View Full Version : Scrim Results

December 8th, 2005, 07:19 PM
It was a hard fought battle with both teams proving to be bad arse.

Final Score:

Round 1:

Round 2:

We made a hard push in round 2 which enable us to get the rear flag and shut them out............drax proved to be a fine commander and all who played were bad arse X, andy, skits, and bs....good job nubs.

December 8th, 2005, 07:36 PM
onji, can u maybe set up something on the bf2 stuff page that has our match results...with round score and points and wins/loses....?

December 8th, 2005, 08:40 PM
gj fellas...I could not make it...dgj!!

December 8th, 2005, 10:45 PM
It sounds like our other half (the BF2 Crew) did us proud. Good job b0yS!

December 9th, 2005, 07:01 AM
It was a fun match. The second round was definatley touch and go but we pulled it out. Good job guys. I know I had a blast representing MERC proud.

LA_MERC (undeafeted in BF2 matches)

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 9th, 2005, 07:11 AM
LOL, undefeated. Nub.

It was pretty cool, I was interested to see how one of those matches went. Next time we are hoping Andy doesn't give up the tank in the first 5 seconds of the match. But we did pull it out, good job guys.

December 9th, 2005, 08:09 AM
LOL, shut up I paniced. I was hit bad. The noise form someone painting me was blarring in my ear. The tank health was in the red. I bailed. He missed. He took the tank. My team chewed my ass out. Sorry guys. Just another point to the fact "There are no aetheists in the fox hole". Also, I had a guy from work who over heard me talking to anohter co-worker about our match who came over watching me the whole time. He still couldn't believe that we were all playing together in real time talking to each other plus the graphics and game physics. I think he's hooked. he was asking me this morning what kind of system he would have to have to run that. He was blown away with all the squad talk and communication we were doing. Good stuff guys. When you think about it IT IS AWESOME! At one point we could have 40 guys on our server all playing the same thing in real time with great real life physics all talking and interacting together. WHen you think about the days of PONG we have came a long way. Damn that was fun.

December 9th, 2005, 09:40 AM
first rule of tanking....always die in your tank!

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 9th, 2005, 09:58 AM
I second that, as I died 2 or 3 times in the tank in the match. Didn't want to pull an Andy.

Here's the scenario, Andy attacked the front flag while we took the LAV to the back flag to cap it. They left their tank to protect the back CP, so we bail out of the LAV to cap the flag. Next thing we know there is 2, count'em 2, tanks at the CP hosing us down. After we took out our tank it respawned way back at our main base unused, but we had the front flag and were working on the second. So I spawned back there to level the playing field and helped attack the tank so it would leave our ground pounders mostly alone.

Again it was a learning experience and we kinda had to wing everything since it was only 5 guys per team. It basically eliminated our 2 squad theory so we had like 1 minute to figure out a new strat right quick. Apparently it worked. Good job to everyone involved can't wait to do it again.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 9th, 2005, 10:01 AM
Oh yeah on the tank thing. My theory is stay in as long as possible b/c the other guy might miss, not likely. But more likely is you can get 2 rounds into him then it will only take 1 ERYX and he is dead. So you are still helping your team, by taking one for the team.

December 9th, 2005, 10:03 AM
...i coin the new term:

"pulling an andy": pulling an andy consists of handing over a friendly vehicle, such as a tank, lav, of jet, to the enemy team by either; getting out of vehicle in mid battle, pressing "E" at the wrong time, or just due to nubness.

December 9th, 2005, 10:10 AM
To quote someone's sig. The point of war is not to die for your country. Its to make the other bastard die for his. I got out and killed 2 guys before they got me. Yes they had the tank but it was very very weak. Next time though I'll go down with the ship. I mean tank. lol. Lessoned learned, we can get off Andy's ass now.

December 9th, 2005, 10:20 AM
I like your Sig Biggs!

Yeah last night was a blast. Started out as Support threw out a bunch of ammo bags died came back as Assault and pretty much had a good supply of nades for the nub tube! :D The first game went pretty quick.

The second game started slow cause of the missing man confusion but as soon as we were able to get a good foothold of the first and second flag it was all down hill. Roles definitely change as things progress either for the good or for the bad. I went from assault to support to anti-tank and back again over and over. I think we did very well given some set-backs and we know who I'm talkin about. :) Comm Chatter: "They got both the tanks!! How the F*#K did they get both of them!!!"

IT's okay though cause we got the Wx2's! Now if we had lost then I am sure Andy would be ridiculed even more!!!

December 9th, 2005, 10:28 AM
...i coin the new term:

"pulling an andy": pulling an andy consists of handing over a friendly vehicle, such as a tank, lav, of jet, to the enemy team by either; getting out of vehicle in mid battle, pressing "E" at the wrong time, or just due to nubness.

lmao, andy remember this? (on bf:v)

...At another point I’m crawling up a hill at Darren. He’s on Foot and I’m in a tank. I win Right. WRONG. As I was seeing double I could not gun him down, he ran around the tank like 4 times taking pot shots at me and jumping around like a damn hot potato. For some reason I thought well I’ll just jump out and shoot him. I jump out, he jumps in. Andy Dies. Doh, Stupid brain.

Taken from: http://www.lamerc.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=14700

damn i want another lan

December 9th, 2005, 11:55 AM
Good one Darren, LOL. Yep, I'm stupid.


December 9th, 2005, 01:55 PM
lol you don't see my purple heart arse ain't jumping out of a perfectly good tank f00! lmao
