View Full Version : Suggestion/Question?

November 19th, 2005, 08:12 AM
Aight, I know Im not here as often as I used to be, but I was playing 1.6 yesterday and something dawned on me. Ultimately the LA_MERC going to source was not as big a success as expected(Source in general doesnt seem to have been). Was curious if there was a possibility for yall to put the server BACK to 1.6? Anyone who played here knows that this was undeniably one of the best places to play, was just seeing if there was a chance.


November 19th, 2005, 09:25 AM
I know we don't have the traffic like we used to in 1.6, but we do have regulars in Source. We almost always have one of the FA guys on during the night. Once a few people join we have a steady group of 6 or so. I just rather Source over all with the graphics, I don't care that it is easy to kill people now compared to Source either.

November 19th, 2005, 10:16 AM
If I can get out of Left Handed I would play 1.6.

November 19th, 2005, 12:55 PM
drop console and type cl_righthand 1 or cl_righthand 0

I think cl_righthand 0 is to make it left handed and cl_righthand 1 makes it right handed

November 19th, 2005, 02:16 PM
I have tried everything. None of it works. I heard I had to change it in the config file itself.

November 19th, 2005, 03:36 PM
Aight, I know Im not here as often as I used to be, but I was playing 1.6 yesterday and something dawned on me. Ultimately the LA_MERC going to source was not as big a success as expected(Source in general doesnt seem to have been). Was curious if there was a possibility for yall to put the server BACK to 1.6? Anyone who played here knows that this was undeniably one of the best places to play, was just seeing if there was a chance.


Well , I do miss the 1.6 days a lot.. I dont know why, but the source server just dosent have the same feel. I think the voice comunications is not a strong or clear in source as it was in 1.6, and the interaction between players is not there like it was in 1.6

However, our 1.6 server went to almost no activity for several months before we took it down. So even if we did have a 1.6 server again I dont know that it would ever be the server that it was a couple of years ago.

November 19th, 2005, 03:47 PM
I would play EITHER if anyone was ever on :(

November 19th, 2005, 10:54 PM
Like I said, reason I suggested this was I've found that for a while 1.6 servers did drop off, FA experienced this as well, but I think it was due to people giving source a "shot", and 1.6 has picked back up alot. I have been playing regularly on a server that has a constant community keeping server almost always full. Has a good "family" atmosphere, much like the Merc server between 1.3-1.5(didnt play much on it after 1.5).

November 20th, 2005, 11:00 PM
I play on the lag 1.6 alot it stays full most of the time

November 21st, 2005, 11:16 AM
CD. A lot of Mercs play BF2. To me we get into tht esame situation we use to have with 1.6. Just the other night we had almost 10 players from MERC on the same server all working together and having fun. To me reminded me of the 1.6 days. It's just that now with my machine being able to play in high rez mode the graphics, realism, physics for BF2 are so far advanced than 1.6 or even source that I can't go back. BF2 is the game I'll play whether we had a 1.6 server or not. You should give it a try. We're always on team speak and if the server allows it we have VOIP in each squad. To me its so much more fun to hovering off in the distant in a chopper and see 2 or 3 bad guys run out into the open and fire a slew of missles at them and watch them go flying. I even enjoy just watching Brent come in on a straffing run in an F-15 on a zodiac boat and watch the bullet trace across the water and chew up the crew of the boat. Or watching Diesel run into a camp with an M1A1 tank and mow down 3 or 4 unsuspecting people. The list is endless but ultimately as expected new games came out and finally took over. I love 1.6 and Source but times have advnaced and are better and BF2 is where I'll be.

November 21st, 2005, 11:33 AM
Andy, some of us don't have the time...or the will to learn a new game. With everything you guys talk about on the forums it seems like there is so much to learn about BF2.

November 21st, 2005, 11:39 AM
i used to love 1.6 till i got the new machine and started playing source. now when i got back to 1.6, i now realized how outdated the graphics were, haha. i cant seem to hit crap anymore when i play 1.6. source spoils you bad.

November 21st, 2005, 11:41 AM
Not true. It is ultimately just a FPS. You run and shoot. Now it can get a lot more compicated with taking CP's flying or driving vehicles but for new people like Wyrmfood if you squad up (which is great becuase when you die you can spawn right back onto who your squad leader is) you can be guided around and learn everyhting very quickly. To me that is the appeal to BF2. 1.6 and source you just go and kill and the small maps get mondaine (spelling) real quick. BF2 maps are huge with tons of people vehicles control points and you have a multitude of kits to be. (medic, engineer, anti-tank, spec ops, assualt, and SNIPER (a personal favorite)), each with different guns and kits. The diversity is what gives it its flavor. You have an engineering degree so I'm absolutely positive you would grasp it in no time. New things are fun to learn and believe me if you ever get a computer with the ability to run BF2 it will consume you far worse than 1.6 ever did. I have an addiction to BF2 like I never had with 1.6 or Source. It is very very very very very fun to play.

