View Full Version : Trained Professional...Don't try at home!!

November 10th, 2005, 11:26 AM

So I'm on my way to coach my hockey team (7,8,9 yr olds) at the local ice rink when Wendy (my wife) calls me on the cell. I'm about to get on the interstate so I'm slightly irritated that I have to answer the phone while trying to merge onto I-10 in Houston traffic......I say "hello" and she says "hey"....at this point I can tell already that there is something wrong in her voice. She never just says "hey". So I'm getting ready for abuse by way of cell phone when she tells me something completely unexpected. She says "I just heard a buzzing sound and the lights flickered a bit". So i'm thinking that the air conditioner just fried on me which is not totally unexpected since it is getting old. I was just about to ask her if the A/C is still running and just then she tells me "I smell burnt rubber". OK....now I'm getting concerned...why would she smell burnt rubber inside the house if the A/C unit is outside??? hmmmm... I tell her to try to locate the source of the smell...she walks into the kids playroom and the light doesn't work...peculiar...the smell seems to be strong in that same room. So she gets a flash light (the kids barbie flash light because all of our regular ones have dead batteries) and she tells me that there is smoke coming out of the light fixture on the ceiling....doh! I tell her to hang up and call 9-1-1 now! She's like "are you serious? Maybe it's nothing"....I'm like...what! you smell burning rubber and you see smoke????....so she hung up and called 9-1-1. Apparently, the operator for 9-1-1 was not very personable and ended up hanging up on Wendy mid-conversation....Wendy being stubborn wouldn't call back because she was offended.
So I get home and she tells me about the incompetance of the 9-1-1 lady...but apparently she did get the address in their short conversation because the firetruck showed up 10 minutes later.

First thing I do is shut the breaker off going to that part of the house, and climb in the attic to see if there is any fire up there....no fire...I go into the play room and I can still smell the burning rubber (that smell doesn't go away quickly). I get the barbie flashlight (now I'm feeling like a real man) and notice that there is black soot all over the light fixture. So I take the bulbs out and find that the wires leading into the fixture were completely burned up. No connection exists between the wires and the fixture...can anyone guess what the problem was????

yup...100W bulbs in a 60W fixture...

We were really lucky this time, that nothing more serious happened....God was looking out for us...

moral of the story...don't be like me and ignore the rating of such equipment...being an engineer, my initial thoughts are/were...these things have safety factors, I don't need to worry about a 100W bulb....WRONG!!!!

play safe!

November 10th, 2005, 11:36 AM
Well, Al, Buddy. Thanks for the update, BUT I do run high wattage bulbs through low rated fixtures. The reason is I like light (unlike Robyn) and I usulayy check the guage wire inthe fixture. If not adequate I rewire. This is typically a safe bet becuase manufacturers use semi rated material. Some of the fixtures I have I got from our old company at very reduced rates if not free (Thomas Genlyte) They all needed rewiring. Next time check, your an engineer so there's no excuse. Kirchoff's law and Ohm's law are all you need to know. I bet you don't even own an Ohm meter do you. I guess I know what I'm getting you for christmas along with some 60 watt bulbs. Everyone send Al a 60 watt bulb.

November 10th, 2005, 12:50 PM
LMAO I don't know what's funnier, Takign Andy's rewiring stement seriously or sending Al a 60 Watt bulb!

November 10th, 2005, 01:03 PM
I usulayy check the guage wire inthe fixture. If not adequate I rewire.

Well Andy my bud.....I generally don't have the spare time to go around and check all the light fixtures in my house for wire gauge sizes....lol.

I'll just stick with the suggested ratings from now on...after all, I'm a ME not an EE, like some of us 'pretend' to be...hehehe

November 10th, 2005, 01:04 PM
I'll chip in to help cover the cost of those really expensive 60 watt bulbs. :D

November 10th, 2005, 01:11 PM
hehe, me too. We need an address to send this stuff to. CostCo is right down the road, and I just checked...bulbs are on sale this week!

November 10th, 2005, 01:30 PM
LMAO everyone send Al one bulb every week, he will have a pantry full of those biznatches...:lol:

November 10th, 2005, 01:45 PM
I'm not exactly sure that I trust Andy and his "wiring" jobs

One of Andy's wiring jobs from the first lan. We did have power but you could almost feel the "juice" surging through your leg if you stood on one of those romex lines. Only good thing is that the water stayed in the closet with the breakers.. lol

November 10th, 2005, 02:10 PM
lmao...but remember, he's a "professional"... Professional what? ...we have no clue.

November 10th, 2005, 03:10 PM
I get the barbie flashlight (now I'm feeling like a real man)

Whatever it takes to build your ego.. :stick

|Team Moped| Kripto
November 11th, 2005, 10:57 AM
I'm not exactly sure that I trust Andy and his "wiring" jobs

One of Andy's wiring jobs from the first lan. We did have power but you could almost feel the "juice" surging through your leg if you stood on one of those romex lines. Only good thing is that the water stayed in the closet with the breakers.. lol

Are all the wires supposed to be black?

November 11th, 2005, 12:07 PM
LMFAO, can't breathe.............Toby where did you find that pic. I had forgotten about that. You have to give me credit. It took some balls to stand in WATER at a 600 three phase main and rewire every breaker to a romex line out to the convention hall. LOL. Also, Kripto that's a good observation. All the wires are wraped in NON-CONDUCTIVE electrical tape becuase I could feel my teeth tingle while I worked on that. These were 3 wire lines where you have a black, gold, and white. Good observation though. Also, AL you would have time to do things like that if you'd stop making babies. How many kids do you have now, 16. Careful with that thing son, you gonna poke an eye out.

November 11th, 2005, 02:41 PM
I used to wire 3-phase (480V) for center pivot irrigation systems, and pump houses, and I leave it to pros for electrical crap. Don't get me wrong though, I am always game for a good scab job.

BTW.....I never check for ratings. I always thought them to be overrated.

November 12th, 2005, 08:31 AM
for the most part they are just the fixture said 60 watts and AL used the Canadian exchange rate which is .6 so 100 watts U.S. = 60 watts Canadian, LOL....Owned. Get some lover, I'm feeling frisque today, wooohoooooo!!!!!

November 12th, 2005, 08:58 AM
LAMO Want some ham with that? Er I mean Canadian bacon? rofl

November 12th, 2005, 01:58 PM
Why do I feel like I need to cover my privates at this moment ?

November 14th, 2005, 12:06 PM
I don't know....................maybe becuase uhmm.................you know me.
