View Full Version : Spark!

November 1st, 2005, 01:05 PM
were you been man you guys get net yet? you boons need to tell your isp to get off there buts and get your net back up!

November 1st, 2005, 01:53 PM
lol! I gota have a fully fuctional house to get dsl hooked up in! Sean is back up and runing, but he's haveing some REALLY bad life issues right now. My schedule is pretty tight. I have 2 houses to renovate in the next 30 days now. Not an easy task. I hope to have the house I am moving to ready for business by Dec.1st. Hopefully I can get bellsouth or cox in the door sometime before then to get me hooked up. I'm still playing some FFXI. I just have to play during the day while I'm at work. Level some of you sub jobs man and wait on your main for a month. I'm still 41 so I need time to catch up after I get connected!

November 1st, 2005, 05:22 PM
Cox? Why would you utter that word?

November 2nd, 2005, 11:41 AM
kk got my dark to 48 so ill prolly just take it to 50 and hang there until you get back on....i need to level up my thief so ill prolly just start that up or level my wm so i can get a money maker for tellies. :)
