...i flew and onji got about 50 kills camping them biotchs...

when u camp lamercs....we will pwn u like katrina pwned the 9th u nubs.

so i say to myself just wait till i get a jet, and i will pwn u nubs

so the next map loads and we are usmc on gulf on oman....i get the f35 and nothing leaves the mec main base. i camped them nubs like a bunch of 8 year old sweat shop workers making me a polo shirt.

so i get to about 28 kills (about 5 minutes into the round) and i see...."KICKING, BANNING LAMERC_BIGGS FOR CHEATING/STATPADDING" so i know i pissed those nubs off like no other.....shortly after i get the boot...onji gets the boot for associating with me and bearing the LAMERC tags...sweet!

lesson: do not camp us cause we will make it our mission in the next 37 rounds to camp the shiot out of ur nub arse...and u will like it cause u aint got shiot on rita either!

January 5th, 2006, 05:49 AM
CrAzy f00l!!

January 5th, 2006, 06:25 AM
lmao....you do realize that this is a video game right?

January 5th, 2006, 07:16 AM
LOL...go get em Biggs, he has like 10 days of "no play frustration" pent up Al, he must get it out...gj B & O!!

January 5th, 2006, 10:08 AM
...gj B & O!!

LOL....it is a stinky job but they can do it! I say our clan does sound like the PWNinist of all clans, and one day I will join us on the fields.:dont
