View Full Version : update on tonight

December 4th, 2005, 02:53 AM
ok so i go out with few buddies of mine. so we go to this bar in br, cadillac bar or something. i go home with a 28 year old nurse and she is hot....anyway later on we meet back up with my buddies...we are at cories which is a hamburger plave behind reggies bar in br.....so we go to my buddies house and get his birthday cake which is a 10 inch diameter choc cake and get in his car....we go to cories hamburger where my frined is waiting in line to get his burger and i get out of the car and run up to him with the cake in hand....i smash the cake into his face and pieces go through the windo into the store and hit the clerk....there are like7 people in line with hime)3 hot chicks)_ ann they all laugh....i run back into the truck like it was some covert opps and go home.....omg was it funny as helll.......gesg i am drunkk........just helping u old farts live the college life...bigss.

December 4th, 2005, 07:27 AM

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 4th, 2005, 08:59 AM
LOL! That would have been great to see

December 4th, 2005, 11:49 AM
LMAO, cadillac cafe, i like going in there. Nothing like having older women buy you drinks and hit on you. I usually end up there once a week or so. Ended up at the ol texas club last night, forgot my name, did drunken dancing. Biggs, looks like you typed this message up when you were hammered.

December 4th, 2005, 06:47 PM
Spent last night in Buckhead, GA after watching some retards with LSU jerseys run around the field. We to a few different places. One was called Mako's which was pretty damn fun.

December 5th, 2005, 03:10 PM
That would have been freakin sweet to see......my wife is going to be pissed on her birthday!:devil

December 6th, 2005, 07:45 AM
Sweet Brent. It's friends like that that make the world go round. I haven't had a cake smashed in my face in years, Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyy!
