View Full Version : Two BF2 "Booster Packs" Announced

December 23rd, 2005, 10:32 AM

Battlefield 2 Special Forces an online success
Digital Illusions CE AB (publ) 2005-12-22
Digital Illusions’ expansion pack Battlefield 2 Special Forces was launched in the end of November 2005. This was the first product Electronic Arts sold directly to consumers over the internet.

The test was so successful that the PC game – another expansion pack to Battlefield 2 – planned for launch during spring 2006 now will be changed to booster packs to be sold online.

Every tenth copy of the expansion pack Battlefield 2 Special Forces was over the Internet, and the rest of the copies were sold to retailers. When games are sold online directly to consumers Digital Illusions earns more money per product than if they are sold through retailers.

- We see online sales as a very interesting channel in the future. Digital Illusions work together with EA to find the best solutions that favours both the consumers and retailers, said Patrick Söderlund, CEO of Digital Illusions.

The Battlefield 2 expansion pack planned to be launched during spring 2006 is now replaced by two booster packs. The change means slightly lower project revenues during the fourth quarter 2005 than during the third, due to a lower development budget. The anticipation though is that this will be compensated by higher royalty revenues during the first six month 2006.

The expansion packs in the Battlefield series have new maps, vehicles and weapons. Each Battlefield booster pack will have new but fewer maps, vehicles and weapons. Instead they are sold to a lower price: 9.99 USD. An expansion pack is usually sold at between 19.90 USD and 29.90 USD. Today at least two Battlefield 2 booster packs are planned for spring 2006.

December 23rd, 2005, 10:50 AM
Interesting idea...

not so sure what I think of this "Booster" pack idea though. So for everyone to stay current with the game you will have to buy both Boosters....

December 23rd, 2005, 11:57 AM
God Damn it just release updates to the game you ****ing **** punks and stop charging us for adding an additional map or car. I may have to go back to CS Source with all this ****ing money spending with the damn game. 49+29+9+9+105=Pissed off Andy. Mother ****ers better just support their ****ing game the stupid ass hat smacktard twinkled toe son of a ***** ****ers. God Damn It!

December 23rd, 2005, 12:25 PM
This is the main reason I stick to Source. If you dont get the new and improved super deluxe expansion pack with the kung foo grip you are gonna feel like you are being left behind or missing something. On the other hand if you do get it and your friends don't you cant play along with them.

December 23rd, 2005, 12:36 PM
yeah...but bf2 kicks major ass....best game out there......and i said it from day one.....ea is a bunch a cum recipticles

December 23rd, 2005, 12:41 PM
God Damn it just release updates to the game you ****ing **** punks and stop charging us for adding an additional map or car. I may have to go back to CS Source with all this ****ing money spending with the damn game. 49+29+9+9+105=Pissed off Andy. Mother ****ers better just support their ****ing game the stupid ass hat smacktard twinkled toe son of a ***** ****ers. God Damn It!

lol whatever andy, you know that you, me and the rest of us are gonna be nice little consumer hoe's and do whatever ea says, cause the game rocks lol

December 23rd, 2005, 12:58 PM
LMAO Andy!!!
EA has perfected money making on video games.
Just think at least this is better than SF?!?!
I mean $30 for 4 maps, some ribbons, and a couple new weapons...I will gladly take the $9 here $9 there....you better lube up, because if you want gaming at the best levels, you are going to PAY...MMPORG's have set the bar...no company will make fps, if they can make MMPORG's and make 5x the money!!! It is basic economics..it sucks...but it is the american way...er...Japaneese...er European...er whatever!!

bend..enjoy...have a nice day, just look at Valve...it is/will be the same way...they invented steam, and now all the companies will do, and it is a transport vehicle for EASY buying of games.

December 23rd, 2005, 01:08 PM
Yeah, that reminds me. Is there a way I can make a DVD of the Special Forces expansion. I bought mine online and I like this method. But if I have to reinstall for any reason I'll to spend another few hours downloading it again. Steam cam out with a way you could create your DVD if you bought the online version. Is that out for BF2 yet.

December 23rd, 2005, 01:21 PM
look at all my pretty medals

December 23rd, 2005, 01:26 PM
yeah you should be able to...me and Skitz were discussing this.

Here is the scenario:
Skitz d/l the 1Gig file from work on his craptop.
he goes home, goes into the file in the the ea downloader and pulls the update from the laptop to his computer at home.
If he can do this he should be able to save that file to a dvd.

Now Skitz's question is that it did not ask him for a cd key or anything what keeps anyone from recording it?!?!

December 23rd, 2005, 01:37 PM
Are you asking me. wtf, I don't know. Also Darren, yeah your right I will be the nice little ***** consumer but I can still ***** and complain. It just makes me feel better. Nutria, you're right. But like Biggs said. BF2 is on a level Source will never be. It truely is the best game out. Sells and the amount of servers and players don't lie. BF2 is the best. Also, Onji, I'm chalking this one up like I do my broadband. I told Candace. When the Bellsouth man comes to the house and says that our DSL service is going from 45 a month to 500 a month. You look the S.O.B. right in the eye and tell him , YES SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 23rd, 2005, 01:48 PM
Hey Andy I bought the CD, I'll just bring it monday and you can make a copy of it. Or can he do that?

December 23rd, 2005, 02:12 PM
Like Diesel said above you may be able to burn the file to a DVD so you have it on hand. I downloaded it on the laptop and successfully moved it from it's dwnld location to my pc at home. I will look at this when I get home tonight and let you know.

December 23rd, 2005, 02:26 PM
Hey Andy I bought the CD, I'll just bring it monday and you can make a copy of it. Or can he do that?


December 23rd, 2005, 02:28 PM
Oh Yeah, I might be headed your way Monday Jerry. I'll know more after Christmas. I was going to go Tuesday but I thought I would spend a day pestring the New Orleans crew before I headed up to North Louisiana. Maybe when can meet up and drive over together and hit the Big Easy for some cold ones.

December 23rd, 2005, 07:08 PM
dang Onji that's a bunch of geek-slanted speech for "I'm gonna milk your wallets all the way home" WTF
