View Full Version : question about game

December 8th, 2005, 02:57 PM
ok i wasnt sure if this may have been metioned in an erlier post there where so many to read. I was thinking about picking up this game and giving it a whirl,i looked at the specs and i think i should be able to play it with my athlon 1.8 but what i was worried about is it says must have g-fore FX-550 or higher video card? i am still running my old g-force 4600 will i need to upgrade video cards to be able to play this game?
I looked around and looks like most of the new video cards use the express PCI witch mine mobo doesnt have i dont really whant to have to get into buying a new mobo/chip and card if i can hold off. also i did see the fx-550 and maybe one other card that was little more powerful that usess the old AGP i have but not sure what a good deal is any more been so long sence i did any upgrades other than my my logitec 5.1 surround and audiology 2. when i looked on line it seemed the fx-500 video cards where going for around 6-75 bucks is that a fair and good price??

Thank you for your time.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 8th, 2005, 03:05 PM
I'm pretty sure that your present card is not supported, but you can get a new card that will play the game. I have an ATI 9600XT that runs the game at the medium settings. So you are ok there, I'm not sure about the 1.8 but it may meet the minimum requirements. Also it's best if you have a lot of RAM, I have 1 gig so I'm ok but it runs at the highest levels if you have 2 gigs.

As for that card it doesn't sound bad but I'm not really sure.

December 8th, 2005, 03:06 PM
I'm using a saphire radeon 9600xt AGP. It works fine for bf2.

December 8th, 2005, 03:43 PM
ok great i looked on new egg there where so many diffrent versions out there looked like the 9600 pro's where going for around 86 witch is still in price range.
but when i look at this stuff what should i look for? i see the core clock speed most were 400 but 500 on a few(is 500 better)then i saw memory clock speed again most where 400 but the 9600 i looked at had 600 clock speed good?,i know to look for the direct x9 so its compliant but wasnt sure if i need higher open gl again most where 1.4 where 9600 is a 1.5.
other think threw me off was most of them in the title say they are 128 mb while other advvertise they are 256 mb in the title but when i look at the specs they look to be the same specs but with diffrent 128 vs 256 mb how much does this matter??

last question is if i get this will i be able to play with you guys on the server or do i also need the spec op add on to be compliant with what you guys have??

December 8th, 2005, 03:47 PM
Spec Op is just an add on. You won't be able to play some of the maps (if they loaded the Spec Op maps, that is), but you CAN play the base maps without any problem.

As for the vid card, I really don't know man...sorry

December 12th, 2005, 09:08 AM
ok so i id some searching around on the internet and found a few cards that look nice:

-radeon 9600 pro x8 AGP and 256 mb DDR from (norwood micro) for 129.99
-G-force 6200 OC x8 agp 256mb DDR from (bfg techologies) for 149.99
-all in wonder 2006' edition raddeon 9600 x8 agp 256mb DDR (ati technologies)199.99 but rebates for 80. =119.99

and last g-force 6600 oc x8 agp 256mb ddr (bfg tech) for 179.99 - 30. rebate=149.00
they all looklike they got core clock speeds around 375-400 mhz.

i dont realy need a card to watch tv or any other multi med thing just gaming. i thought the deals with the last 2 with rebates looked good.
but wanted to find out what you guys think( i decied to go over my 100. price range and use this as a x-mas preseant as me and wife decied to buy our own preseants this year to get stuff we like) after last year when she but me 2 small speakers for like 20-40 bucks and i was like you realize i got the big logitec 5.1 souround sound system DOH' .

so if you guys find a better deal online or give me some feed back on these it would be greatly appreciated :) thanks

December 12th, 2005, 09:16 AM
def scratch all the other ones off the list, and stick with the 6600 for that price range imo.

December 12th, 2005, 09:35 AM
sounds good just what i ws hoping to hear, get some feed back on choices.
so the g-force 6600 is the way to go? i can do more web searches to find maybe better price fo that model. the price i had was from comp-usa. pluss i whant to make sure to leave money to actually get battle field 2 and maybe the spec op add on. i am running 512 ram so maybe a few bucks there for another 512 ram, i had a 256 kingstone corsair xms but some how when i put it in the slot after the 512 it dosnt detect it? i should be able to do 256 and 512? or dose it have to be x2 256 and x2 512 rams?

thanks diesel

December 12th, 2005, 11:13 AM
ok did some more reading on new eggs web site sounds like i coul not find a g-force 6600 in the gt version that was agp. and all the reviews sort of sounded like i should definatly get the gt version, but it only comes in 128 mb DDR.
so it looks like the best way to go is the smaller 128 ram but ge the GT model they say they have no problem running bf2 and looks great so do i not really need the 256 ram ddr?

