View Full Version : FEMA Offers Assistance to Non-English Speaking Alabamians

November 2nd, 2005, 01:46 PM
Am I the only one that thinks theres something wrong with this?

Chucka Chucka Chucka (http://www.fema.gov/news/newsrelease.fema?id=20230)

I thought the only two languages spoken in Alabama were English and redneck. I speak both fluently.

November 2nd, 2005, 03:10 PM
I thought Bubba's family from Bayou LaBatre? I guess these are the people manning those fleets of Jenny's.

November 2nd, 2005, 09:12 PM
I am sorry, and I am sure to offend someone here saying this, BUT when in Rome do as the Romans. We have a national language for a reason, and I do not think catering to other languages is the best way to preserve the American way of life.
Variations are alright though; Ebonics, Bubbajoebonics, Hillbillybonics, Redneckonics, Oh yeah how about 1337 5p34/<.


November 3rd, 2005, 09:08 AM
Thats my point exactly rook. This is America. We speak english or something pretty close to it. Now I’m not saying that people from other countries now living here should discard their original language, but at least learn ours. If you notice a lot of businesses in the U.S have an option on the phone recording for english or spanish. They are here illegally taking work from citizens.

It kind of ticks me off to see Mexicans jump the boarder after a hurricane and make their way to my area to gobble up all the work. Employers will hire fence jumpers and pay them minimum wage and not take out taxes. That leaves a lot of people in a hurricane affected area out of a job.

This was a sensitive subject with me prior to the hurricane, but its what happened after the hurricane that almost sent me into a mexican slaughtering machine. (And yes this should be in Uncle Andy’s Story time section)

I had just bought my brand new motorcycle a few weeks ago. This thing is an absolute monster (see stock photo below, minus that tag bracket. No use for that thing).
The Charcole and Black one (http://www.suzukicycles.com/Products/GSXR1000K6/Default.aspx)

I had the bike a few weeks. Me and my buddy, who is also on his brand new bike which is exactly like mine but red, are driving through town. We are in a parking lot behind a full size Chevy truck waiting to get onto the Hwy. All of the sudden this jackass backs up and hits my front tire. It almost knocked me off the bike. The guy then puts the truck in drive and tries to drive off. So We run him down a couple of hundred yards away in the drive through of Wendy’s. I drive the bike in front of the truck and block him (hind sight tells me that was not really smart) anyway I came out of my helmet and started toward the truck ready to kill. Out of the truck pops a little mexican guy. Sam’s over there checking on my bike while all of this is going on. I tell the guy that he has no idea how deep the @#$% is that he just stepped in. First thing he does is shrug his shoulders and say “ no speak english”. I tell him that he better figure it out real quick because I am the Police in this very city and his ass just ran into my most prized possession. He still looks at me like I’m crazy. I say look dude, I’m just before snatching up your 80 pound ass and snapping you like a towel or if your lucky you’ll just go to jail with an ass whoopin. He then says yes he does speak english. I’m pissed and trying to go through the routine of give me your license and all that crap. His girlfriend is sitting in the passenger seat just ah smiling. I look at her and say “Your ass don’t speak a word of english and you have no idea that I’m going to kill you and your boyfriend do you?” she just kept looking at me smiling. Sam tells me that the bike is fine and it didn’t even scratch it. The little mexican tells me that the bike is fine and there is no problem. I tell him that unsolved murders happen in this country all the time. Well Sam has been laughing at me since I pulled off my helmet so that helped calm me down a little bit. Finally a marked unit pulled up and the mexican was very glad to see him, so he thought at first. In the end I decided not to turn the little man into chum bait. I told him to get back in his truck and get the hell out of town and to make sure his ass got a booster seat if he was going to keep driving. Two days later he was arrested for D.U.I. Told his ass to leave.

November 3rd, 2005, 09:58 AM

Unsolved murders Everyday!!!!

November 3rd, 2005, 10:25 AM
heheh... go get 'em BS!!!
