View Full Version : Some pics of Lakeview [post katrina]

October 29th, 2005, 07:14 PM
1: pic og ponchatrain blvd: the trash pile is really high as u can tell by the truck next to it.

2: random house in lakeview. that one had only like 5.5ft of water. that street must of been higher cause that area did suprisingly well for its location

3: the pic with the crane. the crane is on the make shift levee on the 17th st. canal. the empty space between the 2 houses is the remains of my buddies house. the debris of his house is down the street and the concrete piece of the levee is in his front yard.

4: another pic of my buddies house's slab. but u can see the water seeping from the levee still

5:random pic of a street in lakeview. u can see a boat by the telephone poll and the cars have already begun to "lose there wheels."

i got a lot more pics but they came out like crap and all dark. i do have some st. benard pics.....my dad's buddy's house has a 45' shrimp boat in his backyard....a very wierd pic.

October 30th, 2005, 12:43 AM
That is some crazy sheite. Who pays to remove the shrimpin' boat? If it was here they would just make it a flower planter of some sort. Hope all is going okay for everyone.

October 30th, 2005, 02:39 AM
My brother is working in the exxon-mobil plant in chalmette tryin to get it back online. They might be moving on to the murphy oil plant, but i've heard its in 100 times worse shape. Anyways, he's been telling about the marsh around chalmette, theres about 500 boats spread across it, from simple ski boats to tankers, in any and all positions. Plus the mud across the area is thick and the smell is horrrible.

October 30th, 2005, 05:05 AM
Goodness...that's just amazing.

October 30th, 2005, 06:27 AM
Yup, NOLA is pretty funked up. Now imagine block after block for miles on end like that. Now imagine pockets of people returnign to live and demanding phone service... ae carumba!

October 30th, 2005, 07:11 AM
Damn....it is sjust hard to believe all the damage. Hurricane Hugo was a wimpy storm compared to this. NOLA will be rebuilt and I am sure it will be better than it was before.

October 30th, 2005, 12:18 PM
That is why I am here at my desk, on a Sunday :(
It was massive, I really do not think the New Orleans metro area will "return"
as it once was, It is just unthinkable, when you see the devistation first hand. It is real easy to just say "it will", how?...it will never be the same...in my opinion, in alot of cases that is a good thing, as there was a lot of areas that needed improvement.

October 31st, 2005, 10:24 AM
If you look on Bigg's second picture, you'll see an orange "X" with markings in each space. Not sure if everyone knows what that is, but its search and rescue results. Each space in the X represents something. How many found dead, hazardous materials, structure stability, and ummmm something else that wasnt really important. Sometimes you will see it painted on the start of the street. That usually means that all the houses are of the same nature. If you see them on houses, theres usually something wrong or someone was found in the house. I forget what the chart is called. It was started in Florida after Andrew I think. Pretty neat system for keeping track on neighborhoods. That way the same house doesnt get checked by 10 different search and rescue guys.

October 31st, 2005, 10:34 AM
Yeah, but what til you see what the friggin SPCA guys did. They marked X's for pets. But instead of using nice wash-away telecom orange paint, they used gloss black on brick walls. I'm sure people are please with that. Oh loo, the house got minimal damage. Now we have to sand blast the firrgin bricks clean.

And sometimes SPCA wrote paragraphs... "two dogs, one cat, took pup" "orange cat under house, left feed 10/05/05"

The funniest one was "one cat found dead, rest well sweet kitty" LMAO

October 31st, 2005, 10:35 AM
BTW I went around yesterday with another engineer here and we took 81 oucs of various places around town. When I get the pics from him, I'mm post them on shutterfly or one of those and share with y'all.

October 31st, 2005, 11:37 AM
yeah I would be ticked off to come home and see " We searched this house and didnt find anything but it looks like the water got up to about 3 feet in the house" painted on the side of the house and around the front, and around the back lol.