December 12th, 2005, 11:49 AM
I have a 9800 w/ 128mb of RAM I wish at the time of purchase I would have bought the 256 one. Even though I have a faster clock than the 256 one I can tell the difference between the two cards. IMO I'd go with the higher RAM.

December 12th, 2005, 12:50 PM
I have the same card as skits.....ati 9800 pro 128mb.....thanks biggs! works great however I don't have much play time yet :(

December 12th, 2005, 01:42 PM
Don't get SF...it's not worth it, IMHO.

December 12th, 2005, 02:28 PM
What and pass up the bast weapon in the game?!?!?
the uber doober auto nub tuber!!! hax!
Yeah SF needs work but there are 4 really nice maps, just the whole nighttime thing is....weak.

December 24th, 2005, 05:39 PM
ok got my new card installed today from New Egg. i got the XFX 128mb g-force 6600 GT for 148. they had the 256mb one but it was like 210 sure it 60 bucks but i think ill use the money for more system ram. Trying it out now on world of warcraft so far it looks sweet,OMG a big diffrence now i just have to wiat for tomarrow to open my BF2 and jump on. Any you guys going to be on playing on chistmas?

To all of you have a merry christams.

December 24th, 2005, 11:39 PM
ok got my new card installed today from New Egg. i got the XFX 128mb g-force 6600 GT for 148. they had the 256mb one but it was like 210 sure it 60 bucks but i think ill use the money for more system ram. Trying it out now on world of warcraft so far it looks sweet,OMG a big diffrence now i just have to wiat for tomarrow to open my BF2 and jump on. Any you guys going to be on playing on chistmas?

To all of you have a merry christams.

I would like to play if i get the time between family gatherings, but i definitely plan to play Christmas Night...

as a side note... I went to Temp's house today and we loaded up BF2 on his "Beast" machine...needless to say... i am now in the hunt for a new video card that is AGP as well...

current card is a G-force5900xt

Thanx A lot Temp... i was perfectly happy w/ all my polygons and blocks...

Ignorance is BLISS...

Have a good Christmas evry1...

December 25th, 2005, 03:09 PM
wow this game looks beutiful. it was funny wife almost got me i had opened my game box and guese what it was the special forces add-on. i was like hum rember when i told you not to get me the dvd version but regular well i guese i forgot to tell her i needed the origonal copy of BF2. i was bummed thinking i could play untill i got retail copy and sure enough she had second box hidden from me. she says ohhh santa must have left this over here we did not see, i ran over and opened it and sure enough it was the origonal bf2 i was so happy.

Ill see if i can find our clan server and if any one is on. hey do you need to keep making new account names. ill put in daedelus but i would like to now that i have this possibly getting back in La-Merc if that is ok?

December 26th, 2005, 05:54 AM
I don't see why not. And you have the option to add a clan tag to your name now, so you can go with daedelus and add LA_MERC. Someone in the membership committee needs to bring this up... *hint* hint *nudge* nudge

December 26th, 2005, 09:33 PM
hey so do i need to make a seperate post to get back into la_Merc? or can i go ahead and change my account name on BF2

December 27th, 2005, 05:48 AM
Go ahead and pm someone on the membership committee.

December 27th, 2005, 07:26 AM
Yeah Dead you need to have a "sponsor" bring it up, and then we can proceed from there, I am sure we can get it done, but I would suggest you go with a name, and then put the "clan tag" in front of that, That is what everyone would do if we could do it over. Have you tried adding leet letters to your name? Get on Teamspeak and play up!!

December 27th, 2005, 09:24 AM
ok thanks i think the question i had was: is there a clan tag option you can add latter to a name account already made or do you have to make a complete new account like i did last night and just make it all one name like:La_Merc_daedelus

oh i have looked the last 2 nights and never see any one our server? i saved it to my favorites. do guys play on other random servers? ill get the team speak thing rolling so i can talk to all of ya. oh nad ill send out that pm too.

December 27th, 2005, 10:10 AM
I just use LA_MERC_Sabre as my name (like in CS)....I don't know if there is an additional 'clan tag' option.

December 27th, 2005, 10:34 AM
Make your name Daedelus or some variation....then when you rejoin the clan you can add a handle, Biggs or Andy can advise exactly how, that is the way it needs to be done.