November 21st, 2005, 01:06 PM
Yeah it is not hard to play, but unlike 1.6 and Source, everyone can be a key component to a team win, one person can dominate in CS and get his awp and that is it...you die and just sit for 5 minutes while the round ends, not in BF2 you can have all the air power in the world and it doesn't mean crap if you do not have the guys on the ground to cap the flags.
I think by hard to learn, you mean the choppers and aircraft, but that is just another aspect of the game the essentials are still running around shooting at people, but in this game you can not hop around a corner and shoot the awp accurately, the guns add realizm, not mouse reflex time.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
November 21st, 2005, 02:31 PM
There is still a lot of ground pounding do be done, and everyone can get in a tank or APC and drive around and get some kills. Mastering it takes some time but I picked up on it very quickly just by watching others and asking questions. Sure the airplanes and helicopters take more time, but some planes have a second seat so you can ride along and the attack chopper also has a gunners chair which is tons of fun. The keyboard layout is the same as CS and it has a interface to bind keys right in the setup of the game. Not much to change really, but I would suggest rebinding your parachute to something other than "9." Way too long of a reach so I have mine set to my 4th mouse button, trust me you'll use it more then you think. Even if you don't get in planes or choppers much it's nice to jump off a cliff to a CP and not die. ;)

November 21st, 2005, 05:27 PM
I play source just about every night. the servers I go to are constantly full. 3 of them are 20 person servers, and one of them is a 56 person server that I usually have to wait in line for 10-20 minutes to join. CD, I think you may be looking at the wrong servers in source.

I'm just glad CS doesn't try to be realistic. afterall, it's just a game meant to be played for fun, not some reinactment of a real life terrorist cell taking on a group of counter terrorist.

November 28th, 2005, 01:10 AM
What all would I have to get to play BF2? Expansions and what not?

Also requirements?

I'm runnins 2.8 ghz
gig of ram
and just ordered a new video card, it's 256 mb, but it's PCI o.O

November 28th, 2005, 05:56 AM
What all would I have to get to play BF2? Expansions and what not?

Also requirements?

I'm runnins 2.8 ghz
gig of ram
and just ordered a new video card, it's 256 mb, but it's PCI o.O

Sounds like you got enough to run it to me... Im not running BF2, but I have run Doom3, HL2, Serious Sam, and F.E.A.R on my machine without any problem.

AMD 2.7 barton core.
128 Nvidia 6800
1.0 gig of ram
MSI mobo with 400 mhz Frontside bus.
SATA PCI SCSI card with 160 gb SATA hard drive. " MOBO came with IDE only"

Unless your wanting to max out settings, what you have should do fine I think.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
November 28th, 2005, 07:14 AM
What is the chipset on the video card ryan? 256 sounds good but the chipset makes a difference. I run a 2800 Barton, 1 gig RAM, and an ATI 9600XT 128 at the middle settings for BF2.

November 28th, 2005, 09:32 AM
What all would I have to get to play BF2? Expansions and what not?

Also requirements?

I'm runnins 2.8 ghz
gig of ram
and just ordered a new video card, it's 256 mb, but it's PCI o.O


November 28th, 2005, 11:57 AM
Aight good stuff, I ran the test, and passed everything but the video card(and barely on that one). So I'll add BF2 to my X-mas list.

November 28th, 2005, 07:39 PM
Me chants/ bring back 1.6 server! I miss the good ol days :(

Source is alright, I haven't gotten used to it. But I'll tell you, I've been away from CS for about 6 months now, and coming back...I do still love 1.6.

November 29th, 2005, 01:02 PM
Me chants/ bring back 1.6 server! I miss the good ol days :(

Source is alright, I haven't gotten used to it. But I'll tell you, I've been away from CS for about 6 months now, and coming back...I do still love 1.6.

Mike, hit me up on aim you can come play on the server I play on until Merc meets our demands! :D

Oh yeah... if your skill wise anything like you were, you wont last long before they ban you I bet.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
November 29th, 2005, 03:33 PM
Oh yeah... if your skill wise anything like you were, you wont last long before they ban you I bet.

Here's a thought Ryan, stop playing on nub servers.

Then get BF2 so we can nub a new servers every night. Some or all of us get banned pretty much every night. Good thing is you can usually get back in when the map changes.

November 29th, 2005, 04:15 PM
Mike, hit me up on aim you can come play on the server I play on until Merc meets our demands! :D

Oh yeah... if your skill wise anything like you were, you wont last long before they ban you I bet.

Here is a thought........come into CS:Source on La_Merc's server and try to pwn us. See if y'all can and force us to surrender to your demands. :stick

November 29th, 2005, 05:16 PM
Here's a thought Ryan, stop playing on nub servers.

Then get BF2 so we can nub a new servers every night. Some or all of us get banned pretty much every night. Good thing is you can usually get back in when the map changes.

I play where I play for the community. It' fun.

And everytime I look it's like 4 people max in the Source server. Plus I recently found out I hate source.
