View Full Version : Reporting in from Houston, TX

October 30th, 2005, 03:36 PM
Sup guys. I just got to Houston today and will be here till friday for training and this piece of crap laptop they gave me from work blows and it definetly wont handle cs or bf2. i should hopefully be back on some bf2 next weekend. i had fun the other night as andy's gunner in the heli. but i found out i can only hit crap if andy is rotating out of control...which is most of the time. any other time he'd try to line shots up for me i couldnt hit anything, haha.

lata guys,

October 30th, 2005, 06:28 PM
Definately was fun temp. We'll bust'em up good next time too. Get back soon. While your gone I'll practice the barrel rolls in the helo, cause thats the only way you can kill the enemy. Hovering you miss but theeradic flips you blast'em, lol, Good times.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
October 30th, 2005, 07:24 PM
Funny stuff. I can usually only hit people gunning in the Cobra/China heli when my driver is moving crazy too Temp. In the MEC it's just point at that side of the map and you kill everyone, takes more luck or skill in the other choppers. My son is finally done football so should be able to get some more play time in. They were 7-0-1 and the league champs. Just you guys need to get on a little earlier, I usually have to go to bed around 9:30 EST. Which is about the time most of you get on.

October 30th, 2005, 10:23 PM
Where are you at in Houston Temp?

October 30th, 2005, 10:36 PM
i'm at the comfort inn right next to the greenspoint mall.

October 31st, 2005, 04:55 AM
You there for work training? New job or something?

Hey, be careful of the friggin traffic from 6:30am-10am on the interstates and highways in Houston!! Good Gawd, Houstonians are crazy at that time of the morning ... complete idiots on the road ... traffic congestion, road construction ... hell, I think they have been working on 52 for the past 20 years!!!!

Take care, and be safe, Temp. Remember what they say ... "everything is bigger in Texas" {except the paychecks}. heheh


October 31st, 2005, 07:43 AM
i'm at the same job, we just got some new software and they sent me to learn how to use parts of it. my hotel is half a mile from the place i'm training and the people that are training me are picking me up on their way to work, so its not too bad.

but the cab ride from the airport was an experience. i've never rode in a cab before. those guys could drive nascar, haha. took forever to ride 8 miles due to all the construction.

well, time to get to work.

October 31st, 2005, 10:53 AM
have some fun in h-town then get ur sorry can back to bf!
